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if god is goodAuthor(s): Randy Alcorn
Publisher: Multnomah
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

Every one of us will experience suffering. Many of us are experiencing it now. As we have seen in recent years, evil is real in our world, present and close to each one of us.

In such difficult times, suffering and evil beg questions about God–Why would an all-good and all-powerful God create a world full of evil and suffering? And then, how can there be a God if suffering and evil exist?

These are ancient questions, but also modern ones as well. Atheists such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and even former believers like Bart Ehrman answer the question simply: The existence of suffering and evil proves there is no God.

In this captivating new book, best-selling author Randy Alcorn challenges the logic of disbelief, and brings a fresh, realistic, and thoroughly biblical insight to the issues these important questions raise.

Alcorn offers insights from his conversations with men and women whose lives have been torn apart by suffering, and yet whose faith in God burns brighter than ever. He reveals the big picture of who God is and what God is doing in the world–now and forever. And he equips you to share your faith more clearly and genuinely in this world of pain and fear.

“As he did in his best-selling book, Heaven, Randy Alcorn delves deep into a profound subject, and through compelling stories, provocative questions and answers, and keen biblical understanding, he brings assurance and hope to all.”
-Publishers Weekly

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Kregel: God’s Man by Don M. Aycock  vs. Playing Hurt by Brian Goins
Crossway: Lloyd-Jones on the Christian Life by Jason C. Meyer vs. The Christ-Centered Preaching of Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Classic Sermons for the Church Today by Martyn Lloyd-Jones
New Leaf: Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World by Ken Ham & Steve Ham vs. Already Gone by Ken Ham & Britt Beemer
Intervarsity Press: Disunity in Christ: Uncovering the Hidden Forces that Keep Us Apart by Christena Cleveland vs. The Path Between Us: An Enneagram Journey to Healthy Relationships by Suzanne Stabile
Christian Focus: Notebook For Eternity: 26 Reflections on the Nature of God by Wayne Richards vs. The Good Portion – God: The Doctrine of God for Every Woman by Rebecca Stark
Reformation Heritage: This Do in Remembrance of Me by Arie Elshout vs. The Communicant’s Spiritual Companion by Thomas Haweis

searching for adamAuthor(s): Dr Terry Mortenson
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (May 29-30)
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You can believe with great intellectual integrity what the Bible says about Adam and the origin and history of man.

THOUGH there are a growing number of books out on Adam, this one is unique with its multi-author combination of biblical, historical, theological, scientific, archaeological, and ethical arguments in support of believing in a literal Adam and the Fall. A growing number of professing evangelical leaders and scholars are doubting or denying a literal Adam and a literal Fall, which thereby undermines the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, who came to undo the damaging consequences of Adam’s sin and restore us to a right relationship with our Creator. This book will increase your confidence in the truth of Genesis 1–11 and the gospel:

– Enhance your understanding pertaining to the biblical evidence for taking Genesis as literal history
– Discover the scientific evidence from genetics, fossils, and human anatomy for the Bible’s teaching about Adam
– Understand the moral, spiritual, and gospel reasons why belief in a literal Adam and Fall are essential for Christian orthodoxy

marriage on the medAuthor(s): Clint Bragg & Penny A. Bragg
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 29-30)
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“Every broken marriage has the hope of becoming a saved marriage.”

Approximately fifty percent of the couples who sign a marriage license will also sign on the dotted line of a divorce document. In order to turn the tide of this stark statistic, couples who have considered or experienced separation or divorce must be given real tools to reconcile, restore, and rebuild their relationships. Marriage on the Mend provides these tools for couples in crisis.

Clint and Penny Bragg know what it means to be that couple. After being divorced for eleven years and living 3,000 miles from each other, they were remarried—but the difficult work of restoration continued long after that second ceremony. The Braggs know that couples who reconcile face a unique set of challenges, including unresolved arguments, poor communication habits, unforgiveness, and betrayed trust. Biblically based materials are required to walk through this treacherous territory toward full healing and restoration. (more…)

encouragement for todays pastorsAuthor(s): Joel R. Beeke & Terry D. Slachter
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Ends June 10)
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Joel R. Beeke is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and a pastor of the Heritage Netherland Reformed Congregation, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Terry D. Slachter is the executive director of Project Philip, a ministry that helps equip local churches to fulfill the great commission through Bible distribution and discipleship materials, and served in parish ministry for over 25 years in the Christian Reformed Church.

“As the fresh sea breeze, these Puritan mentors refresh our senses as they discuss the office, calling, and blessing of pastoral ministry. This small compendium contains more useful guidance than some whole seminary curriculae. Any pastor seeking wisdom, any pastor needing fuel should turn to these godly and biblical counselors. Their ideas, as well as passion, are needed now more than ever. It is so refreshing to hear from real experts, proven pastors—not the hirelings. Like eavesdropping on a Roundtable of worthies, this conversation is priceless (and not overpriced!). Drink from this well often; it will help your flocks, along with their shepherds. I commend this heartily to all our friends and the next generation of pastors.” — David Hall, pastor of Midway Presbyterian Church of America, Atlanta, Georgia

“There are men in the church of Jesus Christ who are not mighty preachers or evangelists, but are outstanding servants of the Lord because of their God-given ability to visit a congregation and spread encouragement. The very news of their coming can lift the spirits of a church with anticipation and then their actual ministries, both privately and publicly, can renew the aspirations of young and old in Christ. Full of faith and the Holy Spirit, these people are the means under God of building up the morale of wilting congregations, giving them courage and making God’s people feel they can stand, and they can go on, and that they will indeed overcome a time of heaviness. Such Christian leaders are inspirational men and their ministries make people feel strong. Of course it is God who gives such gifts to them to do this. The same Spirit that came upon Barnabas and made him a son of encouragement is upon them, and hundreds like them in our day. But as in all the stewardship of preaching and pastoral graces, such a gift needs to be refined, educated, and stirred up. This is one of the grand benefits that comes from the careful and prayerful reading of this book. You owe it to the people of God to become a son or daughter of encouragement. It is an exercise of Christian prudence, and an energizing ministry of the Spirit of God to do this in you and through you to the body of Christ.” — Geoff Thomas, pastor of Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth, Wales

have a happy familyAuthor(s): Dr. Kevin Leman
Publisher: Revell
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

Every member of a family plays a vital role in the health and happiness of the household. Everyone is important, deserves to be treated with love and respect, and needs to know that when they make mistakes they will still be loved unconditionally. And when every member of the family is pulling for each other and on the same team, everybody wins. But is this kind of family life even possible?

Parenting expert Dr. Kevin Leman says it is, and he’s ready to show moms and dads exactly how they can make it happen in their family–in just five days. He shows families how to

· communicate honestly and kindly
· prioritize the right things
· maintain great attitudes and behaviors
· determine the role they play in the family structure
· make family time count

As always, Dr. Leman’s outstanding advice is laced with humor, great stories, and the wisdom that comes only from a lifetime of experience.

For parents who’ve had it up to here with bickering, hurt feelings, and emotional exhaustion, Have a Happy Family by Friday is just what the doctor ordered.

if i had a parenting do overAuthor(s): Jonathan McKee
Publisher: Shiloh Run Press
Price: $2.99       (Ends June 4)
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Ever wish parenting came with a do-over button?

“Here’s where I messed up. . .”

Whenever I say those words during my parenting workshops, you can hear a pin drop. Parents are on the edges of their seats.

“And here’s what I’d do differently next time. . .”

That’s when every pen in the room begins writing furiously.

Let’s face it. Hindsight is 20/20.

If you ever find yourself saying “I wish I had a do-over. . .” You’re not alone! Join author and youth culture expert, Jonathan McKee, as he shares from his own personal parenting experiences of raising three kids, while making purposeful, effective tweaks along the way. Delivered with a refreshing blend of humor and vulnerability, the author’s candid style and real-world application will equip you with solid, helpful practices you can actually use in your own home. With chapters like “Let It Go,” “Press Pause,” and “Tip the Scales,” McKee provides the honest answers you’re seeking as you parent your kids.

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