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Author(s): Stanley Gale
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

If you are a Christian, you have personally experienced the joy of sins forgiven and reconciliation with God. Forgiveness, writes Stanley Gale, “is a divine accomplishment to be savored and offered to others.” Forgiveness is the most basic of Christian graces, yet the topic raises many questions, including these:

Is it biblical to “forgive and forget”?
Why do we need to confess our sins if they are already forgiven?
How do we actually go about forgiving someone?
Does the Bible give a place to forgiving ourselves?
What does life look like after forgiveness?

In ‘Finding Forgiveness’, you will discover practical answers to these questions and many others. With pastoral warmth, the author will help you see how the awe of the gospel dawns anew for those who apply forgiveness and experience the healing of a burdened spirit or broken relationship.


Author(s):  Joel R. Beeke and David W. Hall
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

In Theology Made Practical, Joel R. Beeke, David W. Hall, and Michael A. G. Haykin declare the significance of John Calvin’s life and ideas—particularly his contributions to systematic theology, pastoral theology, and political theology—as well as the influence he had on others through the centuries. With focused studies related to the Trinity, predestination, the Holy Spirit, justification, preaching, missions, principles of government, welfare, and marriage, this book demonstrates how Calvin’s thought has been, and still is, a dynamic wellspring of fruitfulness for numerous areas of the Christian life. More than 450 years since Calvin experienced the beatific vision, his thinking about God and His Word still possesses what our culture passionately longs for—true relevancy.


Author(s):  Jonathan Landry Cruse
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Many churchgoers assume that worship is inherently boring, something we need to make exciting. But as Jonathan Landry Cruse shows, churchgoing only seems monotonous and mundane because our eyes are blinded to the supernatural wonder that is taking place all around us.

In this book, Cruse helps us perceive the significance of worship and guides us through the spiritual actions of a worship service. Once you recognize how God is doing something to us and for us and through us in each element of the service, Lord’s Day worship will become the highlight of your week!


Author(s):  Michael P. V. Barrett
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Some Christians find the Old Testament intimidating and irrelevant today because we are under a new and better covenant. In this book, Michael P. V. Barrett demonstrates how vitally important the Old Testament is. Instead of giving a systematic apology for the Old Testament, Barrett simply serves up fifty-two meditations on various passages, allowing us to taste and see how good the Old Testament is in light of Christ’s coming. You will learn how the Old Testament shows us God’s concern for true and spiritual worship, teaches us lessons in the life of faith, and reveals to us the glory of our Redeemer. A real feast for the soul!


Michael P. V. Barrett is vice president for academic affairs, academic dean, and professor of Old Testament at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


Author(s): Geoffrey Thomas
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99      Buy Now!

Some of the most familiar words ever spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ are “Come to Me.” These words were spoken not just to individuals but cities, nations, and peoples wearied by an unrest of their own making in contrast to the Son of God at peace.

In this heartfelt book, Geoff Thomas warmly reminds us that the best thing we can do is embark on this happy journey. Reading this book, you will see the benefits to be found, be warned of the consequences of delaying, and gain a clearer understanding of what it does and doesn’t look like to come to Christ.

Won’t you come now?

Table of Contents:


Author(s): Paul Washer
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

It should come as no surprise that misunderstandings about the gospel message and the nature of true conversion result in a problem with genuine assurance of salvation. A pseudo-gospel of “easy believism” has led many into careless presumption, and a poor understanding of salvation has abandoned tender consciences to near spiritual despair. In ‘Gospel Assurance and Warnings’, Paul Washer shines the light of gospel hope as he cautions against the dangers of making an empty profession of faith and carefully explains from Scripture the basis for establishing and maintaining a sound assurance of faith.


Author(s): Paul Washer
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Too often, Christians wait for some extraordinary move of the Spirit to correct all their spiritual ills.

Although such a revival is possible, it is not the way God ordinarily grows His church.

In The Essential Means of Grace, Paul Washer considers the three prominent gifts God provided for growth in godliness: the Scriptures, prayer, and participation in the life and ministry of the local church. Our desire for the extraordinary should never lead us to neglect the ordinary. Rather, let us devote ourselves to these ordinary means of grace in dependence upon the Spirit for an extraordinary conformity and usefulness to Christ.


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