
Tag: Reformation Heritage Books

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Author(s): Andrew Gray
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Nov 9-10)
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Be Reconciled with God presents twelve rare sermons preached by Andrew Gray. Each sermon is succinct and compelling, alluring and humbling. They are packed with both simple and profound thought communicated with almost tangible passion. When Gray preached from a text that invites sinners to come to Jesus unconditionally, his whole sermon consisted of compelling invitations. When he preached on experiential themes, such as union and intimate communion with Christ, his whole sermon unpacked these riches. When he preached on texts that focus on our responsibility to sanctify ourselves before God, his whole sermon presses us on the particular aspect of sanctification that his text stresses. When the text selected contained a strong emphasis on warning against one kind of sin or another, his whole sermon conveyed a solemn, urgent warning note to abandon that sin and flee to Christ. Gray was a preacher who was on fire, as it were, to bring his church family the whole counsel of God as contained in the variety of texts that he selected to preach. But each particular sermon focused like a laser beam on the text at hand. This helped make his sermons so compelling and powerful.

Author(s): Edward Pearse
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Nov 3-4)
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Are you prepared to die?

Sadly, too many people are not ready to face the inevitable.

In this book, Edward Pearse delivers ancient wisdom and encourages us to make preparation for death our great concern. Admittedly, it is a hard task that may seem uncomfortable at first. Nevertheless, Pearse faithfully directs us to pursue Christ and all His benefits so that we will be prepared to say farewell to this poor, vain, perishing world and make provision for an eternal state.


Author(s): Campegius Vitringa
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Oct 26-27)
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What does it mean to have spiritual life, and how does a believer achieve it? What are the fruits of this spiritual life, and what are the hindrances and helps for cultivating it? In this classic treatise of Reformed spirituality, Campegius Vitringa provides answers to these questions as he teaches what it means to be made alive in Christ. Translated into English for the first time, The Spiritual Life is accompanied by a helpful biographical sketch of the author and revives the riches of Reformed piety for a new generation of readers.

Author(s): Dustin W. Benge & Nate Pickowicz
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Oct 20-21)
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In ‘The American Puritans’, Dustin Benge and Nate Pickowicz tell the story of the first hundred years of Reformed Protestantism in New England through the lives of nine key figures: William Bradford, John Winthrop, John Cotton, Thomas Hooker, Thomas Shepard, Anne Bradstreet, John Eliot, Samuel Willard, and Cotton Mather. Here is sympathetic yet informed history, a book that corrects many myths and half-truths told about the American Puritans while inspiring a current generation of Christians to let their light shine before men.

Table of Contents:
Introduction: Who Are the American Puritans?
1. William Bradford
2. John Winthrop
3. John Cotton
4. Thomas Hooker
5. Thomas Shepard
6. Anne Bradstreet
7. John Eliot
8. Samuel Willard
9. Cotton Mather


Author(s): William Perkins
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Oct 12-13)
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Golden Chain (Foldout poster in the front)
Manner and Order of Predestination
Treatise on God’s Free Grace and Man’s Free Will
Fruitful Dialogue Concerning the End of the World
Against Alexander Dickson
On Memory


WILLIAM PERKINS (1558–1602) earned a bachelor’s degree in 1581 and a master’s degree in 1584 from Christ’s College in Cambridge. During those student years he joined up with Laurence Chaderton, who became his personal tutor and lifelong friend. Perkins and Chaderton met with Richard Greenham, Richard Rogers, and others in a spiritual brotherhood at Cambridge that espoused Puritan convictions.


Author(s): William Perkins
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

“The Wholesome Doctrine of the Gospel” familiarizes readers with one of England’s most influential theologians, William Perkins. In the opening biographical sketch, Andrew S. Ballitch and J. Stephen Yuille give an overview of Pekins’s life, theology, and piety. Then, in thirty-two excerpts, readers learn about the relationship between faith and love from Perkins himself as he explains the foundational “grounds of doctrine to be believed” and “grounds of doctrine to be practiced.” Rather than treating theology as a subject for mere academic debate, Perkins calls for true Christian devotion that moves beyond intellectual assent to heartfelt dedication to Christ.

Author(s): Jonathan Landry Cruse
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Sept 28-29)
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Many churchgoers assume that worship is inherently boring, something we need to make exciting. But as Jonathan Landry Cruse shows, churchgoing only seems monotonous and mundane because our eyes are blinded to the supernatural wonder that is taking place all around us.

In this book, Cruse helps us perceive the significance of worship and guides us through the spiritual actions of a worship service. Once you recognize how God is doing something to us and for us and through us in each element of the service, Lord’s Day worship will become the highlight of your week!


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