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graciousnessAuthor(s): John Crotts
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

Sometimes we have important things to say to other Christians, but if we deliver our message ungraciously, they won’t benefit. Author John Crotts points out that God cares about how we say what we say: “It is not enough always to say the truth; you must also say the truth in love.” In Graciousness, the author addresses Christians who are zealous for God’s truth yet struggle to communicate it graciously—in a loving way. Filled with practical instruction and wise insights, this book includes a biblical description of graciousness, with a look at positive examples and commands from the Bible and methods for cultivating graciousness in various areas of the Christian life. Be equipped to speak the truth in love!

godly prayerAuthor(s): John Brown of Wamphray
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Jan 19-20)
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‘Godly Prayer and Its Answers’ is an extended meditation upon Christ’s promise in John 14:13–14, “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” However, in the process of touching upon everything stated and implied in the text, Brown produces a full and complete treatment of the doctrine of prayer in a manner calculated to promote the exercise of faith in Jesus Christ. (more…)

Author(s): Joel R. Beeke & James A. La Belle
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Jan 19-20)
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The Puritans believed that godly marriages were foundational for the future life of families, churches, and nations. Therefore, they wrote prolifically on the subject of marriage, seeking to bring biblical reformation to this subject in a comprehensive way. Martin Luther, John Calvin, and other previous Reformers had begun this task, but the Puritans took it much further, writing a number of detailed treatises on how to live as godly spouses. Out of the wealth of material available to us from the seventeenth century, Joel R. Beeke and James A. La Belle have gathered together insights from the past and summarized them in a contemporary form in order to encourage modern day coupled to glorify God in marriage. 

Table of Contents:
The Institution and Honor of Marriage
The Purposes and Benefits of Marriage
Securing a Good Entrance into Marriage
Preserving the Honor of Marriage
The Mutual Duties of Love and Chastity
The Mutual Duties of Help and Peace
The Wife’s Duties in Marriage
The Husband’s Duty of Love
The Husband’s Duty of Authority
Concluding Counsel 
Appendix: George Swinnock’s Prayers for Husbands and Wives (more…)

Author(s): Matthew Vogan
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

“The King in His Beauty” introduces readers to the life and writings of Samuel Rutherford (1600–1661). Matthew Vogan’s biographical introduction traces the significant events of this Scottish theologian’s life and guides readers through his writings, focusing on his distinctive insight into Christian experience. In forty-three excerpts drawn from Rutherford’s letters, major treatises, catechism, and sermons, readers will discover the depth of Rutherford’s compassion, piety, and theological wisdom, all rooted in his unwavering love for Christ.

Series Description:
Seeking, then, both to honor the past and yet not idolize it, we are issuing these books in the series Profiles in Reformed Spirituality. The design is to introduce the spirituality and piety of the Reformed Profiles in Reformed Spirituality tradition by presenting descriptions of the lives of notable Christians with select passages from their works. This combination of biographical sketches and collected portions from primary sources gives a taste of the subjects’ contributions to our spiritual heritage and some direction as to how the reader can find further edification through their works. It is the hope of the publishers that this series will provide riches for those areas where we are poor and light of day where we are stumbling in the deepening twilight.

Matthew Vogan lives in Inverness, Scotland, with his wife, Janet, and son, Joseph. He is a ruling elder in the Inverness congregation of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland and author of various articles for a number of periodicals. He works in local government as a project manager.

“Samuel Rutherford is the most significant devotional writer in the British Reformed tradition, and in Matthew Vogan he has found the ideal editor. This book gathers together the most important passages in Rutherford’s writing, to preserve for us his unique appreciation of the glories of Immanuel’s land.” — Crawford Gribben, senior lecturer, Trinity College Dublin, and director of Texts, Contexts, Cultures

“Ever heard a foreign language and thought, ‘That’s beautiful. I’d love to understand that, or even speak like that’? You may have a similiar sensation as you read Samuel Rutherford’s moving descriptions of Jesus Christ and His loving interactions with needy sinners. While the heavenly language and passionate experiences may initally seem strange to our shallow minds and cold hearts, Christians will find themselves enraptured and enticed to a deeper, higher, and wider knowledge and experience of Jesus Christ as they read these beatiful words.” – David P. Murray, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Author(s): Joel R. Beeke
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

“I once was blind, but now I see” is the glad confession of the Christian’s heart. However, what is it that a Christian now sees that so transforms his life? It is the Christian worldview. This is not an abstract philosophy so much as biblical doctrine for life. The Word of God establishes God-centered thinking, engages faithful living, and energizes ardent feeling for the kingdom of Christ in this world and the world to come. In this volume, several pastors and theologians band together to explore aspects of the Christian worldview such as God’s Trinity, supremacy, and loving sovereignty over all of life; the Christian’s identity in Christ, sexuality, and sufferings; and the Christian life as both earthly mission and heavenly pilgrimage.

Contributors include Derek Thomas, Michael Barrett, Joel Beeke, Paul Smalley, Mark Kelderman, Brian Cosby, Charles Barrett, and Gerald Bilkes.

Author(s): Dustin Benge
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $4.99       Buy Now!

John Calvin understood the importance of prayer to the Christian life and wrote extensively on the subject in his ‘Institutes of the Christian Religion’. Now modern readers can come to a firmer grasp of how the Reformer viewed prayer by reading his actual prayers. One of the greatest depositories for Calvin’s prayers is within his lectures on the Old Testament books of Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and the twelve Minor Prophets. Each lecture would end with a prayer that seemed extemporaneous and reflected, in retrospect, upon the text he had just taught. Compiled in this volume are 150 of these prayers, arranged by subject and accompanied by the Scripture passage Calvin was expounding. These rich prayers of the great Reformer provide a valuable devotional tool to assist us as we lift up our hearts to God.

Dustin W. Benge is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Jackson, Kentucky. He is currently a PhD candidate at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.

“Dustin Benge has made a great treasure accessible for all of us. These prayers of Calvin can now be enjoyed and used, and can be of great personal profit. A fresh and fine volume. A book to read and to practice repeatedly.” — Herman J. Selderhuis, author of John Calvin: A Pilgrim’s Life

“Dustin Benge has done the church a great service by compiling this generous selection of prayers by the great Genevan Reformer, John Calvin. Extracted from his luminous Old Testament Commentaries, these fervent intercessions reveal the warm piety that accompanied this theological genius. Calvin’s personal logo was an open hand, holding a heart, extended upward to God with the words, ‘My heart I offer to Thee, Lord, promptly and sincerely.’ This book clearly demonstrates such singular devotion to God. Here is Calvin’s high doxology, arising upward from his high theology. And here is his exaltation of God, ascending from sound exegesis and exposition. By reading these prayers, I have no doubt but that your own heart will be likewise inflamed.” — Steven J. Lawson, author of The Expository Genius of John Calvin

Author(s): Jeremy Walker
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Ends Dec 3)
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With a “gutless orthodoxy,” Christians today quickly affirm biblical truth regarding evangelism and mission, but, author Jeremy Walker reminds us, “we cannot pretend that we know and believe the truth about men, souls, heaven, hell, and salvation unless it is making a difference in the way we think, feel, pray, speak, and act.” How do Christians develop this sense of urgency to see lost sinners saved? What motivates our evangelism? We must have the character of the brokenhearted evangelist, the David of Psalm 51, who recognizes the greatness of his own sin, looks to God for forgiveness, then recognizes his undeniable obligation to teach transgressors God’s ways.
In an engaging style and with pastoral warmth, Walker urges Christians to exercise their obligation and privilege to teach transgressors God’s ways, providing both spiritual truth and practical guidance for carrying out this necessary gospel duty. (more…)

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