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deveoping a healthy prayer lifeAuthor(s): James Beeke & Joel Beeke
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Is your prayer life characterized by such things as sincerity, urgency, and delight? Engagement in prayer is a vital part of our communion with God, making a profound impact on our growth in grace. In this book, you will find thoughtful meditations on prayer in the life of the believer, as well as ample encouragement to cultivate this spiritual discipline in your own life. If you want to be more devoted to prayer, or simply want to assess the health of your prayer life, read this book. It provides both a helpful examination and a needed tonic for those concerned about growing in godliness.

Table of Contents:


1. Who is to Pray?

2. Pray Privately

3. Pray Submissively

4. Pray Humbly

5. Pray Boldly

6. Pray Waiting on God

7. Pray Intercedingly

8. Pray Perseveringly

9. Pray Believingly

10. Pray Thankfully

11. Wrestle in Prayer

12. Waiting for Delayed Answers to Prayer

13. Pray with Appetite

14. Pray in Christ’s Name

15. Pray for Laborers

16. Pray Watchfully

17. Pray Sincerely

18. Pray by the Spirit

19. Pray and Work

20. Pray Reverently

21. Pray Fervently

22. Pray Constantly

23. Pray Dependently

24. Unfulfilled Prayer

25. Lustful Prayer

26. Pray Openly and Unworthily

27. Pray Against Bosom Sins

28. Pray for Contentment

29. Pray with Scripture

30. Pray Thoughtfully

31. To Those Who Cannot Pray

Appendix: 31 Marks of True Prayer

Author(s): Tanner G. Turley
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (May 19-20)
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Over the course of nearly forty-five years of pastoral ministry, Octavius Winslow (1808–1878) effectively demonstrated the practice of applying the doctrine to life through his experimental preaching.

In ‘Heart to Heart: Octavius Winslow’s Experimental Preaching’, Tanner G. Turley surveys Winslow’s life and ministry and demonstrates how a strong theology of preaching provided the foundation for his preaching methodology. Turley highlights the doctrinal precision and Christological focus of Winslow’s preaching, revealing an aim at a holistic change in hearers through the use of application, discrimination, inquiry, illustration, exhortation, and persuasion. By introducing us to this influential preacher of the past, this study shows the significance of Winslow’s homiletic for the church of today. (more…)

growing up in graceAuthor(s): Murray G. Brett
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (May 11-12)
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Table of Contents:
1. Finding Happiness in Communion with God
2. The Grace of Humility
3. The Grace of Confession
4. The Grace of Repentance
5. Lord, Keep Me from All Sin
6. The Highest Motive of Repentance
7. The Price of Brokenness
8. How to Repent of Daily Sins
9. A Catalogue of Sins Too Seldom Confessed
10. The Grace of Prayer
11. A Guide for Personal Daily Prayer
12. The Grace of Law
13. Lay Your Gold in the Dust
Making the Most of this Book in Small Groups

Murray G. Brett has pastored Grace Baptist Church of Commerce, Georgia for twelve years (www.gracecommerce.org). He desires to be used of God to raise up able and faithful men to plant other experiential Reformed churches in Northeast Georgia and beyond, and to pass on a living heritage of experiential Reformed doctrine and life for future generations.

“Murray Brett has absorbed the best of Puritan wisdom on the matter of sanctification. In his own easy-to-read style, he applies that knowledge to the biblical subject of spiritual growth—and the result is an extremely potent book. Growing Up in Grace will be a wonderfully helpful resource for any Christian who wants to remain on track in the pursuit of Christlikeness and maturity.” – John MacArthur

beauty and gloryAuthor(s): Joel R. Beeke
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $4.99       (Ends May 20)
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The essays in The Beauty and Glory of the Reformation call you to be grateful to God and to grow in appreciation for the rich biblical, a doctrinal, experiential, and practical heritage passed on by the great sixteenth-century Reformation. Through these studies, you will be challenged to treasure basic Reformation principles such as Scripture alone, Christ alone, and the glory of God alone, as well as to grow in awareness of what amazing spiritual mentors and models of godliness a variety of Reformation stalwarts were and what they can still teach us today. These include Martin Luther, William Tyndale, Hugh Latimer, and William Perkins; lesser-known pastors in Geneva; and women such as Katherine Luther, Katharina Zell, Anna Bullinger, Katherine Willoughby, and Catherine de Bourbon. You will also discover the reformers commitment to propagate the gospel to all nations and the riches of the Reformation view of missions. Finally, you will be treated to insightful essays on Augustine as an important backdrop to the Reformation and on the beauty and glory of the Christology of the Reformation. The authors pray that these essays will help you increasingly become genuine sons and daughters of the Reformation by following the Reformers’ lives and teachings insofar as they followed the Lord Jesus Christ.

Author(s): Joel R. Beeke
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $4.99       (Ends May 20)
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“The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple” (Ps 19:7). In this age of uncertainty, we need to stand on the rock of God’s revelation. You will find encouragement in this book to trust the Bible as God’s inerrant, authoritative, clear, and sufficient word, as well as guidelines for how to use the Bible for personal joy and practical living. Contributors include Michael Barrett, Joel Beeke, Gerald Bilkes, Ronald Kalifungwa, David Murray, Jack Schoeman, Geoff Thomas, and William VanDoodewaard. 

Table of Contents:

The Bible as the Written Word of God

1. The Wonder of the Word—Michael Barrett

2. The Authority of Scripture—Geoff Thomas

3. Challenges to the Word: A Case Study on Adam—William VanDoodewaard

The Glorious Properties of God’s Word

4. The Clarity of Scripture—Jack Schoeman

5. The Sufficiency of Scripture—Geoff Thomas

6. The Inspiration, Infallibility, and Authority of Scripture—Gerald Bilkes 

The Beautiful Life of Feeding on God’s Word

7. Holding Fast to the Word of Life— Ronald Kalifungwa

8. The Word of God and the Making of the Man of God— Ronald Kalifungwa

9. Finding Joy in God’s Word—David Murray

10. Receiving and Doing the Word—Joel Beeke 


“Because the Bible is God’s Word, it possesses a unique and exquisite beauty that sets it above every other book in the world. Because it is God’s Word, it communicates with us, challenging our assumptions, commanding our attention, and correcting our behavior. This book about God’s Word is a fitting reminder to us that the Bible is no mere religious text, but a voice from another world speaking into ours with clarity, authority, beauty, and grace, suitable for all people, in all situations, and at all times. The great themes addressed in this collection of studies will serve to heighten our appreciation of who God is, how He has spoken to us, and what it is that He actually says.” – Iain D. Campbell, a minister in the Free Church of Scotland, Isle of Lewis.

to win our neighbors for christAuthor(s): Wes Bredenhof
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (May 4-5)
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In many modern histories of Christian missions, the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century is depicted as a movement lacking missionary zeal. it has virtually become a given that the Reformation was not oriented to the church’s missionary task. in to win our neighbors for Christ, Wes Bredenhof answers these charges, proving that it is a mistake to say the Reformation and the confessional documents it produced have nothing to say about missions. the author demonstrates that the three forms of Unity—the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort — properly understood, have much to offer the study of missions. more importantly, they encourage us to care about a world lost in unbelief, making us more mission oriented and outward looking.

Wes Bredenhof is the pastor of Providence Canadian Reformed Church in Hamilton, Ontario, and former missionary among the First Nations in north-central British Columbia.

“’To Win Our Neighbors for Christ’ is a helpful tool for every Reformed Christian seeking to understand and use our confessions in a missional way. It gives the historical background for each of the three forms of Unity and shows that the original intent of our confessions was indeed to reach the lost with the good news of the gospel. It also shows how we as a church need to have that same desire to clearly articulate these truths to our own generation of souls today.” — Richard Bout, missions coordinator, United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA)

“Full disclosure: Dr. Wes Bredenhof is my family’s enthusiastic pastor, through whom we are fed with pure gospel preaching. His heart pulses with a true love for the biblical, Reformed faith and with a deep desire to reach the lost. In this book, he shows us that these two things belong together— indeed, that the Reformed confessions themselves encourage mission. i pray that many more believers would see the intricate interconnections of these two pulses, and I’m sure that this book will help them.” — Dr. Theodore Van Raalte, professor of ecclesiology, Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary

Author(s): Bruce McLennan
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

In the mid-nineteenth century, Dundee was gradually establishing itself as Scotland’s third-largest city, with a rapidly expanding economy. What most attracted observers’ attention, however, was the religious revival that began in the fall of 1839 under the leadership of two relatively young and inexperienced ministers, Robert Murray McCheyne (1813–1843) and William Chalmers Burns (1815–1868). In McCheyne’s Dundee, historian Bruce McLennan ably traces the story of revival in this industrial Scottish seaport. After looking at the social and economic conditions of the city, as well as the significant religious issues of the day, he then considers McCheyne and Burns—their backgrounds, their brief ministries in Dundee, and their impact as God’s instruments of great spiritual blessing to the people of that city. McLennan concludes with an analysis of the reactions to the revival—both approbation and opposition—and the awakening’s long-term effects, which could still be seen a generation later.

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