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Author(s): Joel Beeke
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        Buy Now!

The essays in ‘The Beauty and Glory of the Father’ call us to stand in wonder of the First Person of the Trinity. Through an assortment of studies, readers are challenged to recognize the Father’s glory displayed in His Son, to adore His beautiful attributes, to know Him as a Savior, and to rest in His loving hands. This book, along with ‘The Beauty and Glory of Christ’ and ‘The Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit’, reinforces the ongoing necessity of cultivating Trinitarian piety.

Contributors include Joel Beeke, Bart Elshout, Jerry Bilkes, Ryan McGraw, David Murray, Burk Parsons, Paul Smalley, Derek Thomas, and William VanDoodewaard.

“Sometimes doctrines we think we know are those in which we need to be grounded afresh, and the fatherhood of God is one. We acknowledge that in Jesus, God is our father, and that grace in Jesus Christ has given us access to the Father by the Spirit. But what are the contours of this rich and precious biblical doctrine? This collection of essays will help answer that question as we are led into the glory of God’s triune being, as well as to see the Father in the face of Jesus Christ and to trust again in the care our heavenly Father takes of us. This is a book to enlighten the mind and warm the heart. I cannot commend it highly enough.” — Rev. Dr. Iain D. Campbell, pastor, Free Church of Scotland in Point, Isle of Lewis, Scotland


Author(s): Joel Beeke & Brian Najapfour
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        Buy Now!

In ‘Taking Hold of God’, you will enter the treasury of the church of Jesus Christ and discover some of its most valuable gems on the subject of Christian prayer. The writings of the Reformers and Puritans shine with the glory of God in Christ, offering us much wisdom and insight today that can make our own prayer lives more informed, more extensive, more fervent, and more effectual.
Six contemporary scholars explore the writings and prayer lives of several Reformers and Puritans—among them, Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Perkins, Matthew Henry, and Jonathan Edwards—guiding us to growth in prayer and a more grateful communion with God.

Table of Contents:
Martin Luther on Prayer and Reformation – Brian G. Najapfour
John Calvin on Prayer as Communion with God – Joel R. Beeke
John Knox: A Theologian of Prayer – Brian G. Najapfour
William Perkins on the Lord’s Prayer — J. Stephen Yuille
Anthony Burgess on Christ’s Prayer for Us – Joel R. Beeke
John Bunyan on Praying with the Holy Spirit – Michael A.G. Haykin
The Puritans on the Help of the Holy Spirit in Prayer – Johnny C. Serafini
Matthew Henry on a Practical Method of Daily Prayer – Joel R. Beeke
Thomas Boston on Praying to Our Father – Joel R. Beeke
Jonathan Edwards on Prayer and the Triune God – Peter Beck
Puritan Prayers for World Missions – Joel R. Beeke
Prayerful Praying Today – Joel R. Beeke


Author(s): J. Mark Beach
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $3.99        Buy Now!

John Calvin’s ‘The Institutes of the Christian Religion’ presents one of the most winsome, thought-provoking, spiritually inspiring, and heart-searching summations of Christian truth ever written. Although works exist that either offer an analysis of Calvin’s views or serve as a guide to his Institutes, none fully share the aim of J. Mark Beach’s ‘Piety’s Wisdom’. Keeping to the form, shape, and tenor of Calvin’s own work, ‘Piety’s Wisdom’ offers busy pastors, seminarians, interested college students, and motivated laypersons a book that presents Calvin on his own terms. This summary can be used as an introduction to the Christian faith, as a primer for the study of Calvin, or a combination of each. While the book is suitable for individual study, the inclusion of study questions makes it an ideal tool for facilitating discussion in adult study groups.

J. Mark Beach is an Associate Pastor at Redeemer United Reformed Church in Dyer, Indiana. He also serves as Professor of Ministerial and Doctrinal Studies, and Dean of Students at Mid-America Reformed Seminary.

“Mark Beach’s ‘Piety’s Wisdom’ provides a finely done summary and analysis of Calvin’s Institutes that should be of considerable service to Christian laity, pastors, and students in coming to terms with the thought of the Genevan Reformer. Beach writes clearly and concisely, and with considerable insight into Calvin’s thought. The book includes a short biographical sketch and a contextual introduction to the Institutes. It stands as one of the best and most trustworthy introductions to Calvin presently available.” – Richard A. Muller

“J. Mark Beach has provided us with a concise guide to Calvin’s Institutes that succeeds in identifying its contours and emphases. Calvin’s magnum opus can prove tricky for the uninitiated and this volume will be invaluable as a quick and precise summary of the Reformer’s thought. An ideal accompaniment for those eager to get their teeth into one of the most important theological texts ever written.” – Derek W.H. Thomas

“Though road maps (or a GPS) are no substitute for the experience of traveling through the countryside, they can be a great help to the traveler in identifying the best route and the highpoints of the trip. J. Mark Beach’s Piety’s Wisdom is such a help for the reader who hopes to travel or navigate his or her way through Calvin’s great exposition of the Christian faith, The Institutes. Written for the general reader, Beach offers a useful guide that identifies the important landmarks, points the way through, and thereby whets the reader’s appetite for a first-hand acquaintance with Calvin’s theology.” – Cornelis Venema

Author(s): Theodore Beza
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

Theodore Beza’s A Clear and Simple Treatise on the Lord’s Supper (1559) advances a tireless defense of the Reformed perspective on the Lord’s Supper, responding chapter by chapter to specific arguments raised against John Calvin by his Lutheran opponent Joachim Westphal. Beza makes great use of the concept of metonymy, or a figure of speech, in his interpretation of the words of institution, yet he equally champions the position that the Lord’s Supper is not a bare symbol and in it we have true communion with the risen Christ. And like Calvin, Beza refers extensively to the church fathers, especially Augustine, in defense of his position.

This often-overlooked treatise marks some of the major differences between the Reformed and the Lutheran movements during the so-called second generation of the Reformation. A critical issue at the time, sacramental theology was at the forefront of the original break with Rome and prevented the various Protestant movements from uniting. Its translation into English from the original Latin provides a wider opportunity for those interested in these movements to learn more about some of the substantial issues of the period.

Appended to the book are two smaller treatises of Beza: A System of Doctrine on the Sacramental Substance and The Law of God in Various Classes.

Author(s): Herman Bavinck
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        (Nov 9-10)
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In the late nineteenth century, two distinct reform movements coming out of the Dutch State Reformed Church (the Afscheiding of 1834 and the Doleantie of 1886) merged to form The Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (De Geereformeerde Kerken in Nederland). While both groups had much in common, there remained fundamental points of disagreement, which erupted into controversies over such doctrines as immediate regeneration and presumptive regeneration.

In ‘Saved by Grace’, Herman Bavinck discusses God’s gracious work in bringing fallen sinners to new life and salvation. He gives a careful historical analysis that shows how Reformed theologians have wrestled to understand and express the Holy Spirit’s work in calling and regeneration since the seventeenth century. Bavinck also brings exegetical precision and theological clarity to the discussion, carefully avoiding the errors of undervaluing and overvaluing the use of means in work of salvation. This book, therefore, takes up questions with which every new generation of Reformed writers must grapple.

Table of Contents:
Part I: Introduction
1. The Occasion and Rise of the Controversy
Part II: The Immediate Operation of the Holy Spirit
2. Differing Conceptions of Divine Grace
3. The Reformed Defense of Divine Grace against the Remonstrants
Part III: The Immediate Operation of the Holy Spirit and Means of Grace
4. Augustine and the Reformed on the Means of Grace


Author(s): Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Nov 2-3)
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Few teachings of the Puritans have provoked such strong reactions and conflicting interpretations as their views on preparing for saving faith. Many twentieth-century scholars dismissed preparation as a prime example of regression from the Reformed doctrine of grace for a man-centered legalism. ‘In Prepared by Grace’, for Grace, Joel Beeke and Paul Smalley make careful analysis of the Puritan understanding of preparatory grace, demonstrate its fundamental continuity with the Reformed tradition, and identify matters where even the Puritans disagreed among themselves. Clearing away the many misconceptions and associated accusations of preparationism, this study is sure to be the standard work on how the Puritans understood the ordinary way God leads sinners to Christ. (more…)

Author(s): Joel R. Beeke
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $3.99        Buy Now!

Every Christian yearns to be more Christ-like. This book addresses how we can be more conformed to the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29) in four of the most difficult areas of the Christian life: cross-bearing, office-bearing, sorrow, and endurance.

Table of Contents:
1. Jesus’ Crossbearing and Ourts
2. Jesus’ Office-bearing and Ours
3. Jesus’ Tears and Ours
4. Jesus’ Endurance and Ours

Joel R. Beeke (Ph.D. Westminster Theological Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, editor of The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, and author of numerous books.

“A Christ-centered tour de force which gets us into Christ’s servant heart and asks the pointed questions of what that means for us who are in union with Him. Deeply and affectionately pastoral, Dr. Beeke gives us a magisterial example of puritan-infused, preached prose that is as fresh as the air we breathe. Like the puritan Richard Sibbes, know to his contemporaries as ‘the sweet dropper’ Dr. Beeke has a similar touch, presenting to us the confidence, richness, depth, and encouragement of the gospel.” – Maurice Roberts

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