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Author(s): Sharon James
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 13-14)
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Many people today would say that Christianity has done more harm than good to our world. Sharon James argues, however, in seeking to love their neighbour and reflect God’s moral character the followers of Jesus have had a largely positive impact on our society. James takes a number of areas – education, healthcare, justice, human dignity – and traces the ways in which these benefits have spread with the gospel.

Author(s): Panagioti Kantartzis Kantartzis
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 6-7)
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We may associate a number of images with the Eastern Orthodox church – ornate church buildings, services with candles and incense, men wearing embellished robes – but what does the Eastern Orthodox church actually believe? What are the similarities and differences between them and western evangelical churches? What is their history? In this short book Panagiotis Kantartzis introduces us to Eastern Orthodoxy from an Evangelical perspective and tells us what we need to know.

Author(s): William Still
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (April 29-30)
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Gain an insight into the work of the pastor. It is based on the thesis that the pastor, being the shepherd of the flock, feeds the flock upon God’s Word; the bulk of pastoral work is therefore through the ministry of the Word.

…plain, direct, filled with conviction, and soaked with pastoral observation and wisdom that nourishes the soul. The Work of the Pastor has one main idea: Feed the sheep the Word of God. If you need encouragement to do that, or a vision for doing that, then read this book and be challenged.
Thabiti Anyabwile ~ Pastor, First Baptist Church, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

“A great little book by a remarkable missionary to whom I owe an immense personal debt. Every minister should read it once a year – at least!”
Sinclair B. Ferguson ~ Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina


Author(s): Tom Lennie
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (April 22-23)
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No nation on earth has a richer, more colourful, and more long–standing heritage of evangelical awakenings than Scotland – yet most people are unfamiliar with its dramatic legacy. Most historical studies stop at, or before, the Moody & Sankey Revival of 1873–74. It is commonly assumed that very few genuine revivals occurred since that date until the Lewis Revival of 1949–53. Tom Lennie thoroughly debunks this idea – showing that religious awakenings were relatively common in Scotland between these dates – and provides a comprehensive account of the many exciting revivals that have taken place throughout Scotland. The Awakenings in the Outer Hebrides and North East fishing communities, that had several unique and striking features, are considered in separate sections. Revivals amongst both children / students and Pentecostals are also given separate treatment. Of particular significance is the first comprehensive account of the 1930’s ‘Laymen’s Revival’ in Lewis. This fascinating, but near–forgotten, movement may have been even more powerful and influential than the later Lewis Revival. Glory in the Glen tells a thoroughly absorbing, and largely untold, story. It is the result of painstaking research, conducted over more than half–a–decade, from hundreds of source materials as well as personal interviews. Much of the material has never before been published.

Author(s): Dale Ralph Davis
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (April 15-16)
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People are often curious and occasionally apprehensive about what the church is like. Not many people come sliding out of a reformed pipeline and straight into a pew – they come from all over the religious and non-religious spectrum. We don’t want people to be surprised in a bad way about what they will encounter.

Author(s): Randall Greenwald
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Apr 8-9)
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Lengthy, heavy, theological tomes have their place, but sometimes we need a simple way of understanding the doctrine that is central to our faith. The Westminster Shorter Catechism is designed to do just that. Randall Greenwald takes the question and answer format that it follows and, in short chapters, encourages us to dig for the gold that is to be found in its pages. Read, and be enriched.

Author(s): Graham Beynon
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (April 1-2)
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Isaac Watts(1674-1748) is one of the best-known Hymn-Writers in the History. He wrote over 700 hymns including the well-known “When I survey the Wondrous Cross”, “O God, our help in ages past” and “Jesus shall reign where’er the sun” – hymns which are still sung to this day. Brought up in a non-conformist church and family, Isaac Watts knew what it was to be a pastor whilst also battling prolonged periods of illness. Leading a life, that like us all, was not without difficulty or controversy, he was able to write Hymns of almost unparalleled depth and beauty, though they were often remained unappreciated by his own congregation. This fascinating study considers his life, writings and continuing influence on Christians today, in a way that will illuminate and inspire.

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