
Tag: Douglas Wilson

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Author(s): Douglas Wilson, & N.D. Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
Price: FREE       (Ends Nov 29)
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Stymied and stumped by arguments that wrap around you like web of mystification? The Amazing Dr. Ransom’s Bestiary of Adorable Fallacies is here to help! This “Field Guide for Clear Thinkers” is filled with illustrations, descriptions, exercises, and analysis to help you identify and avoid fallacies you might encounter in everyday life. Describing fifty informal fallacies organized by context–fallacies of distraction, ambiguity, form, and “millennial fallacies”–each is described as a (adorable yet venomous) creature one might encounter in the wild, complete with illustration and fantastical description. This book is perfect for supplementing any high school or college logic curriculum or as an independent read for adults who want to learn more about logic! Each fallacy is followed by discussion questions and exercises; a line-listed answer key and both one and two-semester schedules are included in the back of the book.

Author(s): Douglas Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
Price: FREE       (Ends Nov 8)
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Christ conquered the West the first time. And this is how He’ll do it again.
And when He does it again, Christians must be ready to take the lead.

Jesus really is the answer to Taxes, Civil Resistance, and speech laws. However, Christians do not need another political platform. They need a plan. This book is that plan.

“If we succeed, this will not be Christian America. If we succeed, this will be the Christian America as the prodigal son, tired of the pig food, coming home to his father.”

You may not live in Christendom now, but your great-grandkids could.

From the Book:
“Why are we so afraid of theocracy? What might happen? Might we go on a rampage and kill 60 million babies? Yeah, that would be bad. Better not risk it.


Author(s): Douglas Jones & Douglas Wilson
Publisher:  Canon Press
Price: FREE       (Nov 27-Dec 1)
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Christianity presents a glorious vision for culture, a vision overflowing with truth, beauty, and goodness. It’s a vision that stands in stark conflict with the anemic modern (and postmodern) perspectives that dominate contemporary life. Medieval Christianity began telling a beautiful story about the good life, but it was silenced in mid-sentence. The Reformation rescued truth, but its modern grandchildren have often ignored the importance of a medieval grasp of the good life. This book sketches a vision of Medieval Protestantism, a personal and cultural vision that embraces the fullness of Christian truth, beauty, and goodness.

Author(s): Douglas Wilson
Publisher:  Canon Press
Price: FREE       (Nov 22-26)
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The repetition of Christmas traditions can appear to dull the powerful nature of the holiday. This short book is meant to rekindle the Christian’s understanding of Advent on every front, from politics to shopping to uproarious celebration. Pastor Douglas Wilson critiques false reasons for the season (and false objections to it), teaches the importance of Israel in Christmastime history, explains why nativity sets should have Herod’s soldiers (and how Santa Claus once punched a man in the face at a church council), offers the Enlightenment Assumptions Detector test as a guide to understanding Christmas symbolism, and much more. The last section is an all-new Advent reader: it contains a read-aloud meditation and prayer for each day of Advent, making God Rest Ye Merry an excellent tool for cultivating a deep family love of Christmas.

Author(s): Douglas Wilson
Publisher:  Canon Press
Price: FREE       (Ends Dec 1)
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Plod, don’t sprint. Be fruitful like a tree, not efficient like a machine.
In this book, Douglas Wilson both considers the theology behind technology, work, and mission and advice on how to be productive–and to think about productivity–in the digital age.

We should not rush to buy each and every new iPhone or fancy new gadget, but neither neither should we reject the new technology out of nostalgia for the good ol’ days when people worked with their hands or starved. Instead, we are called to see modern technology as wealth and tools that we can use, whether for good or for ill. The key is wisdom and the ability to create the right habits and the regular discipline to use what we have been given.

Ploductivity: n, 1) the practice of plodding away at a pile of work, instead of frantically trying to sprint through it all. 2) being stable and graceful, like a buffalo upon the plains, not frantic, like a prairie dog or roadrunner.


Author(s): Douglas Wilson
Publisher:  Canon Press
Price: FREE       (Ends Nov 25)
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Published almost twenty years ago, Douglas Wilson’s Case for Classical Christian Education is a call for parents and educators to do more than just teach kids how to read or to do math and science. Instead, parents and teachers need to educate children’s minds, hearts, and imaginations.

Both homeschooling parents and Christians seeking to build schools will find a lot of guidance from this book. Wilson explains the benefits of an education that is both distinctively classical and distinctively Christian, and explains what such an education might look like. He also draws on years of educating and pastoring to talk about how parents and teachers can manage schools well and train their children’s hearts. Education is not just preparing kids for the job market, but should be about instilling discipline, character, and love for God and the world He has made.


Author(s): Douglas Wilson
Publisher:  Canon Press
Price: FREE       (Ends Nov 25)
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As Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, Gashmu and the enemies of Israel mocked him: “It is reported among the heathen, and Gashmu saith it, that thou and the Jews think to rebel…” (Neh. 6:6).

Too many Christians building communities today take the taunts of every modern-day Gashmu seriously. Community is a buzzword, and it turns out there’s a lot of bad advice about how to build one. In Gashmu Saith It, Douglas Wilson includes forty years of experience for Christians wanting to build robust communities without retreat or compromise on the foundation of the Gospel. This book is full of wisdom: Get calluses. Be loyal. Fight sin. Build walls on the outside and a church in the middle.
This book is published by Canon Press. At Canon Press, we’re gospel outfitters: no matter who you are or what you do, you’re called to be increasing in Biblical faithfulness. That’s because Jesus’s death and resurrection changed everything: All of Christ, for all of life, for all the world.


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