
Monthly Archives: May 2022

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Author(s): Patti Callahan
Publisher: Harper Muse
Price: $2.99       (May 7-8)
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Megs Devonshire sets out to fulfill her younger brother George’s last wish by uncovering the truth behind his favorite story. The answer provides hope and healing and a magical journey for anyone whose life has ever been changed by a book.

1950: Margaret Devonshire (Megs) is a seventeen-year-old student of mathematics and physics at Oxford University. When her beloved eight-year-old brother asks Megs if Narnia is real, logical Megs tells him it’s just a book for children, and certainly not true. Homebound due to his illness, and remaining fixated on his favorite books, George presses her to ask the author of the recently released novel The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe a question: “Where did Narnia come from?”

Despite her fear about approaching the famous author, who is a professor at her school, Megs soon finds herself taking tea with C.S. Lewis and his own brother Warnie, begging them for answers.


Author(s): Reuben A. Torrey
Publisher: Aneko Press
Price: FREE       Buy Now!

There has perhaps never been an age that set such great store in study as that in which we now live. The unfortunate thing about it is that so much of the study in our day is devoted to books and subjects in which there is little or no profit. Time is squandered on the purely speculative, the uncertain, the unprofitable, the unessential, the unproductive, the irrelevant, and the transitory. The most profitable of all study is wisely ordered Bible study. Its value is incalculable. It is beyond all comparison more profitable than any other study. It is the one superlatively profitable study.

Bible study towers above all other studies in importance and value not only because of what the Bible is, but also because of what the Bible does.
The Bible properly studied makes men wise unto salvation.
The Bible makes Jesus Christ known so as to lead anyone who studies it to believe in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, and thereby to obtain eternal life in His name.
The Bible imparts God’s own nature to the men, women, and children who study it as they should and thus completely transforms their inmost and their outward life.
When properly studied, this Book makes the one who studies it grow like the palm tree in all the graces and glories of Christian character.
The Bible properly studied makes the heart pure and keeps the life white.
The Bible, properly studied, brings peace, wonderful peace, to the troubled heart.
The Bible, properly studied, brings joy as well as peace.
In this book, I will tell you how to properly study the Bible: for light and not for darkness, for life and not for death, for blessing and not for cursing, and so it will lift us up to heaven and not sink us down to hell.


Author(s): Joanne Bischof
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99       (Ends May 31)
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One wild and mysterious ghost town. Two second-chance love stories. And the century-old legacy that binds them together.

Upon arriving in Kenworthy, California, mail-order bride Juniper Cohen is met by the pounding of the gold mine, an untamable landscape, and her greatest surprise of all: the kind and loving man who awaits her. But when the mine proves empty of profit, and when Juniper’s husband, John, vanishes, Juniper is left to fend for herself and her young daughter in the dwindling boomtown that is now her home.

Juniper pens letters to her husband but fears she is waiting on a ghost. Perhaps worse, rumors abound claiming the man she loves could be an outlaw. Surviving in a ghost town requires trusting the kindness of a few remaining souls, including the one who can unlock the mystery of her husband’s disappearance—and Juniper’s survival depends not only upon these friends but also the strength of heart she must fight to maintain.


In this grab bag, we have 6 e-Books that are on sale in celebration of Mother’s day. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.


Ends May 31

Ends May 31




David C. Cook Header

In this grab bag, we have 6 e-books from David C. Cook. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends May 9

Ends May 9

Ends May 9

Ends May 9

Ends May 9

Ends May 9

Author(s): Panagioti Kantartzis Kantartzis
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 6-7)
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We may associate a number of images with the Eastern Orthodox church – ornate church buildings, services with candles and incense, men wearing embellished robes – but what does the Eastern Orthodox church actually believe? What are the similarities and differences between them and western evangelical churches? What is their history? In this short book Panagiotis Kantartzis introduces us to Eastern Orthodoxy from an Evangelical perspective and tells us what we need to know.

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