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Author(s): Paul Washer
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Too often, Christians wait for some extraordinary move of the Spirit to correct all their spiritual ills.

Although such a revival is possible, it is not the way God ordinarily grows His church.

In The Essential Means of Grace, Paul Washer considers the three prominent gifts God provided for growth in godliness: the Scriptures, prayer, and participation in the life and ministry of the local church. Our desire for the extraordinary should never lead us to neglect the ordinary. Rather, let us devote ourselves to these ordinary means of grace in dependence upon the Spirit for an extraordinary conformity and usefulness to Christ.


Author(s): Sarah Ivill
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Author Sarah Ivill contends, “As we study prayer through the lens of the unfolding story of Scripture, it will teach us how to pray, but more importantly it will reveal the Covenant God to whom we pray.” And just such an endeavor provides the foundation and motivation necessary to enrich our prayer life. See how Old Testament prayers find their fulfillment and transformation in Christ. Discover boldness and joy in prayer because Christ is the high priest who gives us access to the throne of grace. Moreover, look forward to an eternity in which our prayers will consist of unhindered praise.

Table of Contents:
A Note from Sarah


Author(s):  Guy Prentiss Waters
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Why does church government matter? In this book, Guy Prentiss Waters offers a brief and accessible introduction to presbyterianism that shows how a well-ordered church fosters Christian lives lived well. In making the case that church government is critical to Christian discipleship, Waters presents an overview of the nature of the church (the body and its member) and its structures of authority (officers, assemblies, and ordination). He concludes by answering common questions people raise about church government. The book is an ideal resource for explaining the relevance of church government to the ordinary Christian’s life and service.

Table of Contents:
1. Why Does Church Government Matter?
2. What Makes a Church?
3. How Is the Church Led?
4. But What about…?
5. Where Do We Go from Here?


Author(s): Daniel Hyde
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Oct 12-13)
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The Apostles’ Creed claims that Christ “descended into hell,” but do we really believe that? Should we believe that? In this book, Daniel R. Hyde analyzes this controversial claim, bringing valuable light to this long confessed doctrine. He presents the arguments raised against the descent clause, discusses the various understanding of it throughout church history, explains how the Reformed churches have adopted it, and demonstrated the benefits of retaining it as a point of our Christian confession today. For those who question why Christians would believe in the descent of Christ, In Defense of the Descent is an informative and helpful guide.

Daniel Hyde is the pastor of the Oceanside United Reformed Church (URCNA) in Carlsbad/Oceanside, California.


Author(s): Philip Henry
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

This remarkable exposition of Colossians 3:11 considers forty ways that “Christ is all, and in all” for believers—our hope, refuge, and righteousness to name a few. As Philip Henry demonstrates, Christ alone can bring eternal happiness, and without Him nothing else will do. Each chapter provides an edifying meditation, calling us to find our satisfaction in Jesus. So what is your most perplexing problem, and what would you say is the one thing you need most? Read this compelling work on the sufficiency of Christ and be encouraged to answer with Philip Henry, “None but Christ, none but Christ!”

Philip Henry (1631–1696) Father of the famous bible expositor, Matthew Henry.

“An outstandingly beautiful and edifying sample of Christ-centered Puritan piety. The table of contents alone is sufficient to kindle flickering love for Christ into a flame. Here is a full Christ to meet your every spiritual need.” – David P. Murray, professor of Old Testament and practical theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and a pastor in the Free Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan

Author(s):  Ryan M. McGraw
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Sept 27-28)
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“The Foundation of Communion with God” introduces readers to the trinitarian piety of John Owen (1616–1683). Ryan McGraw’s introduction to Owen sketches the major events of this important theologian’s life and shows how his circumstances shaped his thought on the themes of the Trinity and public worship. The second part of the book presents forty-one brief selections from Owen’s writings that trace his thoughts on knowing God as triune, Scripture and worship, heavenly-mindedness, and covenant and church.
Appendixes provide readers with a chronological list of Owen’s writings and a guide to them for those who wish to delve deeper into Owen’s writings.


Author(s):  Joel R. Beeke
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Sept 19-20)
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We often use the word faith without thinking much about its meaning. We know that without faith, it is impossible to please God and that faith is the core and foundation of daily Christian living. But what is faith? Author Joel R. Beeke believes we can best understand faith by seeing how it operates by the Spirit in the lives of fallen sinners like us. Accordingly, he considers essential aspects of faith operating in the lives of Adam and Eve, the Shunammite woman, the Canaanite woman, and Caleb. With pastoral warmth, he challenges readers to ask themselves three questions: Do I have this kind of faith? Am I exercising the particular aspect of faith being described? How can this example of a particular dimension of faith be used in my life to make me a mature believer? Study questions for each chapter encourage meaningful reflection for both individual and group study.


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