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Author(s): Tracy Elliott
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

All the furniture in the house got wrecked except this one old wooden china cabinet in my grandmother’s kitchen, which somehow remained standing despite all odds. One night, in the midst of a prayer, I glanced over at it and thought, If this cabinet could talk… What madness it had seen. The Lord spoke to me then. “You’re both here, and you both survived, and just like this cabinet, you remain unbroken.”

Tracy Elliott led a rough life. This honest memoir takes you into the heart of the gritty realities of the street and a life of addiction. But it is the story of a broken person’s history and how God taught her that, in his loving eyes, she is whole.

As a young, orphaned girl growing up in her grandmother’s house with five alcoholic uncles, Tracy witnessed constant violence and experienced abuse. Later in life, as a stripper in her mid-twenties, she lived hard and suffered the consequences. Now, she tells how her life was put back together by the grace of God.

Tracy says, “No matter where you came from and what you’ve done, God wants you. No one is unforgivable, and no one is beneath His grace. God loved me when I was seven years old in old brown clogs, He loved me when I was working in strip clubs, and He loves me still.”

Unbroken is a moving story of a young woman who has discovered the power of God’s loving forgiveness and grace? and who wants to share it with a hurting world.


Author(s): Eric Ludy & Leslie Ludy
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $3.49       Buy Now!

No parent wants to admit that their child-even their well-educated, well-grounded, Christian child-could be having consensual sex before graduating middle school. Promise rings, parental contracts, and disease warnings provide but meager defense against a culture overrun with weapons of mass seduction.

While many factors contributing to the misguided messages received by children stand outside the realm of parental control-music videos, film, fashion-others, like the meaning of true love, can, and should be fostered at home. Eric and Leslie Ludy, authors of the bestselling When God Writes Your Love Story, present the shocking, unvarnished realities of today’s sexual climate but they balance the bitter pill with a large dose of hopeful, practical advice for parents.


Author(s): Stephen Arterburn
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $3.49       Buy Now!

A second chance . . . all of us have needed one at some point in our lives.

As children, we beg our parents to give us “just one more chance.” As adults, we turn our pleadings to God for another opportunity, just to start over again.

In this revised and updated version of The God of Second Chances, author Stephen Arterburn takes us through his own journey of pleasure-seeking and ambition to a life-changing encounter with the reality of God’s grace. Arterburn is painfully honest, sharing his personal experiences with sexual immorality that culminated in the abortion of his child. It was then, desperate and at the end of himself, that Arterburn cried out to God for a second chance.

Through his willingness to share his struggles, Arterburn helps us to confront our failures and reach out for God’s restorative touch. With gentle humor, he encourages us to look beyond ourselves and discover the joy in serving others and investing in the things that really matter. In doing so, we will learn what it is to be restored to God through unconditional surrender and receive healing from the scars left by our own mistakes.


Author(s): Shannon Ethridge & Kathryn Mackel
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

“Knowing that one of the authors is a life coach with a counseling degree who portrays the experience realistically, may make readers who are considering a step in that direction feel more comfortable making that choice.” —Romantic Times

Can a woman face—and forgive—her own painful past before her house of cards crumbles . . . and before her own daughter makes the same mistakes?

Melanie and Will Connors are the perfect power couple. Will is the chief campaign strategist for a rising presidential candidate; Melanie is a prominent advocate for protecting children in an over-sexualized culture. Their devotion to one another is admired, even envied.

But their marriage isn’t what it appears to be.

Will maintains an apartment in Washington, DC, and over the years his visits home have grown fewer and farther between. The long-distance marriage has enabled Melanie to avoid intimacy—and has only increased her shame about her secretive past. But then Will issues an ultimatum: We work on the marriage . . . or we work on the divorce.


Author(s): Charles Foster
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

If evolutionary theory is correct, what does that say about creator God?

Ever since the famous debate on Darwinism between Huxley and Wilberforce in 1860, there has been a little real conversation between the scientific community and much of the Christian world. This book offers the prospect of reconciliation between what is seen as two opposing worldviews.

With remarkable insight and skill, Foster shows that most evolutionary theory and its consequences are easily reconciled with Christian orthodoxy and explores the ethical problems of natural selection in a fresh and invigorating way.

Charles Foster insists on getting to the heart of the topic and succeeds through a scientific and biblical analysis that is second to none. The Selfless Gene has the potential to become required reading for theologians and laypeople alike.


Author(s): Dave Ramsey
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99        (Ends Jan 27)
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This question and answer book is the perfect resource guide for equipping individuals with key information about everyday money matters.

Questions and answers deal with 100+ of the most-asked questions from The Dave Ramsey Show—everything from budget planning to retirement planning or personal buying matters, to saving for college and charitable giving. This is Dave in his most popular format—ask a specific question, get a specific answer.


Author(s): Henry Cloud
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $2.99        Buy Now!

Why do some leaders get and accomplish what they want as a matter of routine, while others seem to regularly experience frustration and setbacks? Why do some leaders achieve their goals and reach new heights, while others barely “hang in there” and survive? Based on his groundbreaking psychological study of the ways that successful individuals think and behave, Dr. Henry Cloud presents a simple yet profound roadmap to help leaders-and those who want to become leaders-arrive at greater levels of personal growth and corporate influence than they previously thought were possible. The good news for all of us is that leadership success is not limited to vague notions of “charisma” nor traditional advantages like graduate degrees and connections, but much more to a pattern of thinking and moving forward that learns from mistakes and stays focused on goals.

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