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Teach Them to Work: Building a Positive Work Ethic in Our Children
  Mary Beeke
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Do your children exhaust you? Have you found yourself finishing their chores because it’s, well, easier than getting them to do them? If so, this book will give you new energy, and your household new harmony. This book will help your children develop a good work ethic.

Mary Beeke, healthcare professional, educator, and mother first helps you absorb parenting principles and then gives you practical principles to bring clarity to roles in your home. Mary breaks down the principles into manageable chunks so whether you want a reflective study to bring radical change in your life, or just need a shot in the arm, she has you covered.

Table of Contents:
Introduction: How Work Began
PART 1: Parental Principles
1. Work Is Good for Kids
2. Foundations
3. It’s in the Atmosphere
4. Subdue Their Will to Set Them Free
5. Turn Over the Reins
6. Custom Training
7. Together Time
8. Don’t Spare for Their Crying
9. Praying and Thinking
10. Monitor Screen Time

PART 2: Practical Principles
11. Good No Matter What
12. Work Is What We Do
13. Let’s Go!
14. With All Your Might
15. Work Smart
16. Overcome Obstacles
17. Time Is a Treasure
18. Take Care of Your Stuff
19. Follow Your Talents
20. Natural Consequences
21. Enjoy the Good of Your Labor
22. Enjoy Your Labor
23. Rest and Perfect Work

“Mary Beeke has given Christian parents a book that offers biblical, wise, clear, and practical counsel. This book helps parents inculcate godly work habits that offer satisfaction in meaningful, God-pleasing labor. I recommend it as a unique aid for the discipleship of children.” — Daniel M. Doriani, professor of theology and vice president, Covenant Theological Seminary

“This book is written by a mother who has seen it all. I doubt you’ve ever read a book with such a gold mine of real-life situations and practical suggestions for teaching your children to work. Mary identifies the objectives and troubleshoots the problems of teaching your children to be faithful workers. You will find that she comes as a fellow struggler in the task, sharing her own mistakes and misconceptions. All her practical advice, however, rests on the firm foundation of the theology of work. She builds her advice from the treasury of the Word of God. Like a good Puritan, she delivers the doctrine and then explains the practices of training your children to work.” — Scott Brown and Deborah Brown, Church and Family Life

The Law of Kindness: Serving with Heart and Hands
  Mary Beeke
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

“And be ye kind to another,” begins Ephesians 4:32. Christians are called to this standard, but how seriously do we take it?

In ‘The Law of Kindness’, Mary Beeke examines the idea of kindness, shows how it is developed, and gives helpful advice for putting it into action, with specific chapters addressed to wives, husbands, parents, teachers, and children. Readers will be struck by their own lack of kindness, captivated by God’s kindness toward us in Jesus Christ, and motivated to cultivate more of this precious virtue.

Table of Contents:
Part 1: Kindness Examined
1. What is Kindness?
2. The Roots of Kindness
3. Our Motives
Part 2: Kindness Learned
4. The Kind Wife
5. The Kind Husband
6. Parenting With Kindness
7. The Teacher’s Role
8. Bullying
9. A Letter to Children and Teens
Part 3: Kindness in Action
10. Kind Thoughts
11. Kind Words
12. Kindness to the Least of These
13. Your Kind of Kindness

Mary Beeke is the wife of Dr. Joel Beeke and the mother of Calvin, Esther, and Lydia. She has served as a registered nurse and an elementary teacher, and has her M.A.T. in learning disabilities from Calvin College. Since 1989, she has been a homemaker and a pastor’s wife.

“Mary Beeke—wife, mother, friend to many—is herself Mrs. Kindness personified. When she writes about this theme, therefore, everyone should listen. Full of wisdom, grace, story, good-humor, and a substantial dose of down-to-earth heavenly realism, The ‘Law of Kindness’ is a unique and remarkable book. Christians and non-Christians will find it marvelously honest, realistic, and practical. Both deeply challenging and wonderfully helpful, this book will surely be a modern classic of its kind.” – Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson

“Mary Beeke has given us an invaluable source of reflection upon a much needed Christian virtue—kindness. In doing so, she has provided us with breathtaking examples of Christian kindness in action, interspersed with practical applications on this Christ-like fruit of the Spirit. This will prove a deservedly popular book, one that readers will return to again and again.” – Dr. Derek Thomas

Author(s):  David P. Beaty
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

In ‘An All-Surpassing Fellowship’, David P. Beaty introduces us to the spiritual life of Robert Murray M‘Cheyne. After giving an overview of the life of this remarkable Scottish pastor, Beaty analyzes M‘Cheyne’s study of the Bible, prayer life, pursuit of holiness, eternal perspective, and dependence on the Holy Spirit to see the rich contribution they made to his communion with God. Yet Beaty conducts these investigations with a view toward application—learning from M‘Cheyne that which will help us walk more closely with Christ. See why M‘Cheyne’s communion with God has encouraged many believers over the years, and be encourage yourself to seek that same sweet fellowship with the Lord.


Author(s):  Octavius Winslow
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (July 12-13)
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Excerpts from Morning Thoughts:

“The man who lives with God in little matters, who walks with God in the details of his life, is the man who becomes the best acquainted with God—with His character, His faithfulness, His love.”

“Believing prayer is prevailing, successful prayer. It assails the kingdom of heaven with holy violence, and carries it as by a storm. It believes that God has both the heart and the arm, both love that moves Him and the power that enables Him, to do all and to grant all that His pleading child requests of Him.”

Octavius Winslow (1808–1878) was born in London, England, and raised in New York. He was ordained as a pastor in 1833 and held pastorates in New York, Leamington Spa, Bath, and Brighton. A prolific author, his devotional writings exhibit his Reformed, experiential convictions and distinctive, warm, ardent style.


Author(s):  Ashton Oxenden
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

This excellent book is a practical, sound, Reformed handbook for the elderly. In fourteen short chapters, Oxenden provides simple, heartfelt, spiritual advice on important issues and topics, such as the duties, temptations, trials, and joys of old age. The author’s aim is to lead his readers to true happiness in the Lord Jesus Christ, and to show how to live actively and fruitfully in Christian service in the final years of one’s life. It is highly recommended for all ages, but especially for the elderly. In twelve short chapters, this book provides simple, heartfelt spiritual advice on important issues and topics that are particular to those in their latter years.


Author(s):  Jonathan Williams
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (June 28-29)
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Baxter believed that family worship is God’s will, a conviction that profoundly shaped and motivated his pastoral ministry in Kidderminster. It is said that, at the beginning of his ministry, hardly one family to a street honored God in family worship; by the end of his ministry, there were streets on which every family upheld the practice.

In A Practical Theology of Family Worship, Jonathan Williams examines Baxter’s context, the encouragements he gave for family worship, and his family-equipping ministry among the congregation. This study develops our understanding of this vital spiritual discipline among the Puritans. Yet it also draws out implications for family ministry in churches today.


Author(s): Thomas Parr
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (June 21-22)
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Are you frustrated by how easily relationships can fall apart?

So often in the moment we ask ourselves, “How did we get here?” If you are looking for a solution that not only helps you reduce the emotional temperature but also would have reduced the flare-up in the first place then Thomas Parr has trusted, biblical answers.

Healing Contentious Relationships will help you get to grips with the way pride, covetousness, and unbelief cause us to mistreat others and how God grants grace in Christ to resolve such tension. Treat your war-weary soul to answers from the Spirit of peace.


The Theology of the French Reformed Churches: From Henry IV to the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes
Martin I. Klauber
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Ends June 18)
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‘The Theology of the French Reformed Churches’ introduces us to the Huguenots of the seventeenth century. The period was an unusual one in which France boasted two state religions, Roman Catholic and Protestant, due to the protections afforded the latter by the Edict of Nantes in 1598. In this book, Martin I. Klauber and his team of scholars survey the development of and diffi culties facing the early French Reformed tradition as well as the ecclesiastical, theological, and political challenges it faced during the seventeenth century. They also investigate the important contributions made by some of its most significant theologians: Moïse Amyraut, Pierre du Moulin, Jean Daillé, Andreas Rivetus, Charles Drelincourt, Claude Pajon, Jean Claude, and Pierre Jurieu. The theologians of the seventeenth-century French Reformed churches displayed a theological richness rarely remembered even among Reformed believers in the centuries following their labor, and this volume resurrects some of their vitality for a new audience.

Table of Contents:
Introduction — Martin I. Klauber
Part One: The Historical Background
1. The Cradle of Reformed Theology: The Reformed Churches from Calvin’s Geneva through Henry IV & the Edict of Nantes —Jeanine Olson
2. Theodore Beza (1519–1605) and the Crisis of Reformed Protestantism in France —Scott M. Manetsch
3. The French Reformed Synods of the Seventeenth Century —Theodore G. Van Raalte
4. The French Reformed Churches, Arminianism, and the Synod of Dort (1618–1619) —Donald Sinnema
5. The French Reformed Churches: Caught between the Rise of Absolute Monarchy and the Counter Reformation —John B. Roney
6. The Edict of Nantes “à la rigueur” (1661–1685) —Marianne Carbonnier-Burkard
Part Two: Theology and Theologians in the French Reformed Churches
7. John Cameron (ca. 1579–1625) and the French Universalist Tradition — Albert Gootjes
8. Beyond Hypothetical Universalism: Moïse Amyraut (1596–1664) on Faith, Reason, and Ethics —Richard A. Muller
9. Defender of the Faith or Reformed Rabelias? Pierre du Moulin (1568–1658) and the Arminians —Martin I. Klauber
10. Whose Side are They on? Jean Daillé (1594–1670) on the Church Fathers — Martin I. Klauber
11. Andreas Rivetus (1572–1651): International Theologian and Diplomat — Willem J. van Asselt
12. The Pastoral and Polemical Theology of Charles Drelincourt (1595–1669) — R. Jane McKee
13. Polemics, Rhetoric, and Exegesis: Claude Pajon (1626–1685) on Romans 8:7 — Albert Gootjes
14. “This glorious seal of God”: Jean Claude (1619–1687), Ephesians 4:30, and Huguenot Pneumatology —Michael A. G. Haykin
15. The Devotional Theology of Pierre Jurieu (1637–1713) —Jason Zuidema

“Aside from the Wars of Religion and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, French Protestantism is largely ignored in most discussions of early modern history. This important book will help fill that void. The collected essays by many leading scholars highlight the theological contributions and historical travails of the seventeenth-century Huguenots, allowing them to resume their rightful place in a pivotal century in European history.” — Glenn S. Sunshine, professor of history, Central Connecticut State University

“This most welcome collection of essays, authored by an impressive team of leading scholars, goes to the heart of the Huguenot experience during the increasingly troubled seventeenth century. The initial chapters set the context with lucidity and precision. Subsequent contributions offer a superb exploration of the thought and influence of eight celebrated French Reformed theologians. Professor Klauber and his colleagues have provided an encompassing, informative, and absorbing assessment of Reformed theological positions and their elaboration during a critical era in the history of French Protestantism.” — Raymond A. Mentzer, Daniel J. Krumm Family Chair in Reformation Studies, University of Iowa

Unity and Continuity in Covenantal Thought: A Study in the Reformed Tradition to the Westminster Assembly
Andrew Woolsey
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Ends June 18)
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Over the years, some scholars have argued for competing streams of covenantal thought within the reformed tradition. For instance, some have pitted Calvin against the Calvinists, some have tried to detect unilateral and bilateral approaches to the covenant, and still others have set federalism against predestinarianism. In this landmark survey of covenant theology, Andrew a. Woolsey assesses the reformed tradition and finds that the development of diverse formulas actually maintained substantial agreement on the basic contours of covenantal thought.
‘Unity and Continuity in Covenantal Thought’ examines the historiographical problems related to the interpretation of the Westminster Standards, delving into the issue of covenantal thought in the Westminster Standards, followed by an exhaustive analysis of nineteenth- and twentieth-century scholarship on covenant. After surveying patristic and medieval backgrounds, Woolsey’s study looks in detail at a representative list of writers who contributed to the early development of federal thought (Luther, Oecolampadius, Zwingli, Bullinger, Calvin, and Beza). The final part of his study explores the early orthodox approach to covenant and the rise of emphasis on the covenants of works and grace in the thought of Heidelberg theologians (Ursinus and Olevianus), the English Puritans (Cartwright, Fenner, and Perkins), and Scottish divines (Knox, Rollock, and Howie). Here is a substantial contribution to the study of reformed thought on covenant from its reformation origins to the more detailed formulations of the early to mid-seventeenth century.

Andrew A. Woolsey served as minister of the evangelical Presbyterian Church in Crumlin, N. Ireland for nineteen years.

“The appearance of Andrew Woolsey’s ‘Unity and Continuity in Covenantal Thought’ marks a significant juncture in the study of the development of early modern reformed theology. Woolsey’s dissertation, completed in 1988, is the first (and after more than two decades, remains the only) major attempt in English to present a view of the movement of reformed thought on covenant from its reformation origins to the more detailed formulations of the early to mid-seventeenth century. This fact alone identifies the importance of the publication of Woolsey’s work.” — Richard A. Muller, P. J. Zondervan Professor of Historical Theology, Calvin Theological Seminary

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