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Author(s): William Wilberforce & Michael D. McMullen
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Sept 6-7)
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These spiritual journals will give readers insight into the heart and mind of one of Britain’s leading abolitionists.

William Wilberforce (1759–1833) is best remembered as a leading figure in the movement to have the slave trade abolished throughout the British Empire. He was a Member of Parliament from the age of 21 until he retired due to ill health at the age of 66. His conversion in 1785 caused him to change his lifestyle and to commit his future life and work to the service of God.

He wrote a series of spiritual journals as a record of his spiritual pilgrimage. These journals are an honest record of Wilberforce’s spiritual life: the Scriptures and Christian books he read; people he met; people he witnessed to; his spiritual and physical struggles; and many other fascinating insights.


Author(s): Scott Lothery
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Aug 30-31)
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We live in a bad news world filled with relentlessly disturbing headlines – war and crime, poverty and pandemics, racism and oppression, mass murder and disaster. And we all experience discouragement in our personal lives as well – temptation and regret, pain and suffering, failure and disappointment, decline and death. Though the world is overflowing with bad news, the message of Jesus is bigger and brighter than all of it, giving us hope in the midst of every negative experience of our lives. It’s always good news!

Author(s): Rob Ventura
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Aug 23-24)
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The book of Romans is rich in doctrinal truth. In Expository Outlines and Observations on Romans Rob Ventura mines these truths and offers quick, accessible, expository nuggets for preachers and teachers. With a thoroughly Reformed view, Ventura has taken each passage of Romans and helps pastors prepare sermons that will help congregations dig deep into this excellent book. The exegesis of the original Greek is beneficial without being highly technical, and readers are aided on their journey by some of church history’s finest, including Luther, Calvin, Spurgeon, and Lloyd Jones.

For each passage Ventura highlights:
– A central theme
– A homiletical outline
– Exegetical and practical insights
– Applications for the church
– Applications for non–believers
An excellent addition to any preacher’s bookshelf, this book will not only enrich your preaching, but also cause your own heart to marvel anew at the grace of God.


Author(s): Roger Carswell
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Aug 16-17)
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Your church has a pastor and teachers – but where are your evangelists? Seek out who your evangelists are and send them out. Roger Carswell sets out the biblical focus on evangelism. Be prepared to be challenged. With a lifetime of experience Carswell gives a practical and challenging resource to help equip Christians – whether pastors or future evangelists.

Author(s): Flip Michaels
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Aug 9-10)
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There are many types of lie, but perhaps the most dangerous and deceptive of all is the half–truth. A manipulative distortion of truth, it sounds convincing but is destructively distant from what is true. Flip Michaels tackles five half–truths that are commonly used as arguments against the validity of the Bible, Christianity, God, Christ and faith. He clearly and engagingly unveils the whole truth and explains why understanding the whole meaning is crucial. These five truths are:

The Bible was written by men and inspired by God.

All religions are the same, except Christianity.

God is love and holy, holy, holy.

Jesus is truly a man and truly God.

Our good deeds matter when preceded by faith.

A useful evangelistic tool, a helpful clarification for new believers or a valuable reminder for those who have been believers for a long time.


Author(s): D. Eryl Davies
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Aug 2-3)
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Eryl Davies’ short guide to mentoring answers all the most common questions people have about being a mentor. Including the biblical examples of Jesus and Paul, Davies shows how a mentoring relationship is a close, real–life relationship that can supply us with the wisdom and encouragement we need. A mentor helps to apply biblical wisdom to family and work tensions, suffering, disappointments, difficult choices, bereavement, personal development, spiritual growth.

Davies also includes testimonies from a number of people who have been mentored and are mentoring others, application questions to consider at the end of each chapter, as well as a reading list to examine how other Christians have actively mentored others.


Author(s): John Davis
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (July 26-27)
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No one has ever seen God. In fact, the Bible says it’s impossible. And yet, to live the Christian life, you must see God. If we can see God, the very sight of Him will fuel and motivate all the other aspects of our lives. So how do we do it?

John Davis delves into the ways that we can see God. We see God in His Word; we see Him in the person of Jesus Christ; we even see Him reflected in one another. Although God remains unseen, He has revealed Himself in a whole host of ways. Our hearts perceive Him in the beauty of creation, and in moments of wonder and transcendence. Davis also gives helpful counsel for when we feel like we can’t see God, or don’t want to see Him.

When we behold God’s glory it changes everything about us. In keeping our sight fixed on Him, we reflect Him more and more. John Davis invites us to join him in fixing our eyes on the One who is invisible and look forward to the day when we will see Him face to face.

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