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Author(s): Douglas Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
Price: FREE (Ends Dec 4)
Federal thinking is foreign to the modern mind. Federal has come to mean nothing more than centralized or big. Because our federal government has become so uncovenantal, it is not surprising that the original meaning of the word is lost. But federal thinking is the backbone of historic Protestant theology, and the Church needs to recover the covenantal understanding of federal headship. Husbands are to lead their families, taking responsibility for them as covenant heads–as federal husbands.
Reforming Marriage, by this same author, began the discussion of covenant headship. This collection of essays, the Federal Husband, continues that discussion in greater depth, dealing with more specifics of federal husbandry.
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Author(s): Douglas Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
Price: FREE (Ends Dec 4)
A New Testament Church means New Testament snarls.
Prostitution, incest, drunkenness at the Lord’s table, sectarianism, and babble all were problems in Paul’s rag-tag startup church in Corinth. Paul’s letter was a course-correction for many in the church, bringing people back to the Gospel as the basis for right unity, sexual ethics, observation of the sacraments, and worship.
This commentary works through this deep and sometimes confusing letter verse by verse, unpacking the details and making applications. Yes, even on the head coverings.
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Author(s): Douglas Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
Price: FREE (Ends Dec 4)
The repetition of Christmas traditions can appear to dull the powerful nature of the holiday. This short book is meant to rekindle the Christian’s understanding of Advent on every front, from politics to shopping to uproarious celebration. Pastor Douglas Wilson critiques false reasons for the season (and false objections to it), teaches the importance of Israel in Christmastime history, explains why nativity sets should have Herod’s soldiers (and how Santa Claus once punched a man in the face at a church council), offers the Enlightenment Assumptions Detector test as a guide to understanding Christmas symbolism, and much more. The last section is an all-new Advent reader: it contains a read-aloud meditation and prayer for each day of Advent, making God Rest Ye Merry an excellent tool for cultivating a deep family love of Christmas.
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Author(s): Douglas Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
Price: $0.99
Even though America is fiercely divided between the left and the right and protests are becoming increasingly violent, both sides of the political aisle remain committed to secularism and increasingly to looser standards of sexual propriety.
If we want to understand contemporary American culture wars, we must first come to grips with the culture wars of the nineteenth century. In this book, Douglas Wilson explains how our nation’s failure to remove slavery in a biblical fashion has led us to many of the quagmires we find ourselves in and until we grapple with issues like racism, hate speech, and the biblical position on slavery, we will continue to repeat the same mistakes our ancestors did.
This collection of essays lays out the answers from a view unafraid of historic, biblical orthodoxy, as well as addressing some of the controversies surrounding the previous edition of the book.
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Author(s): Douglas Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
Price: FREE
In the Garden of Eden, there was only one “No.” Everything else was “Yes.”
In this short book on childrearing, Douglas Wilson points out that we have a Father who delights in us and makes it easy for us to love and obey him. If that is the kind of Father we have, shouldn’t we earthly parents do the same? Wilson explains how parents should not just try to get their kids to obey a set of rules or to make their house so fun that following the rules is always easy. Instead, he calls for parents to instill in their kids a love for God and His standards that will serve them well all their days.
This book also features an appendix in which Doug and his wife Nancy answer various parents’ questions about various applications of the principles discussed in this book.
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Author(s): Douglas Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
Price: FREE (for 3 days)
The repetition of Christmas traditions can appear to dull the powerful nature of the holiday. This short book is meant to rekindle the Christian’s understanding of Advent on every front, from politics to shopping to uproarious celebration. Pastor Douglas Wilson critiques false reasons for the season (and false objections to it), teaches the importance of Israel in Christmastime history, explains why nativity sets should have Herod’s soldiers (and how Santa Claus once punched a man in the face at a church council), offers the Enlightenment Assumptions Detector test as a guide to understanding Christmas symbolism, and much more. The last section is an all-new Advent reader: it contains a read-aloud meditation and prayer for each day of Advent, making God Rest Ye Merry an excellent tool for cultivating a deep family love of Christmas.
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Author(s): Douglas Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
Price: FREE (for 3 days)
Readers of PG Wodehouse’s Leave It to Psmith and Christopher Buckley’s Thank You for Smoking will appreciate this lighthearted new satirical novel from the award-winning author of Evangellyfish (Best Fiction of 2012, Christianity Today).
Tom Collins, mild-mannered president of a dwindling southern Bible college, becomes a target when a drunk prankster swaps his campus’s American flag with the Christian one, and Dr. Tom refuses to “fix” the situation. Big media, exuberant students, petty enemies, and pretty secretaries all play a part in this happy-go-lucky satire for the twenty-first century.
“Well, this is it. Caesar had his Rubicon. What do Bible college presidents have? A Rubik’s Cube?” ~ Flags Out Front: A Contrarian’s Daydream
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