
Monthly Archives: May 2022

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Author(s): Jo Grafford
Publisher: JG Press
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

A single-and-proud-of-it cowboy with an interfering family determined to push him toward his happily-ever-after, whether he wants it or not!

Yeah, that sounds like a bad chick-flick in the making, even to Asher Cassidy. Too bad, y’all! Because he isn’t going to be ready for a big church wedding anytime soon…make that never. His girlfriend dropped him like a hot potato after a freak fire scarred the left side of his face. No way is he playing the game of broken hearts again.

He hires Bella Johnson as a ranch hand because she’s so desperate for money that she’ll have no choice but to put up with his crankiness, the dirtiest chores, and whatever else he happens to be in the mood to assign her. By some miracle, she even agrees to pose as his fake girlfriend at the big hoedown his well-meaning parents have in the works to introduce him to all the single ladies in town.


Fiction (Male)

In this grab bag, we have 6 fiction e-books. The prices and sale dates that they have provided are under each book cover.

Ends May 9

Ends May 9

Ends May 31

Ends May 3

Ends May 3

Ends May 3

Author(s): Hannah Brown
Publisher: Harper
Price: $3.99       (Ends May 9)
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A New York Times bestseller.

“My life was a complete mess, and God bless all of it. Because it’s in the messes where we learn the most—as long as we slow down enough to realize what God is trying to show us.”

Suddenly in the spotlight, twenty-four-year-old Hannah Brown realized that she wasn’t sure what she wanted. After years of competing in beauty pageants, and then starring on The Bachelorette and Dancing with the Stars, she had become incredibly visible. There she was, in her early twenties, with millions around the world examining and weighing in on her every decision. She found herself wondering what it would mean to live on her terms. What it would mean to stop seeking approval from others and decide—for the first time—what it was she wanted from her own life.


Author(s): Chris Sonksen
Publisher: Baker Books
Price: $1.99       (Ends May 31)
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You have a passionate desire to take the church outside its four walls and make the love of Jesus practical, visible, and lived out in daily life. But how? How do you put into action what is stirring in your heart?

Indispensable Church provides you and your church real-world, hands-on steps to create a revolution of service to your local community in the name of Christ. By exploring the life of Jesus and the strategic ways he modeled serving the people around him, pastor Chris Sonksen shows you how to put love into action in your neighborhood and your city. The step-by-step instructions, biblical challenges, and teaching resources will help you take love to the streets and make an impact right where you live.


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