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Author(s): Craig Groeschel
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $1.99        (Feb 26-28)
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“The more I looked, the more I found Christian Atheists everywhere.” Former Christian Atheist Craig Groeschel knows his subject all too well. After over a decade of successful ministry, he had to make a painful self-admission: although he believed in God, he was leading his church like God didn’t exist. To Christians and non-Christians alike, to the churched and the unchurched, the journey leading up to Groeschel’s admission and the journey that follows—from his family and his upbringing to the lackluster and even diametrically opposed expressions of faith he encountered—will look and sound like the story of their own lives. Now the founding and senior pastor of the multicampus, pace-setting LiveChurch.tv, Groeschel’s personal journey toward a more authentic God-honoring life is more relevant than ever. Christians and Christian Atheists everywhere will be nodding their heads as they are challenged to take their own honest moment and ask the question: am I putting my whole faith in God but still living as if everything was up to me?

Author(s): Wanda Alger
Publisher: Destiny Image Publishers
Price: FREE        Buy Now!

Can the tide be turned?

As America’s moral foundation continues to collapse, it is our Christian duty to pray continuously for our country.

But to shift a nation’s destiny, our prayers must be greater than individual supplication. We must join together in a corporate agreement. In the midst of extremist views and divisive rhetoric, it is time for the Ekklesia to rise with a united voice on behalf of our nation.

This essential prayer manual for national revival includes several strategic prayer outlines that can be used for effective corporate intercession, prophetic perspective on our national crisis, and the current mandate of the Church.
Inside, you’ll discover…


Author(s): Clay Jones
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $2.99        (Ends Mar 31)
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“If you are looking for one book to make sense of the problem of evil, this book is for you.”
Sean McDowell

Grasping This Truth Will
Change Your View of God Forever

If God is good and all-powerful, why doesn’t He put a stop to the evil in this world? Christians and non-Christians alike struggle with the concept of a loving God who allows widespread suffering in this life and never-ending punishment in hell. We wrestle with questions such as…

Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why should we have to pay for Adam’s sin?
How can an eternal judgment be fair?
But what if the real problem doesn’t start with God…but with us?

Clay Jones, a professor of Christian apologetics at Biola University, examines what Scripture truly says about the nature of evil and why God allows it. Along the way, he’ll help you discover the contrasting abundance of God’s grace, the overwhelming joy of heaven, and the extraordinary destiny of believers.


Author(s): Daniel Rice
Publisher: Shiloh Run Press
Price: $0.99        (Ends Mar 3)
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Five to ten seconds.
After that, the filter kicks in.

In our day and age, five to ten seconds is usually all the time we’re given to persuade someone that what we have to say is worthy of his or her time. You and I live in a world suffering from a relentless bombardment of information. Television, social media, advertising, acquaintances, friends, and family all vie for time and an attentive ear. If we don’t adapt and learn to filter out what we believe does not apply to us, we quickly become overwhelmed. In this new world of burst communication, our presentation of this Gospel needs to be adapted as well, and while it’s critically important that the content remains unchanged, the style and vehicle in which it is delivered must fit the culture it reaches. Through current cultural references and true stories, Daniel Rice, founder of #Gospel, will help you come to see the gospel for what it really is and how it can radically alter your everyday life. Rice invites you into the conversation as he breaks down Paul’s explanation of the gospel in Romans in a way that is accessible and engaging. Hash-tagging (#) a term invites others to join an open conversation and adds the author’s thoughts to our modern-day global exchange of ideas. This is the heart of #Gospel.

Welcome to the conversation.


Author(s): Brian Houston
Publisher: Faithwords
Price: $3.49       Buy Now!

Whether a person is searching for their calling or wholeheartedly pursuing their life’s purpose, LIVE LOVE LEAD will help them navigate a faith path that is all their own and discover unique gifts tailored perfectly for their journey.
How do people experience the best life that God intends for them? The answer lies in understanding that the Christian life is an adventure and that they only have to follow the greatest Guide who ever walked the path of life–Jesus. In this straightforward book, Brian Houston shows readers the way to live fully, love completely, and lead boldly–the hallmarks of Jesus’ time on earth.

Author(s): Jeremiah Johnson
Publisher: Destiny Image Publishers
Price: $0.99        Buy Now!

You have been set apart for such a time as this.

God wants to perform wonders and great exploits through a holy, set apart people. The question is have you given your life completely to the Lord and His purposes? This level of commitment and consecration comes only by having a prophetic vision of the returning Jesus.

As God’s people give themselves completely to Him and His Kingdom purpose, they will become catalysts for bringing the awakening and reformation that has been prophesied.

Author, prophet, and church planter, Jeremiah Johnson, is convinced: this message is a prophetic vision of the why behind what we’re called to do. More than simply focusing on Christian behaviors and actions, when a believer has set Jesus before their eyes and lives as a bride eagerly awaiting the returning bridegroom, everything changes!

In The Power of Consecration, Jeremiah helps you to…


Author(s): Michael Frost
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $2.99       (Feb 24-25)
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12th Annual Outreach Resource of the Year Recommendation (Missional Church)
2014 Best Book of Missional Theology, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

The story of Christianity is a story of incarnation―God taking on flesh and dwelling among the people he created. God appointing and sending people as his body, his hands, and feet. Disciples of Jesus bearing the good news even as they bear the marks of his passion. Whatever Christianity is, it is at least a matter of flesh and blood and the ends of the earth.
And yet so much of contemporary Christian culture is rooted not in the incarnation but in escape―escape from the earth to heaven, escape from the suffering of this world, escape even from one another. Christianity is increasingly understood as something personal, conceptual, interior, private, neighborless. If Jesus was God incarnate, the church is in danger of being excarnate.
Michael Frost expertly and prophetically exposes the gap between the faith we profess and the faith we practice. And he offers new hope for how the church can fulfill its vocation: to be the hands and feet of Christ to one another and to our neighbors, to the ends of the earth and to the end of the age.


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