
Tag: Zondervan

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Author(s): Jessica LaGrone
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $1.99       (Ends April 30)
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Life is a hot mess. There’s the bedlam of getting out the door in the morning. The constant breaking down of our homes and bodies and the cars we drive. And the institutions that promise to help are often no better. We are surrounded by the constant disorder of governments and disappointed by “organized” religion, the very entities that tell us they can provide us sanity and security. Instead, they leave us scratching our heads or licking our wounds. Chaos surrounds us, and at times, it seems to rule our souls, our families, and our world.

But does chaos always end in failure or flaw?

What if chaos was more than the check engine light of lost causes? What if chaos was the raw material out of which God creates? In the beginning God brought order from chaos, filling the chaos with a beautiful creation, and he’s been doing it ever since. Where you and I may experience confusion and disorder, God sees an opportunity for something new–for a rebirth, a renewal, and a renovation. God did this in the beginning, he did it again at the cross, and with renewed vision for our disordered world today, we look to God to do it again.


Author(s): Walter Wangerin Jr.
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $2.99       (Ends Mar 31)
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No story has more significance than this: the death and resurrection of Jesus. But somehow the oft-repeated tale of Christ’s passion can become too familiar, too formalized, for us to experience its incredible immediacy. The meditations in Reliving the Passion, which received a Gold Medallion Award in 1993, follow the story as given in the gospel of Mark—from the moment when the chief priests plot to kill Jesus to the Resurrection. But these readings are more than a recounting of events; they are an imaginary reenactment, leading the reader to re-experience the Passion or perhaps see it fully for the very first time. As only a great storyteller can, Walter Wangerin enables the reader to see the story from the inside, to discover the strangeness and wonder of the events as they unfold. It’s like being there. In vivid images and richly personal detail, Wangerin helps us recognize our own faces on the streets of Jerusalem; breathe the dark and heavy air of Golgotha; and experience, as Mary and Peter did, the bewilderment, the challenge, and the ultimate revelation of knowing the man called Jesus. “The story gets personal for every reader,” writes Wangerin, “for this is indeed our story, the story whereby we personally have been saved from such a death as Jesus died. “No, there is not another tale in the world more meaningful than this—here is where we all take our stands against sin and death and Satan, upon this historical, historic event. I consider it a holy privilege to participate in it retelling. “Read this book slowly. Read it with a seeing faith. Walk the way with Jesus. We, his followers of later centuries, do follow even now. Read, walk, come, sigh, live. Live! Rise again!”

Author(s): Zac Hicks
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $2.99       (Mar 27 Only)
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A 52-week devotional for ministry leaders and worship teams to prepare their hearts and minds for the service and make the worship experience of their church more meaningful.

Anyone involved in organized worship has probably seen what worship can be, and they’ve wondered: How can we tap into that transformative spirit more often? How can we overcome the problems of urgency, fatigue, and the temptation to just go through the motions? How can we gather before God, consistently ready to receive his presence?

In Before We Gather, Zac Hicks—author of the best-selling book The Worship Pastor—provides a unique, year-long devotional that focuses the attention of worship teams and individuals on God. This book offers biblical reflection in a simple, engaging style, helping worship teams set the tone of a gathering by developing a rich theology of worship through the practice of prayer.


Author(s): Joni Eareckson Tada
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $3.99       (Ends Mar 31)
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Your life is not too ordinary, your world is not too small, and your work is not too insignificant to make a difference–instead, all of it is a stage set for you to glorify God. Join bestselling author Joni Eareckson Tada as she shares daily devotions designed to help you embrace your eternal purpose.

Do you ever wonder why God created you? The Bible says it plainly: God created you to showcase His glory–to enjoy it, display it, and demonstrate it every day to all those you encounter.

Through this award-winning, 365-day devotional, Joni will help you discover how to put God’s glory on full display, no matter what challenges you’re facing. A Spectacle of Glory will prepare you to take on each day with the help of:


Author(s): Jared C. Wilson
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $2.99       (Ends Mar 31)
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Many evangelical churches face the problem of the open “back door”–even as new people arrive, older members are leaving, looking for something else. Combined with this problem is the discipleship deficit, the difficult truth that most evangelicals are not reaching the unchurched at the rates they think they are. In fact, many of the metrics that we often “count” in the church to highlight success really don’t tell us the full story of a church’s spiritual state. Things like attendance, decisions, dollars, and experiences can tell us something about a church, but not everything.

To cultivate a spiritually healthy church we need a shift in our metrics–a “grace-shift” that prioritizes the work of God in the lives of people over numbers and dollars. Are people growing in their esteem for Jesus? Is there a dogged devotion to the Bible as the ultimate authority for life? Is there a growing interest in theology and doctrine? A discernible spirit of repentance? And perhaps most importantly, is there evident love for God and for our neighbors in the congregation?


Author(s): Donald L. Brake
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $4.99       (Ends Mar 31)
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Jesus, A Visual History, offers a unique vantage point into Jesus’ story, introducing readers to the historical context of Gospel accounts. Its easy reading style, thorough research, and visual presentation will leave readers with a greater and lasting appreciation for Jesus the Messiah. Maps and charts summarize and visualize the events of Jesus’ life, along with full-color photos and 19th-century black-and-white images of the modern sites where biblical events took place. In addition, original artwork researched for accuracy illuminates Jesus’ life and work.

This engaging, visually-driven book will be valued by readers as an accessible yet accurate invitation to better understand both the Holy Land and the Savior who walked it.


All the Women of the Bible
Herbert Lockyer
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $1.99       (Ends Mar 31)
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The Life and Times of All the Women of the Bible Dr. Herbert Lockyer provides a convenient commentary on all the named–and unnamed–women of the Bible, from Abi to Zipporah. You’ll discover how the lives and character of different biblical women mirror the situations of women today. More than 400 concise, fact-filled entries provide fascinating and thought-provoking insights, whether you’re conducting a Bible study group, speaking in public, or simply deepening your personal understanding of God’s Word. Herbert W. Lockyer’s “All” books give you life-enriching insights into the Bible. From characters you can learn from, to teachings you can apply, to promises you can stand on and prophecies you can count on, Lockyer’s time-honored works help you wrap your mind around the Bible and get it into your heart. Lockyer’s books include All the Apostles of the Bible, All the Divine Names and Titles in the Bible, All the Doctrines of the Bible, All the Men of the Bible, All the Women of the Bible, All the Messianic Prophecies of the Bible, All the Miracles of the Bible, All the Parables of the Bible, All the Prayers of the Bible, and All the Promises of the Bible.

All the Names in the Bible (A to Z Series)
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Price: $2.99       (Ends Mar 31)
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Even the most savvy Bible scholar will admit that it can be challenging to learn all the names in the Bible. Not only are there hundreds and hundreds of them, but some can be difficult to pronounce and tough to remember. All The Names in the Bible is a fun and engaging handbook that includes every name in the Bible in one handy volume. This comprehensive resource lists every person and place mentioned in the Bible and cites helpful information, including the pronunciation of the name, the Greek or Hebrew meaning of the name, a paragraph of description, and a list of Scripture passages where the name is found. No other resource supplies such a comprehensive list with so many valuable pieces of information. For anyone looking to broaden their knowledge of the Bible’s many people and places, All the Names in the Bible is the perfect choice.

Features include:

Complete list in one convenient volume
Includes the names of all people, towns, cities, rivers, mountains, and nations in the Bible
Meaning of the name, a paragraph of description, and Scripture passages where the name is found

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