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Author(s): John Flavel
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Flavel explores the glory of Christ becoming a man “to qualify and prepare Him for a full discharge of His mediatorship, in the office of our Prophet, Priest, and King.”

“Salvation,” says Flavel, “is revealed by Christ as a Prophet, procured by Him as a Priest, applied by Him as a King. In vain it is revealed, if not purchased; in vain revealed and purchased, if not applied.”

Flavel’s treatment of the subject is polemical when necessary and painstakingly detailed when he believes the truth is at stake. It is an act of adoration, of meditations upon “the transcendent excellency of Jesus Christ.”

Table of Contents:


Author(s):  John Brown of Wamphray
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

‘Godly Prayer and Its Answers’ is an extended meditation upon Christ’s promise in John 14:13–14, “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” However, in the process of touching upon everything stated and implied in the text, Brown produces a full and complete treatment of the doctrine of prayer in a manner calculated to promote the exercise of faith in Jesus Christ.

John Brown of Wamphray (c. 1610–1679) was a Scottish minister who was imprisoned for opposing episcopal rule and subsequently exiled to the Netherlands.


Author(s):  Michael P. V. Barrett
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Nothing is more basic to spiritual life and growth than understanding and enjoying the fundamental truths of the gospel of saving grace that center directly and uniquely in Jesus Christ. This book is a back-to-basics approach to Christian living. For Christians, everything—both their eternal destiny and their earthly journey—depends on what they think of Christ. The Bible defines from different perspectives what it means to be saved so that we can put it all together to see how great salvation we really have. Complete in Him examines essential and inseparable elements of the gospel in order to show that all of salvation relates to and flows from the Savior, Jesus Christ. Christ is everything. Salvation in Christ is complete, and we are complete in Him.

Author(s):  Joel R. Beeke
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99      Buy Now!

“I once was blind, but now I see” is the glad confession of the Christian’s heart. However, what is it that a Christian now sees that so transforms his life? It is the Christian worldview. This is not an abstract philosophy so much as biblical doctrine for life. The Word of God establishes God-centered thinking, engages faithful living, and energizes ardent feeling for the kingdom of Christ in this world and the world to come. In this volume, several pastors and theologians band together to explore aspects of the Christian worldview such as God’s Trinity, supremacy, and loving sovereignty over all of life; the Christian’s identity in Christ, sexuality, and sufferings; and the Christian life as both earthly mission and heavenly pilgrimage.

Contributors include Derek Thomas, Michael Barrett, Joel Beeke, Paul Smalley, Mark Kelderman, Brian Cosby, Charles Barrett, and Gerald Bilkes.


Author(s):  Joanne J. Jung
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Table of Contents:
Foreword, by J. I. Packer
1. In Search of Piety’s Forgotten Discipline
2. A Royal Conflict over Prophesyings and the Origins of Puritan Conference
3. Scripture for Puritan Eyes: The Word Read
4. Scripture for Puritan Ears: The Word Heard
5. Holy Conference: “A Kind of Paradise”
6. Holy Conference: Categorized and Exercised
7. Puritan Conference for the Contemporary Church

Joanne J. Jung is Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Biola University


Author(s): J.V. Fesko
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

In The Rule of Love, J. V. Fesko gives an introductory exposition of the Ten Commandments. Beginning with the importance of the prologue, and then addressing each Commandment in turn, he sets forth a balanced and biblical approach that places the law in proper perspective. Throughout the book, Fesko analyzes the historical context of God’s giving the law in order to help us accurately understand the moral demands God places upon humanity. Yet, Fesko does not stop there; he also discusses the covenantal and redemptive context in which the law was given. Thus, he shows that the law is not presented to us in order for us to present ourselves right before God. Rather, it demonstrates our failure to love God as we should and points us to Christ and His perfect obedience in all that God requires of us. Fesko also shows how Christ applies the commandments to His people by the indwelling power and presence of the Holy Spirit. This is an excellent survey of the Ten Commandments that promises to bring about a more accurate understanding of the proper uses of the law, as well as engender profound gratitude for all that God is for us in Christ.

Author(s):  James M. Garretson
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

In ‘Thoughts on Preaching and Pastoral Ministry’, James M. Garretson provides a detailed narrative of James W. Alexander’s life in order to better understand his approach to gospel labors. Garretson draws deeply from Alexander’s correspondence, tracking the spiritual development of his life as it shaped his practice of pastoral ministry. In addition, assessments of Alexander’s sermons, books, and especially reviews provide valuable personal statements that shed light on his character and convictions. Throughout, Alexander is allowed to speak for himself so that the reader may enter into the spiritual pulse that animated his life and actions. Bracing, heartening, and at times frustrating, Alexander’s growth as a Christian and development as a minister is the story of a man subdued by God’s grace and a life marked by a growing conformity to the likeness of Christ. For those whose privilege it is to serve as ministers of the gospel, Alexander’s life and instruction provide inspiration and wisdom for how to do pastoral ministry well and with all of one’s heart.


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