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Author(s): Dustin W. Benge & Nate Pickowicz
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Oct 20-21)
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In ‘The American Puritans’, Dustin Benge and Nate Pickowicz tell the story of the first hundred years of Reformed Protestantism in New England through the lives of nine key figures: William Bradford, John Winthrop, John Cotton, Thomas Hooker, Thomas Shepard, Anne Bradstreet, John Eliot, Samuel Willard, and Cotton Mather. Here is sympathetic yet informed history, a book that corrects many myths and half-truths told about the American Puritans while inspiring a current generation of Christians to let their light shine before men.

Table of Contents:
Introduction: Who Are the American Puritans?
1. William Bradford
2. John Winthrop
3. John Cotton
4. Thomas Hooker
5. Thomas Shepard
6. Anne Bradstreet
7. John Eliot
8. Samuel Willard
9. Cotton Mather


Author(s): Adam Mabry
Publisher: The Good Book Company
Price: $2.99       (Oct 20-21)
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Love and wrath. Sovereignty and responsibility. Victory and suffering. Some of the truths we read in the Bible seem to be in
opposition to each other. We naturally tend to gravitate towards a side, but when we lose sight of one truth in order to protect the other, we are in danger of becoming proud, creating division, and diminishing our faith.

In this compelling, inspiring, and at times provocative book, Adam Mabry urges us to stop taking sides and refuse to participate in tribalism by mapping out a way to hold in tension truths that we so often divide over.

You’ll discover how our joy and our witness rest on us learning to hold to all that the Scriptures teach and growing in virtue as we do. You’ll learn how to wrestle with all that the Scriptures say, to embrace mystery, to listen closely, and to speak with clarity.

Author(s): Terry Toler
Publisher: N/A
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

Several men made Jamie Austen mad. Big Mistake!
International #1 Best Selling and Award Winning Author, Terry Toler, brings you Book Five in the spy stories series.

America’s beloved heroine, Jamie Austen’s, latest adventure takes her to the glitz and glamour of Abu Dhabi, one of the richest and most exotic cities in the world.

Jamie is in Abu Dhabi to purchase a thirty-million-dollar painting for AJAX, the corporation she uses to conduct CIA undercover operations. While she’s not on a mission to rescue girls, when the message HELP ME is written on the women’s bathroom mirror at the art gallery, Jamie has no choice but to find out who wrote it and why.

What follows is a gripping and gut-wrenching tale of four girls in grave danger.


Author(s): Bill Foster
Publisher: New Leaf Press
Price: $2.99       (Oct 20-21)
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From the popular culture’s perspective, reading the Bible “literally” is something that only naïve, uneducated Christians do because they lack awareness of current scientific interpretations of our world, or cannot accept 21st-century social sensibilities. However, this aspersion itself lacks understanding of what it means to read the Bible – or any other work – literally.

This guide will not only clarify what it means to read the Bible literally, but will also lead you through examples of biblical passages that have been misread (some famously) and explain what has gone wrong with the interpretation. You will learn five tools for how to read the Bible accurately, including understanding how to recognize figures of speech, how to be aware of context, and how doctrinal considerations apply.


Author(s): Eric Metaxas
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99       (Oct 20 Only)
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In Seven Men, New York Times bestselling author Eric Metaxas presents seven exquisitely crafted short portraits of widely known—but not well understood—Christian men, each of whom uniquely showcases a commitment to live by certain virtues in the truth of the gospel.

Written in a beautiful and engaging style, Seven Men addresses what it means (or should mean) to be a man today, at a time when media and popular culture present images of masculinity that are not the picture presented in Scripture and historic civil life. This book answers questions like:

What does it take to be a true exemplar as a father, brother, husband, leader, coach, counselor, change agent, and wise man?
What does it mean to stand for honesty, courage, and charity?
And how can you stand especially at times when the culture and the world run counter to those values?
Each of the seven biographies represents the life of a man who experienced the struggles and challenges to be strong in the face of forces and circumstances that would have destroyed the resolve of lesser men. Each of the seven men profiled—George Washington, William Wilberforce, Eric Liddell, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jackie Robinson, John Paul II, and Charles Colson—call the reader to a more elevated walk and lifestyle, one that embodies the gospel in the world around us.

Author(s): Andy Andrews
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $1.99       (Oct 20 Only)
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Can natural enemies make peace? Actually…can they fall in love?

The Heart Mender is a story of life, loss, and reconciliation, reminding us of the power of forgiveness and the universal healing experience of letting go.

In his classic storytelling style, New York Times best-selling author Andy Andrews delivers an adventure set sharply against the warm waters and white sands of the Gulf of Mexico in WWII America.

Saddened and unable to abandon her resentment toward the Nazi war machine that took her husband’s life, the young and attractive Helen Mason is living a bitter, lonely existence. Betrayed and left for dead, German U-boat officer Lt. Josef Landermann washes ashore in a sleepy town along the northern gulf coast, looking to Helen for survival.

Released in a previous edition as Island of Saints


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