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Author(s): Joe Barnard
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jun 23-24)
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A lot of Christian men – and small groups of men – feel stuck. They have a sincere desire to grow but feel confused about what to do next. The Way Forward is a road–map for men who want to cut through the noise and distraction of the 21st century and take definite steps toward spiritual maturity. This book follows the simple format of problem, solution, and plan. Men who read it will walk away with both a clear diagnosis for why they feel stuck and a practical action plan for moving forward.

Author(s): Peter Barnes
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jun 16-17)
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Until his death in 373, Athanasius was the most formidable opponent of Arianism in the Roman Empire. Ultimately, for him, this fight was not a struggle for ecclesial power or even for the rightness of his theological position. It was a battle for the souls of men and women. Athanasius rightly knew that upon one’s view of Christ hung one’s eternal destiny. As he wrote to the bishops of Egypt in 356: “as therefore the struggle that is now set before us concerns all that we are, either to reject or to keep the faith, let us be zealous and resolve to guard what we have received, bearing in mind the confession that was written down at Nicaea.” And by God’s grace, his victory in that struggle has been of enormous blessing to the church ever since.

Author(s):  Luke H. Davis
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jun 9-10)
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3 BC – 476 AD
The story of the ancient Church is one of a people who were finding their way over many years by the light that God shined forth for them. Today, we are looking back over the centuries with many more years of understanding but we stand on the shoulders of those who braved persecution, death, debate, and mystery on behalf of generations to come.

For the early church persecution was so intense that a number of Christians were martyred. Bishops such as Ignatius, Polycarp, and Cyprian were among them.

The Church produced many great writers, thinkers, bishops, and pastors to offer deep and practical guidance. Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Origen, Athanasius, Ambrose, John Chrysostom, Jerome, and Augustine

From the Apostle Peter at Pentecost in Jerusalem to St. Patrick on the shores of Ireland in the year 432 – the ancient church has much to teach the church of today.


Author(s): Christopher Ash
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jun 2-3)
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How does the Spirit relate to the Bible? This book is for those who are ‘thirsty for a deeper experience of the Spirit of God’. There is much confusion about how Jesus relates to the Holy Spirit, how Jesus the Eternal Word relates to the Bible. People say, ‘You have too much Bible and not enough of the Spirit’ or it “It all very well talking about the Spirit but where’s the Bible?’ Whatever our background, we tend to fall back on untested prejudices or worry about unexamined doubts. This careful biblical argument, drawing mainly from John’s gospel, helps us to see the answers to these questions in a firmly Trinitarian understanding. Hearing the Spirit is the way we know the father through the Spirit. By asking where the Bible fits in this process, this helps us listen more deeply to the words of God.

Christopher Ash is an ordained minister in the Anglican Church and Director of the Cornhill Training Course, a one-year course designed to provide Bible-handling and practical ministry skills to those exploring their future role in Christian work.


Author(s):  Steven J. Lawson
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 29-30)
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Nestled in a few verses in Luke’s Gospel is a Jesus who would not have been tolerated on our city streets today: He was not politically correct. He did not try to save people’s feelings. This was because the things He was saying were too important and His love for people too strong to allow Him room to tread softly.

Steven Lawson unpacks these few verses, looking at the unashamed honesty, passion, and urgency with which Jesus explains the incredible cost involved in following Him. It is undoubtedly the biggest sacrifice any person ever makes – but it is for the most abundantly glorious prize imaginable.


Author(s):  David J. Randall
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 19-20)
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The West has become permeated with a culture that doesn’t ‘do’ God. Many people assert that we have progressed, while Christians are still clinging to out-dated ideas. In Why We (Still) Believe, fourteen contributors focus on several specific contemporary attacks on Christianity, showing why they ‘continue in the faith’ (Col.1:23).

Author(s): Graham Veale
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 5-6)
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This summary of the arguments that dominate the current scene of thought unravels the philosophies behind modern popular and academic culture. Veale, a high school teacher, uses these arguments to motivate readers to stop and to think about their own direction and purpose, and ultimately, through consideration of the crucial questions, to find the vital answers.

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