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Author(s):  Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto & Femi B. Adeleye
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $1.99        Buy Now!

In our globally interconnected world, mission depends on healthy partnerships across the globe. Many talk about wanting to partner with the Global South, but we’re not always sure what that looks like on the ground. Too often North Americans have acted as if we don’t need others to do what we think God has called us to do. And our witness overseas has suffered as a result.

We need to live out a more humble posture of missional partnership, marked by true mutuality and service. Nikki Toyama-Szeto and Femi Adeleye look at how we can partner well across cultures. People on mission together from diverse perspectives are a picture of how the body of Christ works together in the world. Addressing tricky issues like power, finances, transparency and trust, the authors provide best practices and models for ministry that reflect the servant heart of God.

God invites us all to engage in his work, and he gives us partners for the task from around the world. Discover how we can do more together than we could ever do on our own.

Includes questions for group discussion.

Author(s): Crystal Bowman & Meghann Bowman
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $3.99        Buy Now!

You Are Not Alone

From the moment you cradled your first baby doll, you imagined yourself a mom. Now here you are, a member of the club no one wants to join—the ten percent of women who struggle to fulfill their motherhood dreams because of infertility.
Meghann Bowman knows what it’s like to be part of that club. Along with best-selling author Crystal Bowman, Meghann has compiled 30 hope-filled stories of women who received the same diagnosis and experienced the heartache she did. Contributors include Valorie Burton, Katie Norris, Shay Shull, Stephanie Tait, Kathe Wunnenberg, and more—women whose journeys through everything from infertility and miscarriage to adoption and miracle births will buoy your faith.
Your story may not look the same, or have the same ending, but you don’t have to suffer alone. You are surrounded by a club of Mothers in Waiting—women willing to come alongside you to offer comfort and peace as you wait.

Author(s): N/A
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

For many of us, the coffee shop has become our “third space”—the place we go to share life with our friends and family. It’s the place where we meet to discuss things that matter—life, love, politics, religion—and everything in between. The NIV CoffeeHouse Bible is topically divided into distinct study areas, each allowing you and your friends to consider the place of God and his Word in your life today.
Studies on key life issues and important topics will engage your coffee group gatherings for an entire year and get you thinking about things that matter in this hectic world. Each of the 52 studies is broken into sections to fit the amount of time you have. You can use these ‘short’, ‘tall’, and ‘grande’ sections by yourself or with your friends.

Author(s): Nancy Herriman
Publisher: Worthy Books
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

Accused of murdering a child under her care, Irish healer Rachel Dunne flees the ensuing scandal while vowing to never sit at another sickbed. She no longer trusts in her abilities-or God’s mercy. But when a cholera epidemic sweeps through London, she feels compelled to nurse the dying daughter of the enigmatic physician she has come to love. James Edmunds, wearied by the deaths of too many patients, has his own doubts about God’s grace. Can they each face their darkest fears? Or is it too late to learn that trust and love just might heal their hearts?

Vote Now (Choose the Sale)

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: Spurgeon’s Daily Treasures in the Psalms: Selections from the Classic Treasury of David by Roger Campbell vs. Encountering God in the Psalms by Michael E. Travers
Crossway: Church History: A Crash Course for the Curious by Christopher Catherwood vs. Rediscovering the Church Fathers: Who They Were and How They Shaped the Church by Michael A. G. Haykin
New Leaf: The Darwin Effect by Jerry Bergman vs. The Dark Side of Charles Darwin by Jerry Bergman
Intervarsity Press: Jesus Behaving Badly: The Puzzling Paradoxes of the Man from Galilee by Mark L. Strauss vs. Paul Behaving Badly: Was the Apostle a Racist, Chauvinist Jerk? by E. Randolph Richards & Brandon J. O’Brien
Christian Focus: Time Out!: The gift or god of Youth Sports by John Perritt vs. God’s Word and Your World: What the Bible says about Creation, Languages, Missions and other amazing stuff! by Laura Martin
Reformation Heritage: The Ark of Safety: Is There Salvation Outside of the Church? (Explorations in Reformed Confessional Theology) by Ryan M. McGraw  vs. Doctrine in Development: Johannes Piscator and Debates over Christ’s Active Obedience by Herber Carlos de Campos Jr.

Author(s): Patrick Lai
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $2.99        (Sept 12-13)
Buy Now!

Professional church planter Patrick Lai provides an in-depth reference for tentmakers–business-as-mission practitioners operating in regions of great antagonism to the Christian message.
Those who are unfamiliar with the world of tentmaking will find valuable information to introduce them to the concept and to help in getting started. Designed to be a manual, Tentmaking is more than just an overview of questions and issues. This work will serve as an in-depth reference for existing tentmakers. This thoroughly researched collection is the result of interviews from over 450 people serving in the 10/40 window. It provides a unique viewpoint on missions, sharing proven, workable alternatives to conventional missionary life. Tentmaking provides an important and much needed resource to this specialized area of world missions.

Author(s): John Stott
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $3.29        Buy Now!

Christians tend to polarize. Some have an intellectual faith, while others are more emotional. Some focus on the structure while others focus on freedom. And some champion evangelism while others advocate for social action. John Stott’s classic statement of balanced Christianity shows how we can hold these tensions together in biblical, faithful ways.

Also includes an interview with John Stott with further reflections on the need for balance in contemporary evangelical Christianity.

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