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Author(s): J.I. Packer
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (June 21-22)
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Here one of the leading authorities on the Puritans, J. I. Packer introduces us to their rich theology and deep spirituality. Packer gives us profiles of John Flavel, Thomas Boston, John Bunyan, Matthew Henry, Henry Scougal, John Owen and Stephen Charnock and two closer portraits of William Perkins and Richard Baxter. The writings of the Puritans continue to profoundly reward readers and here J. I. Packer brings them alive in an inspiring way to encourage a new generation to experience their delights.

Author(s): Philip S. Ross
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (June 14-15)
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Anthems for a Dying Lamb offers an in-depth exposition of Psalms 113-118. Often called the Hallel, these psalms were part of the Passover seder, which directed proceedings during the Passover meal. That’s one reason the Hallel became known as the ‘hymn’ that Jesus sang with his disciples at the Last Supper, and why it is often part of communion services when the church celebrates the Lord’s Supper. Philip Ross explains Psalms 113-118 in their Old Testament context and shows how the ‘trouble and sorrow’ of Psalm 116, or the ‘cornerstone’ of Psalm 118, give us insight into Jesus’ ministry and mindset in the hours before his crucifixion.

Author(s): Nate Pickowicz
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (June 7-8)
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One of the key questions the Protestant Reformation asked and answered was: how does a person get right with God? In approaching this question, the Reformers set out to rediscover and establish the bounds of essential Christianity through five declarations: sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), sola gratia (grace alone), sola fide (faith alone), solus Christus (Christ alone), and sola Deo gloria (the glory of God alone). Nate Pickowicz’s guide will help us understand not only the Reformation, but the Christian faith itself.

Author(s): E. D. Burns
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 31-June 1)
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Gospel doctrine is the lifeblood of mission. Most missionaries in church history have, in preparation for the field, committed themselves to rigorous study and extraordinary theological training, but there has been a move away from that in recent times. E.D. Burns contends that this is dangerous, leaving those who need it most ill–equipped to deal with the difficulties mission life brings. This brotherly and friendly plea challenges those who are already in, or are considering joining, the mission field to rest in Christ’s work and abide in His Word.

Author(s): John Pollock
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 24-25)
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John Pollock vividly portrays George Whitefield and his times – George’s long search for peace with God, his joy at being forgiven and justified through Christ’s atoning death and then his enthusiastic sharing of the Gospel. Often facing misunderstanding and even opposition from the established Church, he started to preach in the open air, beginning among the mining community and those who normally wouldn’t come into Church. The story is told of how God worked in a remarkable way through George in Britain and also in the Colonies of America. Travelling many miles by horseback, crossing the Atlantic on countless occasions, sometimes experiencing illness and fatigue, countless people were drawn to Christ through this man – the “Billy Graham” of his time. Come and catch the drama and also the passion and commitment George Whitefield had for the Gospel.

Author(s): Dayspring MacLeod
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 17-18)
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Motherhood. Not for the faint hearted or blasé, it’s a state of being that tries one’s patience, purpose and peace.

Sequel to 10 Women Who Overcame their Past, Dayspring Macleod’s 10 Women Who were Spiritual Mothers is set to be yet another poignant read.

In tackling themes from purity to patience, each focused narrative allows the reader an insight into the lives of women whom they may have heard of but not known well. From Katherine Parr, sixth and final wife of Henry VIII, to Sharon Dickens and Lisa Harper, the ten women represent a spectrum of life delivered via the prism of motherhood.

This book isn’t only for mothers. It’s for those who are heartbroken, single, bereft or at peace in later life. Discipleship is a key theme, be it with the children who litter your hallways with Nerf Pellets or friends undergoing the ups and downs of infertility. As a woman who knows the support of women in her own life, Macleod has gracefully painted a canvas of joy in sorrows, peace and panic and Christ’s love triumphant.


Author(s): Mary K. Mohler
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 10-11)
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Have you heard of Spurgeon?

Preacher, evangelist and stalwart patriarch of the Modern Western Church today. If the cliché ‘behind every great man is a strong woman’, is true, then Susannah Spurgeon remains one of the matriarchs of the same tradition.

Spurgeon was the bone companion of her husband. As a pastoral assistant, as Charles’ wife and support through trials, this woman’s biography has been a long time coming.

Mary Mohler has gathered information on Susie from sources spanning letters, devotionals and biographies. The result is a thoughtful, sympathetic and endearing epitaph to a sister in Christ, whose voice can no longer be ignored. Mohler allows room for academics, mothers, daughters and wives to dwell on Spurgeon’s joyful eagerness in Christ.


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