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Author(s): Henry Morris
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (July 8-9)
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Scientists choose whether they will believe God’s word or discount it.

– Explore over 101 biographies of groundbreaking, influential scientists with their Christian testimonies
– See how the belief in a Creator inspired the earliest explorations of science and still impacts the work of Bible-believing scientists today

Science and faith are often considered incompatible in the academic world today. One is seen as representing truth, while the other is viewed as fanciful according to the skeptical, science-centered culture. But the reality is that thousands of scientists, in fact, many of science’s greatest “founding fathers,” believed openly in God as they worked and studied His created world. Learn how their discoveries led them to even greater depths of faith and how their beliefs influenced and inspired their work.

There is nothing in science that can ever prove that God does not exist and, therefore, no way that science can disprove Creation. For so many in the past, the answer was that their faith was inseparable from their science, a powerful point to encourage believers and challenge the skeptics.


Author(s): Steve Ham
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (July 1-2)
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Biblical faith is being undermined and criticized with increasing fervor in schools, on job sites, and in the marketplace. Are you equipped to face the onslaught of secular, anti-Christian values and viewpoints? Can you clearly state why you believe in Christ and the authority of the Bible? How does this work in your daily life? In God We Trust is a guided journey that will help you:

• Identify the influence of the secular worldview and how it attempts to compromise the Word of God.
• Distinguish between genuine authority and the counterfeit authority of so many at present.
• Realize how your commitment to God’s authority will impact your church, family, and others for Christ.

Author Steve Ham, Director of Outreach at Answers in Genesis, clearly delves into the issues of faith and God’s authority in the life of the believer in order to prepare you to stand firm. An intriguing exploration of why man was never meant to rule himself, but instead to operate within an authoritative structure designed by God. Steve is co-author of Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World, and the popular evangelism series, Answers for Life.


Author(s): Ken Ham
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (June 24-25)
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What happens when you have more “hot” questions on the Bible and creationism than you can answer in one book? You create a second volume! The New Answers Book 2 explores over 30 exciting and faith-affirming topics, including:

Author(s): David Down & John Ashton
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (June 12-13)
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Dive into the ancient history of Egypt. Explore the extraordinary pyramids and artifacts of this ancient civilization from a biblical worldview with archaeologists Dr. John Ashton and David Down. Ashton and Down do not disappoint as they dare to reveal the remarkable corroboration between the Old Testament Bible records and Egypt’s historical documents and archaeological finds.

Using historically confirmed dates in later Egyptian history and the years between events recorded in the Bible, Ashton and Down construct a timeline of the kings of Egypt which dates back to just two centuries before the biblical dating of Noah’s flood. Abraham, Joseph, Moses and Jesus each spent part of their lives in Egypt. In recent years, however, liberal teachers and professors have used the traditional Egyptian chronology to undermine the truth of the biblical record found in the Old Testament book of Exodus.

Unwrapping the Pharaohs takes you back in time to study famous Egyptians, their dynasties and structures such as:

Tutankhamen, the boy-king
Hatshepsut, the female pharaoh
Seneferu, the world’s greatest pyramid builder
Pharaohs of the Bible
The Great Sphinx of Giza
The Lost Pyramid on the Saqqara Plateau
And many more intriguing people and places
Both Christian believers and skeptics will find this well documented and beautifully illustrated research fascinating.

Bonus Content:

Packaged with this excellent educational resource for those enthralled by history, archaeology and the Bible, is a 90-minute DVD offering a breathtaking journey through the pyramids and temples of Egypt with author and archaeologist David Down.


Author(s): Ken Ham & A. Charles Ware
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Racism is a sin issue, not a skin issue. The consequences of racism on a personal and social level are appalling and in some situations even terrifying. Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis, and Charles Ware address the horrors of racial discrimination with biblical truth and scientific proof that God created only one race.

“And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth…” (Acts 17:26 KJV)

Racism is a result of sin in a fallen world infused with evolutionary thinking. Explore the origin of people groups around the world and the science of genetics, melanin, and skin tone, all affected by the history of the Tower of Babel.

In One Race One Blood, Ken Ham and Charles Ware challenge the Church to move beyond the division of Darwinian “race” relations to the unity of grace relations. Loving relationships united by the Cross and governed by the Bible will lead to reconciliation. Such relationships among Christians across cultural and ethnic backgrounds are like a neon sign publicizing that grace has transformed and identified us as followers of Christ.

Christian families and churches will find solid, biblical answers to combat the hatred fueling personal prejudices and race-related riots. This essential book will inspire the hearts of believers to overcome evil with good and make the 21st century a generation of reconciliation.


Author(s): Ken Ham
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (June 3-4)
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– Discover how many evangelical leaders, willingly or unwittingly, are undermining the authority of God’s Word by compromising the Bible in Genesis
– Learn how allowing for an old/universe of billions of years unlocks a door of compromise
– Heed the wake-up call to the Church to return to the authority of God’s Word, beginning in Genesis.

Today, most Bible colleges, seminaries, K-12 Christian schools, and now even parts of the homeschool movement do not accept the first eleven chapters of Genesis as literal history. They try to fit the supposed billions of years into Genesis, and some teach evolution as fact. Our churches are largely following suit.

Ken Ham, an international speaker and author on biblical authority, examines how compromise starting in Genesis, particularly in regard to the six days of creation and the earth’s age, have filtered down from the Bible colleges and seminaries to pastors—and finally to parents and their children.

This erosive legacy is seen in generations of young people leaving the Church—2/3 of them. Get the facts, discover God’s truth, and help bring a new reformation to the Church by helping to call it back to the authority of God’s Word.


Author(s): Randall Hedtke
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (May 27-28)
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Darwin’s On the Origin of the Species was originally released in 1859, and by 1872, the sixth and last edition was published, becoming the defining text for evolutionists. This controversial work has become the foundation of modern textbooks for scientific studies in origins, though Darwin himself expressed deep doubts about his own speculations and suppositions.

Secrets of the Sixth Edition by Randall Hedtke exposes the critical flaws of this landmark book by using Darwin’s own words against him.

* Provides an examination of Darwin’s research and the faulty basis of his scientific writings

* Filled with extensive documentation looking at the fatal flaws in Darwin’s assumptions

* Addresses strategies for possible changes to the curriculum to address weaknesses in the evolutionary hypothesis.

Take an insightful look at Darwin’s work and its inaccuracies from a fresh and logical perspective. You will discover the often ignored reasoning behind his own abandonment of some of the core mechanisms of evolution later in his life, though they remain unchallenged pillars of unquestioning science today. This informative and easy-to-read study boldly declares the powerful truth that only biblical creation can explain.


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