
Tag: Master Books

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Author(s): James Ussher
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Jan 14-15)
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Dive into the fascinating details of ancient world history. James Ussher’s Annals of the World is an epic chronology revealing the synchronization of the biblical record with historic world events. This monumental work of history is so meticulous in detail Bible scholars used it for hundreds of years to date the King James Bible and other Bible study references.

James Ussher, the hero of biblical chronology and one of the most astute church historians, dedicated an entire lifetime of study to the issue of world history and chronology. His Annals of the World is a definitive history of the ancient world consistently holding to the literal, grammatical, and historical approach to Bible interpretation. Pastors, theologians, and serious students of the Bible use this highly acclaimed survey of ancient history, which extends from Creation through the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in A.D. 70, as a ready reference.


Author(s): Danny Faulkner
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Dec 16-17)
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And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: and God saw that it was good. -Gen. 1:14-18

The universe was created with purpose and reason; and modern science with all of its experiments, exploration, and sophistication has never proven otherwise. In fact, as author Dr. Danny Faulkner makes plain, advanced science argues more for a created cosmology than a big bang. Written for the upper-level student through the well-read layman, Universe by Design explores the universe, explaining its origins and discussing the historical development of cosmology from a creationist viewpoint.


Author(s): Bodie Hodge
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Dec 2-3)
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– Is it a bunch of pagan symbols “Christianized” for the celebration?
– Why is our concept of Christmas so important for those who don’t believe in Jesus?
– Most may say Christmas is about the birth of Jesus, but are we truly worshiping Him or just celebrating the earthly gifts we give ourselves?

Filled with family get-togethers, office parties, breaks from school, decorating the tree, and more, Christmas is a time of peace and love. So why has so much controversy clouded this sacred holiday? It has become ground zero in an ongoing culture war where Nativity scenes are nixed, Merry Christmas becomes Happy Holidays, and even the word “Christmas” is considered by some as offensive. Find the truth about Christmas and the Christian’s response to a culture that seems to be declaring war.


Author(s): Bodie Hodge & Roger Patterson
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Nov 18-19)
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Religions in today’s culture seem to be multiplying. Have you ever wondered why certain religions believe and practice what they do? Or how they view the Bible? This volume delves into these and other engaging questions, such as:

– How can a Christian witness to people in these religions?
– Do these other religions believe in creation and a Creator?
– How do we deal with these religions from a biblical authority perspective?

Many religions and cults discussed in this first volume openly affirm that the Bible is true, but then something gets in their way. And there is a common factor every time man’s fallible opinions. In one way or another the Bible gets demoted, reinterpreted, or completely ignored. Man’s ideas are used to throw the Bible’s clear teaching out the window while false teachings are promoted.

This book is a must for laymen, church leaders, teachers, and students to understand the trends in our culture and around the world where certain religions dominate, helping you discern truth and guard your faith. When you understand a religion’s origins and teachings, you are in a better position to know how to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ as you take the good news to those in false religions.


Author(s): Jay Auxt & William Curtis III
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Nov 4-5)
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God has a clear plan for this earth and its inhabitants. Although the media would have you believe the earth is doomed due to global warming, the truth is that the earth has always been warming very gradually and that the current warming is insignificant – especially considering the scope of God’s ultimate plan for each and every one of us. Unlock the clues to this contemporary controversy by discovering:

*Old Testament biblical references from the past*
*Scientific data of the present*
*Biblical prophecy for the future*

Contrary to secular media, this book clearly illustrates that the concept of “man induced global warming” is totally unfounded, and that God alone is in control of our destiny. Learn to sift unsupported rumor and alarmist rhetoric from verifiable facts on this hot-button issue with Global Warming and the Creator’s Plan.


Author(s): Tim Clarey
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Oct 14-15)
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This book fills a critical need for sound science about dinosaurs from a biblical viewpoint, focusing on the five major dinosaur groups. Dinosaurs are in the news every day, as well as viewed in museums and on science channels. Unfortunately, these portrayals always push an evolutionary agenda. This book counters those arguments with solid, accurate, and biblically-based science:

– Explains the latest findings in dinosaur biology, behavior, extinction, and more
– Covers the complete spectrum of dinosaur-related topics, from the earliest dinosaur discoveries to debate over why they went extinct
– Provides a visually stunning, dynamic exploration into the history of dinosaurs through the most current discoveries few have seen before!


Author(s): Terry Mortenson
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Many people in the Church today have the idea that “young-earth” creationism is a fairly recent invention, popularized by fundamentalist Christians in the mid-20th century. Is this view correct? In fact, scholar Terry Mortenson has done fascinating original research on this subject in England, and documents that several leading, pre-Darwin scholars and scientists, known as “scriptural geologists” did not believe in long ages for the earth. Mortenson sheds light on the following:

– Before Darwin, what did the Church believe about the age of the earth?
– Why did it believe this way?
– What was the controversy that rocked the Church in 19th-century England?
– Who were the “scriptural geologists”?
– What influences did the Church contend with even before Darwin’s book?
– What is the stance of the Church today?


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