
Tag: Reformation Heritage Books

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Author(s): Joel R. Beeke
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        (April 11-12)
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“I once was blind, but now I see” is the glad confession of the Christian’s heart. However, what is it that a Christian now sees that so transforms his life? It is the Christian worldview. This is not an abstract philosophy so much as biblical doctrine for life. The Word of God establishes God-centered thinking, engages faithful living, and energizes ardent feelings for the kingdom of Christ in this world and the world to come. In this volume, several pastors and theologians band together to explore aspects of the Christian worldview such as God’s Trinity, supremacy, and loving sovereignty over all of life; the Christian’s identity in Christ, sexuality, and sufferings; and the Christian life as both earthly mission and heavenly pilgrimage.

Contributors include Derek Thomas, Michael Barrett, Joel Beeke, Paul Smalley, Mark Kelderman, Brian Cosby, Charles Barrett, and Gerald Bilkes.


Author(s): Joanne J. Jung
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        (April 4-5)
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Table of Contents:
Foreword, by J. I. Packer
1. In Search of Piety’s Forgotten Discipline
2. A Royal Conflict over Prophesyings and the Origins of Puritan Conference
3. Scripture for Puritan Eyes: The Word Read
4. Scripture for Puritan Ears: The Word Heard
5. Holy Conference: “A Kind of Paradise”
6. Holy Conference: Categorized and Exercised
7. Puritan Conference for the Contemporary Church

Joanne J. Jung is Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Biola University


Author(s): Anthony Selvaggio
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        (Mar 28-29)
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A major component of Jesus’ ministry on earth was the performance of signs and wonders. In this book, Anthony T. Selvaggio uses the seven signs given in the first half of the Gospel of John to navigate us toward a glorious destination. This journey begins at a wedding and ends at a funeral. Throughout this trip you will witness the incredible events of water being turned into wine, the temple cleansed, a sick boy restored, a lame man brought to his feet, thousands feed, a blind man gaining sight, and a dead man coming forth from his tomb. While this tour centers in the land of Palestine, it will ultimately take you beyond the finiteness of this created world. For on this majestic journey, you will see more than mere signs and wonders – you will see the glory of Jesus Christ, the Son of God!

NOTE: Contains discussion questions to better facilitate group study.


Author(s): Daniel R. Hyde & Shane Lems
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        Buy Now!

As a response to the unique challenges facing the twenty-first-century American church, church planting has become a popular topic. But at a time when churches that spread the seed of the Word through preaching, the sacraments, and prayer are greatly needed, much of the focus has been on planting churches that adapt pop culture to meet “consumer demand.” In ‘Planting, Watering, Growing’, the authors of this collection of essays weave together theological wisdom, personal experiences, and practical suggestions, guiding readers through the foundations and methods of planting confessional churches that uphold the Word of God.

Table of Contents:
Foreword: Was the Reformation Missions-Minded?—Michael S. Horton
Introduction—Daniel R. Hyde and Shane Lems
Part 1: The Foundation of Planting Churches
1. The Fruitful Grain of Wheat—Brian Vos
2. The Sovereign Spirit of Missions: Thoughts on Acts 16:6–10 and Church Planting—Daniel R. Hyde


Author(s): Rebecca VanDoodewaard
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $4.99        (Ends Mar 30)
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Women are an essential element in church history. Just as Deborah, Esther, and the New Testament Marys helped shape Bible history, so the women of the Reformed church have helped to make its history great. In Reformation Women, Rebecca Vandoodewaard introduces readers to twelve sixteenth-century women who are not as well known today as contemporaries like Katie Luther and Lady Jane Grey. Providing an example to Christians today of strong service to Christ and His church, these influential, godly women were devoted to Reformation truth, in many cases provided support for their husbands, practiced hospitality, and stewarded their intellectual abilities. Their strength and bravery will inspire you, and your understanding of church history will become richer as you learn how God used them to further the Reformation through their work and influence.

Author(s): Joel R. Beeke, David W. Hall, Michael A. G. Haykin
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $4.99        (Ends Mar 30)
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In Theology Made Practical, Joel R. Beeke, David W. Hall, and Michael A. G. Haykin declares the significance of John Calvin’s life and ideas—particularly his contributions to systematic theology, pastoral theology, and political theology—as well as the influence he had on others through the centuries. With focused studies related to the Trinity, predestination, the Holy Spirit, justification, preaching, missions, principles of government, welfare, and marriage, this book demonstrates how Calvin’s thought has been and still is, a dynamic wellspring of fruitfulness for numerous areas of the Christian life. More than 450 years since Calvin experienced the beatific vision, his thinking about God and His Word still possesses what our culture passionately longs for—true relevancy.

Author(s): Michael Barrett, Joel Beeke, Jerry Bilkes, Paul Smalley
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        Buy Now!

Leading and nurturing your family as you seek to glorify God and encourage spiritual growth in your home is both God’s command and your privilege. One of the best and most effective ways to do this is through intentional, worshipful, daily family devotions where the truths of God’s life-changing Word are openly discussed chapter by chapter. Hand in hand with your Bible, this Family Worship Bible Guide presents rich devotional thoughts on all 1,189 chapters in the Bible, including searching questions to promote conversation, to help you with this responsibility. Use this resource every day alongside Scripture to read each chapter’s major takeaways aloud and then discuss them with your family. With the Holy Spirit’s blessing, this book will transform you and your family!



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