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Author(s): Jeremy Walker
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        (Sept 7-8)
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“To be a disciple of Jesus Christ is to be in a position of privilege and blessing beyond anything the world might offer,” begins author Jeremy Walker. Life in Christ explores the unsearchable riches of the Christian pilgrimage and traces its trajectory, highlighting key elements in the believer’s experience. Do you wrestle with assurance? Have you grasped the engagement demanded in Christian living? Do you find the way wearying at times? Do you struggle with your Christian identity? Walker provides instruction for Christians to assess their own standing and progress in the faith—exhorting and equipping and always pointing them ahead to the hope of the glory of Christ. Along the way, he encourages God’s people to live life to the praise of His glory as he examines some of the basic truths that establish and direct a true child of God.

Jeremy Walker is a pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England, coauthor of A Portrait of Paul: Identifying a True Minister of Christ, and author of The Brokenhearted Evangelist.

“In his new book, my good friend Jeremy Walker, in a most breathtaking way, vividly opens up the beauties and glories of becoming and being a disciple of Christ. In reading this work I was greatly moved and reminded afresh of the wonders of my salvation and was tearfully left praising God for all that He has done in my life. Since no other subject in the Word of God is more important than the one addressed in this volume, I cannot commend it too highly.” — Rob Ventura, Pastor, Grace Community Baptist Church, North Providence, Rhode Island, co-author of A Portrait of Paul

“One of the most neglected topics of our day happens to be one of the most essential aspects of our Christian lives—our union with Christ. You will be grateful to know that this gaping hole is being wonderfully filled with Jeremy Walker’s new book, Life in Christ. Jeremy writes with theological precision, exegetical clarity, and pastoral sensitivity that promise this book to be a very useful resource not just for those seeking to grow more in Christ but even unbelievers needing to know why Christ is to be so treasured. Read this book and prepare to be amazed afresh of what it means for us as sinners to be in Christ and partakers of his heavenly reward.” — Brian Croft, senior pastor, Auburndale Baptist Church, and founder and ministry development director of Practical Shepherding

“In this splendid book on the very central issues of eternity, Jeremy Walker, like J. C. Ryle of old, carries the reader along with an excellent, gripping style. It is a book that everyone should read—and then pass on to others who need an explanation of the true gospel, especially those slaves of political correctness sadly found in many modern pulpits.” — Erroll Hulse, pastor, conference speaker, author, and founding editor of Reformation Today

“In this well-ordered book, Jeremy Walker provides a straightforward presentation of what it is to become and live as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Following Christ is not a matter of secondary importance but should be of critical concern for every reader of this book. Each page is saturated with scriptural truths that are easy to read but challenging to apply regarding this vital subject of discipleship. I highly recommend this work, which is doctrinally sound, persuasively presented, and pastorally related.” — Steven J. Lawson, senior pastor, Christ Fellowship Baptist Church, Mobile, Alabama

Author(s): Phillip L. Simpson
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $3.99        (Ends Sept 14)
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The writings of Jeremiah Burroughs are some of the most readable and engaging Puritan works available. Like his Puritan colleagues, Burroughs sought to explain biblical teaching in a heart-searching manner. In this biography, Phillip L. Simpson opens a window into the life and times of Burroughs, providing the context for his memorable sermons and writings. What becomes apparent is Burroughs’s consistent application of the principles he preached to the conduct of his life. An ardent call for a gospel-driven life and a peaceable character is reflected in both his books and life, which stand out remarkably in an era of turmoil and revolution. This is the first book-length biography of Jeremiah Burroughs.

Table of Contents:
1. Early Influences: Birth through the Cambridge Years
2. Stisted, Chelmsford, and Bury St. Edmunds
3. Tivetshall, Norwich, and Mendlesham
4. Under Warwick’s Hospitable Roof
5. Rotterdam
6. Return to England: Burroughs and Politics
7. Burroughs the Preacher
8. Stepney, Cripplegate, and Cornhill
9. Burroughs the Westminster Divine
10. Burroughs the Independent
11. Gangraena and Irenicum
12. Burroughs’s Death and Legacy

Phillip L. Simpson and his wife Sara live in Huntington, WV, along with their two children, Zack and Molly. Phillip developed and maintains the Jeremiah Burroughs Homepage website, a site dedicated to collecting resources by and about Jeremiah Burroughs. He is a lay teacher and member of Crew Church in Huntington. Simpson graduated from Marshall University and Eastern Kentucky University and is employed as an occupational therapist, helping people with dizziness and balance disorders. He also serves on the West Virginia Board of Occupational Therapy.

“A man whose books are known and treasured almost four centuries after his death is a man worth getting to know. Phillip Simpson has done the church a great service in penning this long-overdue account of the life and impact of Jeremiah Burroughs. I am glad to commend it to you.” — Tim Challies

“Jeremiah Burroughs is (rightly) one of the most beloved Puritans of his day and ours. His precise biblical doctrine and spot-on application have given him a well-deserved place in the first rank of Puritan preachers. And while we have been blessed to have many of his works made available to us of late, we were largely ignorant of anything about Burroughs the man, other than short excerpts from reference works such as the Dictionary of National Biography or Benjamin Brook’s Lives of the Puritans.

Now, thanks to Philip Simpson, that has changed. He has meticulously researched Burroughs’s life and has shown us what made the man who and what he was. I am convinced that until we know the life of a man, we cannot fully understand his theology or his passions. We can now become informed admirers of this great man and can thank God even more for giving him to the church.” — Don Kistler

Author(s): John V. Fesko
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        (Ends Sept 14)
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Table of Contents:
Part I: The History of the Doctrine
Chapter 1: Baptism in the Patristic Age, Middle Ages, and Counter-Reformation
Chapter 2: Baptism in Luther and Lutheranism
Chapter 3: Baptism in Zwingli and the Anabaptists
Chapter 4: Baptism in the Reformed Tradition
Chapter 5: Baptism in Early Orthodox Reformed Theology
Chapter 6: Baptism in High Orthodox Reformed Theology
Chapter 7: Baptism in Modern Theology
Summary of Part I
Part II: Biblical-Theological Survey of the Doctrine
Chapter 8: Baptism as New Creation
Chapter 9: Baptism as Covenant Judgment
Chapter 10: Baptism as Eschatological Judgment
Summary of Part II
Part III: Systematic-Theological Construction of the Doctrine
Chapter 11: Baptism as a Means of Grace
Chapter 12: Baptism as a Sacrament
Chapter 13: Baptism Proper
Chapter 14: Baptism and Its Recipients
Chapter 15: Baptism and Ecclesiology
Summary of Part III (more…)

Author(s): William Gouge
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        (Aug 31-Sept 1)
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For years, William Gouge’s ‘Domestical Duties’ has stood as the foremost Puritan treatment of Christian family life. Yet due to its size and antiquated expression, it has become almost unknown among current generations of believers. To help revive the usefulness of this classic book, Scott Brown and Joel R. Beeke divided Gouge’s work into three manageable volumes, updated the language to modern standards, and have given it the title Building a Godly Home.

In the first volume, ‘A Holy Vision for Family Life’, we hear the voice of a wise and loving mentor, calling us to the old paths laid out for the family in the Bible. Here is Gouge’s helpful exposition of Ephesians 5:21–6:4, where he lays out the wife’s voluntary submission to her husband, the husband’s sacrificial love for his wife, the child’s obedient honoring of parents, and the parents’ nurturing leadership of their children. Reading it is like sitting down to coffee with a gentle grandfather and wise pastor. Come and allow your family to benefit from such wise counsel.

Table Contents:
1. Serving Each Other in the Fear of the Lord
2. Particular Callings and the Wife’s Submission
3. Headship in Marriage and the Church
4. Husbands and the Love of Christ
5. Love That Purifies the Unclean
6. Redeemed for Glory
7. Marital Love and Self-Love
8. Christ’s union with His Beloved
9. The Ancient Law and Unique Bond of Marriage
10. The Mystery and Practice of Marriage
11. The Child’s Duties to His Parents
12. The Parents’ Duty towards Their Children

William Gouge (1575–1653) was a Puritan minister who served for forty-five years at St. Ann Blackfriars in London and was a member of the Westminster Assembly. He and his wife, Elizabeth, had thirteen children.

“Few issues spell countercultural Christianity as does a biblical view of the home and its various relationships and responsibilities. Those like the seventeenth-century Presbyterian William Gouge, who attempted a lengthy exposition of domestic life as outlined in Scripture, got themselves into trouble with those who viewed biblical teaching burdensome (Gouge was vilified by wealthy city women, for example). But domestic reform is essential if we are to reflect godliness in the home, and Gouge’s once enormously popular Of Domestical Duties is without equal in describing what it looks like. A masterful guide, Gouge is pastoral, clear-headed, thoughtful, and eminently Bible-focused as he writes about the tasks, ideals, and problems of Christian family life. Once as popular as Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress and Matthew Henry’s Commentary, Gouge’s Of Domestical Duties deserves a central place in the modern Christian home.” — Derek W. H. Thomas, Minister of Preaching and Teaching, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

Author(s): Joel R. Beeke & Derek W. H. Thomas
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        (Aug 24-25)
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How does God bring His Word into our lives? The answer is: by the Holy Spirit. By the Spirit, the Word was revealed and written. By the Spirit, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. By the Spirit, the Word roots itself in the hearts of sinners and produces fruit. Calvin recognized long ago that the Holy Spirit is the bond of union between believers and Christ. Jonathan Edwards said that the Spirit is the sum of all Christ bought for His people with His precious blood. How precious then is the Spirit, and how important to know Him and His ways! In this book, a team of pastor-theologians uncovers the rich biblical teachings about the work of the Holy Spirit. How was the Spirit involved in the human life of Jesus Christ? What is a spiritual person? How does the Spirit open the mind of sinners to trust in Christ? What does it mean to serve God in the power of the Spirit? How does the Spirit’s sovereign work relate to our responsibility in evangelism? These questions and more are addressed in this book.

“Geoffrey Thomas is known and respected far and wide for his love for the doctrines of grace and warm-heartedness as a pastor. I am grateful to have known him over the years and to be invited now to commend this festschrift with its helpful essays illustrating the importance of the Holy Spirit’s work in saving sinners, in promoting their holiness and spiritual growth, and in supplying biblical preaching past and present.” — Maurice Roberts

“Geoff Thomas is a Reformed statesman—one of the remarkable figures in the modern church who is truly committed to Reformed ecumenicity. For that reason alone, this tribute is appropriate. You will note that men from a number of church backgrounds (both credo-Baptist and paedo-Baptist) have contributed to this birthday present. Those readers who know Geoff have found much pleasure and edification in his company, and all who read these articles will find the same.” —Joseph Pipa, president, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Taylors, South Carolina

“What better way to give thanks to God for the gracious work of the Holy Spirit in and through a dear father and brother in Christ than by directing hearts and minds to grow in delight in and reverence for the Holy Spirit? This diverse collection of essays challenges us to search the Scriptures to know the Spirit, see His work, and stand in wonder and worship before the triune God.” — William VanDoodewaard, associate professor of church history, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Author(s): Mary Beeke
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        (Ends Aug 31)
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“And be ye kind to another,” begins Ephesians 4:32. Christians are called to this standard, but how seriously do we take it?

In ‘The Law of Kindness’, Mary Beeke examines the idea of kindness, shows how it is developed, and gives helpful advice for putting it into action, with specific chapters addressed to wives, husbands, parents, teachers, and children. Readers will be struck by their own lack of kindness, captivated by God’s kindness toward us in Jesus Christ, and motivated to cultivate more of this precious virtue.

Table of Contents: 
Part 1: Kindness Examined 
1. What is Kindness? 
2. The Roots of Kindness 
3. Our Motives 
Part 2: Kindness Learned
4. The Kind Wife 
5. The Kind Husband 
6. Parenting With Kindness 
7. The Teacher’s Role 
8. Bullying 
9. A Letter to Children and Teens 
Part 3: Kindness in Action
10. Kind Thoughts 
11. Kind Words 
12. Kindness to the Least of These 
13. Your Kind of Kindness 

Mary Beeke is the wife of Dr. Joel Beeke and the mother of Calvin, Esther, and Lydia. She has served as a registered nurse and an elementary teacher and has her M.A.T. in learning disabilities from Calvin College. Since 1989, she has been a homemaker and a pastor’s wife.

“Mary Beeke—wife, mother, friend to many—is herself Mrs. Kindness personified. When she writes about this theme, therefore, everyone should listen. Full of wisdom, grace, story, good-humor, and a substantial dose of down-to-earth heavenly realism, The ‘Law of Kindness’ is a unique and remarkable book. Christians and non-Christians will find it marvelously honest, realistic, and practical. Both deeply challenging and wonderfully helpful, this book will surely be a modern classic of its kind.” – Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson 

“Mary Beeke has given us an invaluable source of reflection upon a much needed Christian virtue—kindness. In doing so, she has provided us with breathtaking examples of Christian kindness in action, interspersed with practical applications on this Christ-like fruit of the Spirit. This will prove a deservedly popular book, one that readers will return to again and again.” – Dr. Derek Thomas

Editor(s): Joel R. Beeke
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $3.99        (Ends Aug 31)
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In the Bible, milk and honey speaks of God’s bountiful provision and symbolizes our basic need for solid spiritual food and sweet communion with the triune God through Christ. With that in mind, this devotional book dwells on God’s sustaining grace revealed throughout Scripture. Unlike some daily devotional books that are an assortment of meditations with no thematic structure, Milk and Honey provides brief devotional thoughts that cover the major contours of Scripture in the course of a year. Bible books are divided among twelve pastors so that each month covers a particular portion of Scripture. The result is a devotional survey of the Bible by able expositors of God’s Word.

Joel R. Beeke, Gerald M. Bilkes, Dirk J. Budding, David Campbell, Hugh M. Cartwright, Bartel Elshout, David H. Kranendonk, Jerrold H. Lewis, Roy Mohon, David P. Murray, Maurice J. Roberts, David Silversides

“The next best thing to being wise oneself,’ someone once said, ‘is to surround yourself with those who are.’ To begin or end each day with these judicious devotional sound bites will accomplish just that–they will teach you the way of wisdom. Issuing as it does from a trusted source, “Milk and Honey is, as they say, a sure thing. Insightful and experiential, these daily readings provide an ideal accompaniment to personal or family devotions.” – Derek W.H. Thomas

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