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Author(s): Mez McConnell
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

So you’re new to the whole Christianity thing. You’ve heard a bit about it but you aren’t really sure what to do next and you’ve still got some pretty big questions. Well, the First Steps series is here to help.

Let’s start out with the most important question of all: is God out there? How can we know if He exists? If He does exist, what is He like? What does any of it have to do with us? This short book will help you think through these and other crucial questions.


Author(s): John Perritt
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Sept 15-16)
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It’s there when you look in the mirror. You’ll find it roaming the halls of your school or workplace. It tucks you in at night and greets you as you roll out of bed. You’ll read it in text messages & tweets. See it on Facebook and Instagram. It’s in our conversations and is always rattling around in our minds.

What is it? Insecurity.

Insecurity is something all humans struggle with. Young and old, male and female, across the globe – insecurity has no boundaries. While it is a commonality among humanity, it doesn’t mean it’s something you have to live with.

Insecurity is painful for many, but there is a greater fear to drown out this lesser one. Scripture tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It is in this greater fear, that we learn how to grow, live, and, possibly defeat, our insecurity.


Author(s):  Sinclair B. Ferguson
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Sept 8-9)
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What is a life with Jesus like? How does the Son of God impact me? Through 31 devotions about Jesus, family and the church we discover what being friends with Jesus really means. Find out about Jesus, his friends and family, the disciples and the church through stories such as: Jesus Knows Your Name; Ready Steady Think; and Who Loves Church?

These stories were first told at The First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina.


Author(s): Josh Moody
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Sept 1-2)
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You don’t have to pick between being boring and being bad. There is a better way: a biblical understanding of holiness.

David Brooks’ The Road to Character, and Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life, both in their own way underline our renewed interest in character and responsibility today. In the church too we sense the need for a fresh call to holiness. With moral scandals in the news, it is time is to listen to what the Bible says about becoming more like Jesus. What is holiness? Why should we be holy? What place does grace and the gospel play in the drama of becoming more like Christ? And, most practically, how do we become holy?

Dr. Josh Moody leads us with clarity along a path to a simple biblical profundity: holiness is becoming who we are in Christ. Holiness isn’t about a drab or dreary lifestyle. It’s not about faking it, or being inauthentic. Holiness is becoming who you were made to be. There’s a sweetness, a joy, a freedom in pursuing Jesus. We were designed to live like this, so we find our fullest flourishing there.


Author(s): Will Dobbie
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Aug 25-26)
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A 30–day guide that clearly explains the steps of salvation

This devotional walks readers through the stage–by–stage path of God’s salvation, from eternity past, through life and death, and into eternity future. The book explores rich, substantive theology, making it accessible and clear without dumbing it down, and includes illustrations and applications. The stages of the Ordo Salutis as Will Dobbie frames it are spread across thirty daily devotionals.

Each day’s entry contains:
· Scripture verses
· an examination of the particular doctrine at hand
· illustrations
· applications
· a suggested prayer
· a question to ponder


Author(s): Michael Black
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Aug 18-19)
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Our lives are finite. There is a date and time when they will come to an end. But with people living longer, many of us will have a number of years where our professional work is done, our children are grown, and our schedules are more flexible. Will we spend these last days pressing on towards the finishing line, keeping our eyes on the prize, like Caleb and Paul? Or will our hearts be distracted by the pleasures of this world like Solomon and Lot? Read on, and discover how those who lived long ago encourage us to finish well today.

Author(s): John Owen & George Smeaton
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Aug 11-12)
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Living with the Living God brings together two of the classic works on the person and work of the Holy Spirit from two of the most renowned theologians – George Smeaton and John Owen.
Part one looks at the Biblical teaching concerning the Holy Spirit, as Smeaton leads us on a journey of exploration through Scriptures teachings on the Holy Spirit.
Part two sees John Owen deal with the relationship between the believer and the Holy Spirit in our daily experience.
Living with the Living God provides an accessible and practical opportunity for the contemporary reader in understanding the work of the Holy Spirit.

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