
Daily E-Book Deals: November 24, 2019

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Author(s): Lara Casey
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

You were created for a purpose, and it’s time to make it happen.
Make It Happen is the story of how I surrendered my fear, took the leap, and got a life. In my case, a perfectly imperfect, fulfilling life as a mama, a working woman, and a grateful wife. This is the story of how I chose to make “it”—a greater purpose than mine—happen, and how you can too.
Make It Happen is for
women who find themselves worried, anxious, and completely overwhelmed by the constant chase for perfection
those seeking the courage to jump into a new venture
working women who are struggling to “do it all”
weary wives and moms looking for relief from burning the candle at both ends
anyone who dreams of a life lived not by accident, but on purpose
Your time has come to take a leap of faith. Join me as we surrender our fears, end the chase for perfection, and say yes to cultivating the meaningful lives God desires for us.
You know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? You should go do them.

Author(s): Jerry Sittser
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

With vulnerability and honesty, Jerry Sittser walks through his own grief and loss to show that new life is possible – one marked by spiritual depth, joy, compassion, and a deeper appreciation of simple blessings.

The loss came suddenly for Jerry Sittser. In an instant, a tragic car accident claimed three generations of his family: his mother, his wife, and his young daughter.

While most of us will not experience such a catastrophic loss in our lifetime, all of us will taste it. And we can, if we choose, know the grace that transforms it.

A Grace Disguised plumbs the depths of our sorrows, whether due to illness, divorce, or the loss of someone we love. The circumstances are not important; what we do with those circumstances is. In coming to the end of ourselves, we can come to the beginning of a new life.


Author(s): Bob Kauflin
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

The question is not “Are you a worshiper?” but rather “What kind of a worshiper are you?”

In True Worshipers, Bob Kauflin, a seasoned pastor, and musician open our eyes to the massive significance of being the type of worshiper God is seeking. Rooted in the gospel of grace and filled with practical application, this book aims to connect Sunday morning to the rest of your life—helping you fulfill your calling to be a true worshiper each and every day.


Author(s): Steve Wilkens & Mark L. Sanford
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $5.99        (Ends Nov 30)
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Why do we buy what we buy, vote the way we vote, eat what we eat and say what we say? Why do we have the friends we have, and work and play as we do? It’s our choice? Yes, but there are forces, often unseen, that shape every decision we make and every action we take.
These hidden, life-shaping values and ideas are not promoted through organized religions or rival philosophies but fostered by cultural habits, lifestyles and the institutional structures of society. Steve Wilkens and Mark Sanford shine a spotlight on the profound challenges to Christianity and faithful Christian living that come from worldviews that comprise the cultural soup we swim in.
The authors show how to detect the individualism, consumerism, nationalism, moral relativism, scientific naturalism, New Age thinking, postmodern tribalism and salvation as a therapy that fly under our radar. Building on the work of worldview thinkers like James Sire, this book helps those committed to the gospel story recognize those rival cultural stories that compete for our hearts and minds.

Author(s): David E. Fitch
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $5.99        (Ends Nov 30)
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Missio Alliance Essential Reading List of 2016

In our quest to renew the church, Christians have walked through seeker-friendly, emergent, missional, and other movements to develop new expressions of the body of Christ. Now in the post-Christian world in North America we’re asking the question again: Is there a way to be the church that engages the world, not by judgment nor accommodation but by becoming the good news in our culture?
In Faithful Presence, noted pastor and scholar David Fitch offers a new vision for the witness of the church in the world. He argues that we have lost the intent and practice of the sacramental ways of the historic church, and he recovers seven disciplines that have been with us since the birth of the church. Through numerous examples and stories, he demonstrates how these revolutionary disciplines can help the church take shape in and among our neighborhoods, transform our way of life in the world, and advance the kingdom.
This book will help you re-envision church, what you do in the name of the church, and the way you lead a church. It recovers a future for the church that takes us beyond Christendom. Embrace the call to reimagine the church as the living embodiment of Christ, dwelling in and reflecting God’s faithful presence to a world that desperately needs more of it.


Author(s): John Murray
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

The three chapters of this book have their origin in a series of lectures on certain aspects of Calvin’s theology, delivered by John Murray, professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. These lectures were given in the Eastern Avenue Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan, before large audiences of ministers, professors, students, and interested laymen. The occasion was the 450th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin and the 400th anniversary of the appearance of the final edition of Calvin’s immortal work, The Institutes of the Christian Religion.

Author(s): Pete Wilson
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $3.49       Buy Now!

Hope changes everything.

It can disarm guilt, shatter shame, and put your past in its place. All you have to do is make the choice to let it in. It won’t be easy. It won’t be quick. But it is possible and we serve a God who promises over and over again that anything is possible.

Pete Wilson, pastor and the author of Plan B, presents a new look at the power of healing through hope, revealing 4 unique choices that have the potential to change your life forever.

With Wilson’s telltale cadence and candor, Let Hope In explores accounts of seemingly hopeless moments in the Bible illustrating God’s ultimate plan for healing by letting hope fill the dark places of your past.

Discover how pain that is not transformed becomes transferred. Embrace the freedom of being okay with not being okay. Learn that a life of trusting is far more magnificent than a life of pleasing. Because hurt people hurt people, but free people have the power to free people.

So make today the day that you get unstuck. The day you fill your past with the light of hope, the day you say good-bye to regret and shame. The day you choose to change your future and embrace who God created you to be, simply by making the choice to let hope in.


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