
Daily E-Book Deals: October 19, 2022

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Author(s):  Aubrey M. Sequeira
Publisher:  Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Oct 19-20)
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5 Ways the Lord’s Supper Is Important for the Local Church

Church Questions is a series that seeks to provide ordinary Christians with sound and accessible biblical teaching by answering common questions about church life. Each volume offers biblical answers and practical applications with the goal of nurturing healthy church practice and commitment.

Have you taken the Lord’s Supper without understanding what it means? Do you wonder about its relevance to your Christian life? This ordinance doesn’t have to be mysterious. Pastor Aubrey Sequeira shares five ways the Lord’s Supper enriches the church as it invites believers to look backward (remembrance), outward (togetherness), upward (spiritual nourishment), inward (reflection), and forward (anticipation).


Author(s):  Timothy Keller
Publisher:  The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (Oct 19-20)
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“I have always believed that at the heart of Romans 8 you have the secret to really using the gospel in your heart to change yourself in a profound way.” Tim Keller

Join Dr Timothy Keller as he opens up the second half of the book of Romans, beginning n chapter 8, helping you to get to grips with its meaning and showing how it transforms our hearts and lives today.

Combining a close attention to the detail of the text with Timothy Keller’s trademark gift for clear explanation and compelling insights, this resource will both engage your mind and stir your heart.

Author(s):  Rachel Starr Thomson, Mercy Hope Carolyn Currey
Publisher: N/A
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

You can live free from fear.

Fear steals our lives from us. It steals our impact and cripples our joy. In our modern world, it can seem impossible to avoid it. Bad news is everywhere. There are a million reasons to be afraid.

But what if you could be free from all of that? What if your default mode was courageand faith, not fear and timidity? True freedom is possible–through the presence of Jesus and the practice of his Word.

In this book, we expose the insidious roots of fear and explore the answers found in the Bible.

Learn how:
The fear of the Lord will break the power of lesser fears
Holiness will change your identity–and give you courage to stand against the tide
The presence of God is the answer to the world’s troubles
You can practice the gifts of power, love, and a sound mind

Author(s):  Lily Isaacs
Publisher:  New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99       (Oct 19-20)
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An unforgettable autobiography of Lily Isaac, the daughter of Holocaust survivors who rejected her Jewish heritage for a life with Jesus Christ and a music career.

Throughout her music and that of her children, who together form the beloved and multi-award winning group The Isaacs, you hear the resonating inspirational legacy of this family’s faith. Fans struggle to put the book down and are captivated by:

An autobiographical look at Lily’s life, from being a Jewish folk singer to serving as vocalist and matriarch of The Isaacs

The powerful account of her struggle with a once unknown faith and how she finally “cried her way to God from the church’s back pew”

The incredible insights behind heartbreaking moments which were her greatest opportunities of faith.


Author(s):  Michael P.V. Barrett
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi—the often ignored Minor Prophets—delivered the next-to-last word to God’s people. That is, these prophets pointed Israel to Christ, the supreme and final Word, and warned them against rejecting Him. Underscoring the truth that studying this portion of Scripture is profitable (2 Tim. 3:16), Michael Barrett helps us discern the relevance of these prophets for today. He explains the prophetic office, the historical setting of the postexilic books, and their contributions to God’s overall redemptive message before considering the specific messages of each of these books in depth. Study questions at the end of each chapter enhance individual and group Bible study.


In this grab bag, we have 16 e-books from Wipf and Stock. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each e-book cover.

















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