
Daily E-Book Deals: September 7, 2019

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Author(s): Jeremy Walker
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        (Sept 7-8)
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“To be a disciple of Jesus Christ is to be in a position of privilege and blessing beyond anything the world might offer,” begins author Jeremy Walker. Life in Christ explores the unsearchable riches of the Christian pilgrimage and traces its trajectory, highlighting key elements in the believer’s experience. Do you wrestle with assurance? Have you grasped the engagement demanded in Christian living? Do you find the way wearying at times? Do you struggle with your Christian identity? Walker provides instruction for Christians to assess their own standing and progress in the faith—exhorting and equipping and always pointing them ahead to the hope of the glory of Christ. Along the way, he encourages God’s people to live life to the praise of His glory as he examines some of the basic truths that establish and direct a true child of God.

Jeremy Walker is a pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England, coauthor of A Portrait of Paul: Identifying a True Minister of Christ, and author of The Brokenhearted Evangelist.

“In his new book, my good friend Jeremy Walker, in a most breathtaking way, vividly opens up the beauties and glories of becoming and being a disciple of Christ. In reading this work I was greatly moved and reminded afresh of the wonders of my salvation and was tearfully left praising God for all that He has done in my life. Since no other subject in the Word of God is more important than the one addressed in this volume, I cannot commend it too highly.” — Rob Ventura, Pastor, Grace Community Baptist Church, North Providence, Rhode Island, co-author of A Portrait of Paul

“One of the most neglected topics of our day happens to be one of the most essential aspects of our Christian lives—our union with Christ. You will be grateful to know that this gaping hole is being wonderfully filled with Jeremy Walker’s new book, Life in Christ. Jeremy writes with theological precision, exegetical clarity, and pastoral sensitivity that promise this book to be a very useful resource not just for those seeking to grow more in Christ but even unbelievers needing to know why Christ is to be so treasured. Read this book and prepare to be amazed afresh of what it means for us as sinners to be in Christ and partakers of his heavenly reward.” — Brian Croft, senior pastor, Auburndale Baptist Church, and founder and ministry development director of Practical Shepherding

“In this splendid book on the very central issues of eternity, Jeremy Walker, like J. C. Ryle of old, carries the reader along with an excellent, gripping style. It is a book that everyone should read—and then pass on to others who need an explanation of the true gospel, especially those slaves of political correctness sadly found in many modern pulpits.” — Erroll Hulse, pastor, conference speaker, author, and founding editor of Reformation Today

“In this well-ordered book, Jeremy Walker provides a straightforward presentation of what it is to become and live as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Following Christ is not a matter of secondary importance but should be of critical concern for every reader of this book. Each page is saturated with scriptural truths that are easy to read but challenging to apply regarding this vital subject of discipleship. I highly recommend this work, which is doctrinally sound, persuasively presented, and pastorally related.” — Steven J. Lawson, senior pastor, Christ Fellowship Baptist Church, Mobile, Alabama

Praying Through the Names of God
Author(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $2.99       (Ends Oct 1)
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Through the names of God, you gain insight into God’s character—and how each name represents a facet of His being that He wants you to know and trust. For instance, when you understand that Jehovah Jireh means “the Lord your provider,” you can be assured of God’s provision for you.

In Praying Through the Names of God, Dr. Tony Evans reveals fascinating insights into some of God’s powerful names and offers you a chance to benefit personally by providing several prayers based on those names. Your prayer life will be revitalized as you connect your needs and requests with the specific characteristic of God’s name relevant to your need.

The Power of God's NamesThe Power of God’s Names
Author(s): Tony Evans
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $3.99       (Ends Oct 1)
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In his exciting new book, bestselling author Dr. Tony Evans shows that it’s through the names of God that the nature of God is revealed to us. Who is God in His fullness? How has He expressed His riches and righteousness? How can you trust His goodness? As you get to know the names of God and understand their meaning, God’s character will become real to you in life-changing ways. You will explore the depths of God as Elohim: The All-Powerful Creator; Jehovah: The Self-Revealing One; Adonai: The Owner of All; Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Who Provides; El Shaddai: The Almighty Sufficient One; El Elion: The Most High Ruler; Jehovah Nissi: The Lord’s Banner of Victory; Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Our Peace; Jehovah Mekadesh: The Lord Who Sanctifies; Jehovah Rophe: The Lord Who Heals; Jehovah Tsikenu: The Lord My Righteousness; Jehovah Robi: The Lord My Shepherd; and Immanuel: God With Us. By studying and understanding the characteristics of God as revealed through His names, you will be better equipped to face hardship and victory, loss and provision, and all of the challenges life throws at you.

Author(s): Stanley J. Grenz & Roger E. Olson
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $4.99        Buy Now!

To many Christians, theology is something alien, overly intellectual and wholly unappealing. Even seminary students are known to balk at the prospect of a course on theology. Yet theology–most simply, the knowledge of God–is essential to the life and health of the church.

In this short introduction, Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson, two theologians who care deeply about the witness of ordinary Christians and the ministry of the church, show what theology is, what tools theology uses, why every believer (advanced degrees or not) is a theologian and how the theological enterprise can be productive and satisfying. They are clear, easily understood book is ideal for students, church study groups and individual Christians who want to strengthen understanding, belief, and commitment by coming to know God more fully.

Author(s): Bill Renje
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $0.99        (Sept 1-7)
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A Chosen Bullet is the story of what Bill’s passion as a Chicago sports fan has taught him in life and the struggles this passion helped him to overcome after a 9mm bullet ripped through his neck from five feet away.

Bill’s life has been contrasted by deep darkness and then glorious light, characterized by overcoming through perseverance, stained by first underachieving and then finally experiencing success that few will ever know. A bottomed-out permanently paralyzed teenager becomes a two-time Paralympic gold medalist, a very happily married man, a blessed father of three children, and a successful businessman.

With the support of family and eventually a deep-abiding Christian faith providing his foundation, these values, and lessons intertwining with Bill’s thirty-three-year journey as a Chicago fan take him from tragedy to triumph.

Author(s): Debbie Kitterman
Publisher: Chosen Books
Price: $0.99        (Ends Sept 30)
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Change the World around You through a Lifestyle of Encouragement

From the beginning, God has been communicating with mankind, just as he did when he talked with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Yet far too many people believe that talking with God is extraordinary when, in fact, it should be an ordinary part of our Christian life. Jesus modeled this two-way conversation. He also embraced a lifestyle of encouragement, changing the atmosphere and lives of people everywhere he went. We can do the same.

Full of powerful testimonies and practical application, this book will help you break out of your comfort zone and embrace a lifestyle of encouraging others–just as Jesus did. You will learn how to deepen your relationship with God, open a direct line of communication with him, and share his words with others.

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