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paved with good intentionsAuthor(s): C. S. Lewis
Publisher: HarperOne
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

Temptation and Deception Made Easy

The demon Wormwood first became famous through his correspondence with his uncle Screwtape, published in The Screwtape Letters. We are now privileged to peruse his field notebook from that demonic training session, complete with scribbles, notes, and excerpts from his uncle’s letters. Wormwood’s instructions, mission statements, and maxims for special occasions create a “best of Screwtape” that offers witty and cutting strategies for how best to corrupt a brand new Christian and steal him from the “Enemy” — God.

If the best defense is to know your opponent’s game book, this is a must read for all those who want to retain their souls.

pursuit of gloryAuthor(s): Jeffrey D. Johnson
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Author Jeffrey Johnson begins The Pursuit of Glory with this observation: “You and I are looking for something. Though we may not know exactly what it is, we continue to search for it. What is it? It is glory.” Explaining this pursuit as part of our human condition, the author considers the ways we try to fill that empty place in our hearts through happiness, purpose, freedom, companionship, truth, peace, holiness, and life. He shows us, from Scripture and personal experiences, why and how we will ultimately find satisfaction when our search leads us to the glory of God. Each chapter includes questions for further thought, making this an engaging and useful book both for individuals and groups.


“Author Jeffrey Johnson concludes in The Pursuit of Glory that we are all searching for something. He is right. Every person who has ever lived is on a journey to find something of meaning and value in life. What are you pursuing—happiness, freedom, companionship, truth? The key to this search, as you will read in this book, is much more than ‘what’ you are looking for. Actually, the ‘Who’ of your search is all important. If you are honestly searching for the meaning and value of life as it is truly to be lived, read this volume from cover to cover. It will point you to finding glory in knowing Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who will give you purpose for your life now and hope for eternal life to come.”
—Lance Quinn, senior pastor, Bethany Church, Thousand Oaks, California

“Jeffrey Johnson has provided a marvelously helpful little book that focuses on the real heart issues of life. This is an excellent book to give to both unbelievers and believers. As I read, I easily saw how this book could be used in evangelism as well as in basic counseling situations. It is well written, straightforward, pastorally wise, and full of Scripture. This book is a wonderfully useful tool in helping us get to the issues that drive our hearts and to see the all-satisfying Christ as the ultimate goal of all our pursuits. May the Lord use it to bring many to Himself and strengthen many of His children in a closer walk with Him.”
—Brian Borgman, author of Feelings and Faith

“The Pursuit of Glory is must reading for every Christian. In it Jeffrey Johnson conveys major aspects of Christian living as they relate to glory. His topic is unusual, as it is often thought that only God has glory. Read with faith and know you too may pursue glory—for God is glory!”
—Jay Adams, author of Competent to Counsel

“What does your heart yearn for? What do the hearts of those you work with, live with, and serve yearn for? Jeff Johnson’s Pursuit of Glory shines a spotlight on common desires that bubble up in all of us and often spill over, making a mess in our lives and in the lives of those we care about. He shows how the pursuit of glory, happiness, purpose, freedom, companionship, truth, peace, holiness, and life are created in us but can be satisfied only in Christ. Johnson illustrates our flawed ambitions to satisfy each of these desires from his rich background of life and ministry experiences. He presents these so that any of us can become more keenly aware of our own hearts. But I see richness here too for caring brothers and sisters who want to help others realign their hearts and lives with God’s freeing grace after suffering from the world’s, the flesh’s, or the devil’s seductive prescriptions.”
—Rick Horne, author of Get Offa My Case, Godly Parenting of an Angry Teen, and Get Outta My Face! How to Reach Angry, Unmotivated Teens with Biblical Counsel

facing a task unfinishedAuthor(s): Roger Carswell
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
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Evangelist Roger Carswell has a burden to reach the lost with the good news of the gospel. He is also deeply concerned that Christians should have a love for those without Jesus. In this carefully crafted devotional journal of 52 readings, he has brought together a selection of Bible passages, prayers and hymns designed to help us all cultivate a soul winner’s passion.

Author(s): Octavius Winslow
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Excerpts from Morning Thoughts:

“The man who lives with God in little matters, who walks with God in the details of his life, is the man who becomes the best acquainted with God—with His character, His faithfulness, His love.”

“Believing prayer is prevailing, successful prayer. It assails the kingdom of heaven with holy violence, and carries it as by a storm. It believes that God has both the heart and the arm, both love that moves Him and the power that enables Him, to do all and to grant all that His pleading child requests of Him.”

Octavius Winslow (1808–1878) was born in London, England, and raised in New York. He was ordained as a pastor in 1833 and held pastorates in New York, Leamington Spa, Bath, and Brighton. A prolific author, his devotional writings exhibit his Reformed, experiential convictions and distinctive, warm, ardent style.

“The selections are deep, heart-warming, and inspirational—just what is needed to promote a Christ-centered beginning to each day. This daily devotional engages the heart as it transforms the will and sure-footedly guides us in the good fight of faith on the way to glory.” — Joel R. Beeke

30 days taming financesAuthor(s): Deborah Smith Pegues
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Deborah Smith Pegues, author of the popular 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue (over 500,000 copies sold), now offers friendly, doable money management strategies in 30 Days to Taming Your Finances.

Giving readers the benefit of her many years’ experience as a public accountant and certified behavioral consultant, Deborah sheds light on the emotional and practical side of putting finances in order. The wealth of information readers will gather includes how to

forget past financial mistakes and start fresh
stop emotional spending and still be content
fund future objectives with confidence
Each day’s offering will inspire and motivate readers to savor the freedom that comes with organizing, valuing, and sharing their resources wisely.

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