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Author(s): John Davis
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (July 26-27)
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No one has ever seen God. In fact, the Bible says it’s impossible. And yet, to live the Christian life, you must see God. If we can see God, the very sight of Him will fuel and motivate all the other aspects of our lives. So how do we do it?

John Davis delves into the ways that we can see God. We see God in His Word; we see Him in the person of Jesus Christ; we even see Him reflected in one another. Although God remains unseen, He has revealed Himself in a whole host of ways. Our hearts perceive Him in the beauty of creation, and in moments of wonder and transcendence. Davis also gives helpful counsel for when we feel like we can’t see God, or don’t want to see Him.

When we behold God’s glory it changes everything about us. In keeping our sight fixed on Him, we reflect Him more and more. John Davis invites us to join him in fixing our eyes on the One who is invisible and look forward to the day when we will see Him face to face.

Author(s): Richard P. Belcher Jr
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (July 19-20)
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Atheists often level charges at the God of the Bible as being angry and hateful. They claim that God condones genocide, that He is a cruel and oppressive megalomaniac, but this doesn’t seem to match what Christians claim about Him being a God of love. How can a God who provides and saves also wipe out entire nations?

Richard Belcher’s addition to the Big Ten series addresses these commonly asked questions. He begins by laying out how God created humanity in His own image, but we chose to reject Him. Our very sense that things are not fair points to the perfect justice of God. Belcher shows that God’s justice, including expressions of anger against wrongdoing, is compatible with His love and goodness.

Belcher then tackles specific texts in the Bible that seem to promote genocide and oppression and shows how the God of the Old Testament is the same loving, generous, gracious God that we meet in the person of Jesus Christ.

An excellent read for any who struggle to answer questions about the character of God and for those looking to bolster their faith in the God of the Bible.


Author(s): Leonardo De Chirico
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (July 12-13)
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A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Mary offers a biblical account of Mary’s character, contrasting this with the Roman Catholic traditions which have developed throughout history, distorting her nature from an obedient servant and worshipper of God to a worshipped saint herself. De Chirico writes with the authority of thorough research as well as personal experience of the traditions surrounding Mary which have become so integral to Roman Catholic worship.

Author(s): John W. Keddie
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (July 5-6)
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The name Eric Liddell is a familiar one to many, having gained much fame through the film Chariots of Fire. A Christian athlete and missionary, his passion for his Saviour could be seen throughout his life. From university days to internment at Weihsien POW Camp, John Keddie’s biography brings together a specialist understanding of both Liddell’s faith and sporting achievements to provide an engaging account of this normal man’s extraordinary life.

Author(s): Joel R. Beeke & Michael V. P. Barret
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (June 28-29)
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A profound biblical examination of the divine work of sanctification.

The mandate for holiness is based in the very character and person of God: we are to be holy because God is holy. His grace never leaves a man where it finds him. Grace always transforms the sinner into a saint—a holy man. God’s will is for His people to be holy, and the explanations of why and how we become holy are throughout the Bible.

Explaining the tension between positional and progressive holiness, Joel Beeke and Michael Barrett expound the doctrine of sanctification and show that it is the application of the gospel to our daily lives. If you’ve ever considered why, if we are saved by grace alone, holiness matters, this book is for you.

Author(s): J.I. Packer
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (June 21-22)
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Here one of the leading authorities on the Puritans, J. I. Packer introduces us to their rich theology and deep spirituality. Packer gives us profiles of John Flavel, Thomas Boston, John Bunyan, Matthew Henry, Henry Scougal, John Owen and Stephen Charnock and two closer portraits of William Perkins and Richard Baxter. The writings of the Puritans continue to profoundly reward readers and here J. I. Packer brings them alive in an inspiring way to encourage a new generation to experience their delights.

Author(s): Philip S. Ross
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (June 14-15)
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Anthems for a Dying Lamb offers an in-depth exposition of Psalms 113-118. Often called the Hallel, these psalms were part of the Passover seder, which directed proceedings during the Passover meal. That’s one reason the Hallel became known as the ‘hymn’ that Jesus sang with his disciples at the Last Supper, and why it is often part of communion services when the church celebrates the Lord’s Supper. Philip Ross explains Psalms 113-118 in their Old Testament context and shows how the ‘trouble and sorrow’ of Psalm 116, or the ‘cornerstone’ of Psalm 118, give us insight into Jesus’ ministry and mindset in the hours before his crucifixion.

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