
Tag: Christian Focus Publications

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Author(s): Randall Greenwald
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Apr 8-9)
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Lengthy, heavy, theological tomes have their place, but sometimes we need a simple way of understanding the doctrine that is central to our faith. The Westminster Shorter Catechism is designed to do just that. Randall Greenwald takes the question and answer format that it follows and, in short chapters, encourages us to dig for the gold that is to be found in its pages. Read, and be enriched.

Author(s): Graham Beynon
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (April 1-2)
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Isaac Watts(1674-1748) is one of the best-known Hymn-Writers in the History. He wrote over 700 hymns including the well-known “When I survey the Wondrous Cross”, “O God, our help in ages past” and “Jesus shall reign where’er the sun” – hymns which are still sung to this day. Brought up in a non-conformist church and family, Isaac Watts knew what it was to be a pastor whilst also battling prolonged periods of illness. Leading a life, that like us all, was not without difficulty or controversy, he was able to write Hymns of almost unparalleled depth and beauty, though they were often remained unappreciated by his own congregation. This fascinating study considers his life, writings and continuing influence on Christians today, in a way that will illuminate and inspire.

Author(s): Richard Mayhue
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Mar 25-26)
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Mayhue provides tools to enrich your study time by understanding what the Bible says and means through methods of Biblical interpretation. His study tips will guide you to avoid common errors and to find a straight path to understanding the Truth of Scriptures for yourself.

Author(s): Jason Helopoulos
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Mar 18-19)
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Pastor Jason Helopoulos calls parents and church leaders to reclaim the practice of family worship. This indispensable means of grace directs our children to seek Christ daily, preparing them to go out into the world as fully functioning Christian adults, who love Christ and see all of life in relation to Him.

Author(s): Douglas F. Kelly
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Mar 11-12)
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In this book, Professor Douglas Kelly persuasively argues for a literal interpretation of the six-day account of creation found in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. He assesses both the biblical details and the scientific data to show that there is a convincing and scientifically viable case for this understanding. This new edition, written twenty years after the original, contains important revisions and additional chapters, bringing this insightful and relevant volume up-to-date with developments in this field.

Author(s): Robert W. Yarbrough
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Mar 4-5)
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Each year thousands die for the Jesus they read about in the Bible. At the same time scholars worldwide reject central truths of the Book. Here is an analysis of two contrasting approaches to biblical interpretation: one which has encouraged many to abandon the Christian heritage, the other which has informed the largest numeric increase of professing Christians in world history in recent generations and which is projected to continue.

Author(s): John Owen
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Feb 25-26)
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To see the glory of Christ is one of the greatest privileges that a Christian can enjoy. Anyone who does not see his glory in this world, will not see his glory in heaven, and no one should look for anything in heaven that he has not experienced in this life. Just as looking directly into the sun darkens our vision, so Christ’s heavenly splendour is too brilliant for our mind’s eye, but in seeing it by faith, we are prepared for heaven. In his immense essence, the infinite God is invisible to our finite human eyes, and will remain so for eternity. Only “in the face of Jesus Christ” can we see God and be filled with peace and rest.
Read this book, and may God by his Word and Spirit give you such a sense of his uncreated glory, blazing forth in Christ, that you

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