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In this grab bag, we have 5 e-books on counseling from Crossway. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends Nov 20

Ends Nov 20

Ends Nov 20

Ends Nov 20

Ends Nov 20

Author(s): Douglas Wilson
Publisher:  Canon Press
Price: FREE       (Nov 14-18)
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Evangellyfish is a ruthless, grimly amused, and above all honest look at one of the darkest corners in the western world. Douglas Wilson, a pastor of more than thirty years, paints a vivid and painful picture of evangelical boomchurch leadership. . . in bed. Chad Lester’s kingdom is found in the Midwest. His voice crawls over the airwaves, his books are read by millions (before he reads them), and thousands ride the escalators into the sanctuary every Sunday. And Saturday. And Wednesday, too. He is the head pastor of Camel Creek — a CEO of Soul. And souls come cheap, so he has no overhead. When Lester is (falsely) accused of molesting a young male counselee, his universe begins to crumble. He is a sexual predator, yes. But strictly straight (and deeply offended that anyone would suggest otherwise). Detectives, reporters, assistant pastors, and old lovers and pay-offs all come out to play. John Mitchell is also a pastor, but he has no kingdom to speak of — only smalltime choir feuds. He is thrilled at the great man’s fall, but his joy quickly fades when the imploding Lester calls him — and a lover or two — for help. How low can grace go? Whores, thieves, and junkies, sure. But pastors?


Author(s):  Lisa Harris, Lynne Gentry, Dan Walsh, Luana Ehrlich, D.L Wood, Jan Thompson, Terry Toler, H.L. Wegley, Liz Bradford, Vikki Kestell
Publisher: N/A
Price: $0.99       (Nov 14-20)
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Nine riveting wintery suspense novellas. Ten-award winning Christian suspense authors.

MURDER ON FLIGHT 91 by Lisa Harris and Lynne Gentry

When a passenger collapses on an international flight, is it a medical emergency, or attempted murder?



After experiencing an unspeakable tragedy, a young mother relocates from Brooklyn to a small mountain town in North Carolina. Will this be the fresh start she’s hoping for or the beginning of an even greater upheaval to her fragile world?


Author(s):  John Piper
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Nov 14-15)
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Our appetites control much of what we do each day—whether it is the cravings of our stomachs, the desire for possessions or power, or the longings of our spirits for God. But for the Christian, the hunger for anything apart from God is ultimately detrimental to spiritual health and enduring joy. In this classic meditation on fasting, John Piper helps Christians apply the Bible’s teaching on this long-standing spiritual discipline, highlighting the profound contentment that comes from delighting in God above all else. Piper helps readers put to death self-indulgence by directing them to the all-satisfying, sin-conquering glory of Christ. This volume is now redesigned with a new cover and a foreword by New York Times best-selling authors David Platt and Francis Chan.

Author(s): Rachel Jankovic
Publisher:  Canon Press
Price: FREE       (Nov 14-18)
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If “Who am I?” is the question you’re asking, Rachel Jankovic doesn’t want you to “find yourself” or “follow your heart.”
Those lies are nothing to the confidence, freedom, and clarity of course that come with knowing what is actually essential about you. And the answer to that question is at once less and more than what you are hoping for.

Christians love the idea that self-expression is the essence of a beautiful person, but that’s a lie, too. With trademark humor and no-nonsense practicality, Rachel Jankovic explains the fake story of the Self, starting with the inventions of a supremely ugly man named Sartre (rhymes with “blart”). And we–men and women, young and old–have bought his lie of the Best Self, with terrible results.

Thankfully, that’s not the end of our story, You Who: Why You Matter and How to Deal with It takes the identity question into the nitty-gritty details of everyday life. Here’s the first clue: Stop looking inside, and start planting flags of everyday faithfulness. In Christianity, the self is always a tool and never a destination.


Author(s): Sara Brunsvold
Publisher:  Revell
Price: $1.99       (Ends Nov 19)
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Aidyn Kelley is talented, ambitious, and ready for a more serious assignment than the fluff pieces she’s been getting as a cub reporter for the Kansas City Star. In her eagerness, she pushes too hard, earning herself the menial task of writing an obituary for an unremarkable woman who’s just entered hospice care.

But there’s more to Clara Kip than meets the eye. The spirited septuagenarian may be dying, but she’s not quite ready to cash it in yet. Never one to shy away from an assignment herself, she can see that God brought the young reporter into her life for a reason. And if it’s a story Aidyn Kelley wants, that’s just what Mrs. Kip will give her–but she’s going to have to work for it.

Debut author Sara Brunsvold delights with this emotional multigenerational story that shows that the very best life is made up of thousands of little deaths to self. You’ll want to be just like Mrs. Kip when you grow up!


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