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Author(s): Joel Beeke
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       (Apr 7-8)
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The essays in ‘The Beauty and Glory of the Father’ call us to stand in wonder of the First Person of the Trinity. Through an assortment of studies, readers are challenged to recognize the Father’s glory displayed in His Son, to adore His beautiful attributes, to know Him as a Savior, and to rest in His loving hands. This book, along with ‘The Beauty and Glory of Christ’ and ‘The Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit’, reinforces the ongoing necessity of cultivating a Trinitarian piety.

Contributors include Joel Beeke, Bart Elshout, Jerry Bilkes, Ryan McGraw, David Murray, Burk Parsons, Paul Smalley, Derek Thomas, and William VanDoodewaard.


Author(s): Paul R. Schaefer Jr.
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

During the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, a “spiritual brotherhood” formed among the Puritans, shaped by the reforming activity and training of Cambridge. These pastor-theologians initiated a new emphasis within the established church, stirring up a greater understanding of the Reformation doctrines of grace and preaching for conversion and Christian growth and piety. In this study, Paul Schaefer looks at six thinkers in this group who stand out because each was used as the human vehicle to bring the gospel to the next: William Perkins, Paul Baynes, Richard Sibbes, John Cotton, John Preston, and Thomas Shepard. By examining their teaching on the relation between man’s depraved nature and sovereign grace, as well as the distinct but inseparable relation of justification and sanctification, Schaefer demonstrates how the Puritan movement came to focus most intently on the cultivation of Reformed piety within the church.


Author(s): Adam Embry
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

“An Honest, Well-Experienced Heart” introduces us to the life and writings of Puritan preacher and author John Flavel (1627–1691). In his brief, introductory biography, Adam Embry discusses Flavel’s background, ministry, and theology of keeping the heart, which, for Flavel, “is the great business of a Christian’s life.” Centuries ago, Flavel wrote, “Above all other studies in the world, study your own hearts.” Embry guides us through forty-two short passages from Flavel’s writings that acquaint us with this dedicated Puritan minister’s piety and help us see the importance of this great business of keeping and managing our hearts.

Series Description:
Seeking, then, both to honor the past and yet not idolize it, we are issuing these books in the series Profiles in Reformed Spirituality. The design is to introduce the spirituality and piety of the Reformed Profiles in Reformed Spirituality tradition by presenting descriptions of the lives of notable Christians with select passages from their works. This combination of biographical sketches and collected portions from primary sources gives a taste of the subjects’ contributions to our spiritual heritage and some direction as to how the reader can find further edification through their works. It is the hope of the publishers that this series will provide riches for those areas where we are poor and light of day where we are stumbling in the deepening twilight.


Author(s):  Joel R. Beeke
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

The Puritans have gotten bad press for their supposed lack of teaching on the doctrine of spiritual adoption. In ‘Heirs with Christ’, Joel R. Beeke dispels this caricature and shows that the Puritan era did more to advance the idea that every true Christian is God’s adopted child than any other age of church history. This little book lets the Puritans speak for themselves, showing how they recognized adoption’s far-reaching, transforming power and comfort for the children of God.

Joel R. Beeke (Ph.D. Westminster Theological Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Serminary, pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, editor of The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, and author of numerous books.


Author(s):  Joel R. Beeke
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

The essays in ‘The Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit’ both exalt and revel in the third person of the Trinity. Through an assortment of studies – categorized according to their biblical, doctrinal, historical, or pastoral focus – this book sets before readers the inestimable ministry of the blessed Holy Spirit.

Table of Contents:
Biblical Studies
1. The Old Testament Pentecost — David Murray
2. The Father’s Gift of the Spirit — Geoffrey Thomas
3. How the Holy Spirit Is Another Comforter — John P. Thackway
4. The Ministry of the Spirit in Glorifying Christ — Malcolm H. Watts
5. Precursors to Pentecost — Gerald Bilkes
6. The Outpouring of the Spirit: Anticipated, Attained, Available — Michael Barrett
7. The Cessation of the Extraordinary Spiritual Gifts — George W. Knight III


Author(s): Glenda Mathes & Joel Beeke
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Who were the Puritans, and why are they important? What can we learn from them today? The Puritan movement began in England during the sixteenth century and continued all the way into the early eighteenth century. Although the Church of England was formed as a result of the Reformation, the Puritans believed it needed much more reform. Puritan Heroes is a beautifully illustrated book that gives the reader an idea of what the Puritan movement was about and offers a glimpse into the lives of more than twenty of its most well-known leaders (among them William Perkins, Richard Sibbes, Thomas Goodwin, Anne Bradstreet, and Jonathan Edwards). The book concludes with ten important lessons readers can learn from the Puritans and study questions to help them retain these fascinating stories and assist them in applying the lessons to their lives. It also features a bibliography to encourage further study in greater depth, as well as a glossary and timeline to help readers understand historical context. Written for children and young people, it will prove a suitable introduction to the Puritans for adults as well.

Author(s):  J. Cameron Fraser
Publisher:  Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Are you looking for a brief introduction to what the biblical counseling movement is and how it has changed over the years? In ‘Developments in Biblical Counseling’, J. Cameron Fraser turns a journalistic eye to this question and presents a concise assessment. Introducing us to the formative work of Jay Adams, Fraser outlines several themes of biblical counseling that became foundational for the movement as a whole and observes how the movement received criticisms from outside and made necessary developments from within. He points out that some of these developments have an affinity with Puritan approaches to counseling that Adams rejects but may point in a more consistently biblical direction.

Table of Contents:
Some Foundational Views of Nouthetic Counseling
Some Criticisms of Nouthetic Counseling
Some Developments in Biblical Counseling
Biblical and Puritan Counseling


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