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In this grab bag, we have 8 e-books from Wipf & Stock. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover. In case you missed them here’s part 1, and part 2.

Ends May 26

Ends May 26

Ends May 26

Ends May 26

Ends May 26

Ends May 26

Ends May 26

Ends May 26

Vote Now (You Choose The Sale)

Gospel e-books is working together with Christian publishers to allow you to choose what e-books you’d like to have discounted. Cast your vote below and the book with the most votes in each poll will be placed on sale soon after. If there are less than 100 total votes in a particular poll, the winning book will not be discounted.

Book details:

Kregel: Three Views on Israel and the Church: Perspectives on Roman 9-11 (Viewpoints) by Jared Compton & Andrew David Naselli vs. Three Views on the Origins of the Synoptic Gospels by Robert L. Thomas

Intervarsity Press: Virtuous Minds: Intellectual Character Development by Philip E. Dow vs. The Seven Deadly Virtues: Temptations in Our Pursuit of Goodness by Todd E. Outcalt

Reformation Heritage: Pentecostal Outpourings: Revival and the Reformed Tradition by Michael A. G. Haykin, Robert Davis Smart, Ian Hugh Clary vs. Devoted to the Service of the Temple: Piety, Persecution, and Ministry in the Writings of Hercules Collins by Michael A.G. Haykin & Steve Weaver

New Leaf: Deceivers: Exposing Evil Seducers & Their Last Days Deception by Terry James vs. The Case for Zionism: Why Christians Should Support Israel by Thomas Ice

Good Book Company: Why does God care who I sleep with? (Questioning Faith) by Sam Allberry vs. Is God anti-gay? (Questions Christians Ask) by Sam Allberry

Crossway: The Royal Priesthood and the Glory of God (Short Studies in Biblical Theology) by David Schrock vs. The Serpent and the Serpent Slayer (Short Studies in Biblical Theology) by Andrew David Naselli

Christian Focus: Redemption: The Church in Ancient Times (Risen Hope Book 1) by Luke H. Davis vs. Cyprian of Carthage: His Life and Impact (Early Church Fathers) by Brian J. Arnold

Author(s): Larry Woiwode
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (May 24-25)
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From poetry to social networks, writing affects us all. Having taught the art of writing for years while producing literary works of national renown, Larry Woiwode thus explores the mysterious power of language, offering readers a diverse collection of thought-provoking essays on the meaning and significance of writing. In teaching the art of putting words on a page, Woiwode highlights the crucial role that writing plays in communicating with others and fashioning meaning for our lives. The book’s 21 essays will help Christians grasp the foundational importance of writing and to be more intentional about how they use words to express their emotions, desires, and beliefs.

Author(s): Barnabas Piper
Publisher:  The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (May 24-25)
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Everyone wants to be happy, and we all pursue happiness in different ways. Some people are thrill-seekers; others are homebodies. Some people are loners; others love big families or communities. Some people express things creatively; others consume what is created. Some sing; others listen to music. Whatever we find happiness in, we are united by our desire for work that matters and relationships that fulfil.

As Christians, we often fall into the trap of basing our hopes on earthly things, even when we know they only make us happy for a short time. But how are we to experience happiness in this life? How do we avoid expecting too much of earthly things and being disappointed, or expecting too little and becoming cynics?

In this book, recovering cynic Barnabas Piper helps us to throw off both the unrealistic expectations that end in disappointment and the guilty sense that Christians are not meant to have fun. He shows how having a clear view of the reality of the fall and the promise of redemption frees us to live a life that’s grounded, hopeful and genuinely happy.


Author(s): Oladapo Richard Osuntokun
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

The “Ordained Demon is a captivating “must-read exciting book” that meshes self-help and Christian fiction within a thriller.

Can anyone imagine how a perfect child with all the trappings of anointment and greatness became hijacked by temptations?

It was a tough life and a hard-fought battle.

Heaven opened, and the sanctuary became electric with an overwhelming presence of joy, peace, and tranquility.

This young Priest (Michael) entered the moment dwelling within the Spirit of God.

The blind man regained his vision. The lame walked, and the deaf spoke.


Author(s): Kristin Berry
Publisher:  New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99       (May 24-25)
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A must read for prospective adoptive and foster parents as well as those already in the trenches of caring for a child affected by fetal substance abuse, early childhood trauma, abandonment, and attachment issues.

Kristin Berry tells her family’s story honestly, and does not shy away from the challenges she and her family has faced, including isolation and depression. Written with her son’s blessings, in the hopes that others will learn about and understand what it is like to live with FASD…

“Mom you need to write the truth. It is hard to live with FASD. I hate that I have hurt people. I hate that school is hard. I hate that I always make the wrong choice. I hate living like this. People need to know what this is like. People need to know that drinking while pregnant is never okay. People need to know!”

The story began like a dream…


Author(s): William VanDoodewaard
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (May 24-25)
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Was Adam really a historical person, and can we trust the biblical story of human origins? Or is the story of Eden simply a metaphor, leaving scientists the job to correctly reconstruct the truth of how humanity began? Although the church currently faces these pressing questions—exacerbated as they are by scientific and philosophical developments of our age—we must not think that they are completely new. In ‘The Quest for the Historical Adam’, William VanDoodewaard recovers and assesses the teaching of those who have gone before us, providing a historical survey of Genesis commentary on human origins from the patristic era to the present. Reacquainting the reader with a long line of theologians, exegetes, and thinkers, VanDoodewaard traces the roots, development, and, at times, disappearance of hermeneutical approaches and exegetical insights relevant to discussions on human origins. This survey not only informs us of how we came to this point in the conversation but also equips us to recognize the significance of the various alternatives on human origins.


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