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Author(s): J. Ed Komoszewski
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 18-19)
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Reinventing Jesus cuts through the rhetoric of extreme doubt to reveal the profound credibility of historic Christianity. Meticulously researched yet eminently readable, this book invites a wide audience to take a firsthand look at the primary evidence for Christianity’s origins.

Author(s): Michael Hyatt
Publisher: Baker Books
Price: $1.99       (May 15-31)
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Everyone gets 168 hours a week, but it never feels like enough, does it? Work gobbles up the lion’s share–many professionals are working as much as 70 hours a week–leaving less and less for rest, exercise, family, and friends. You know, all those things that make life great.

Most people think productivity is about finding or saving time. But it’s not. It’s about making our time work for us. Just imagine having free time again. It’s not a pipe dream.

In Free to Focus, New York Times bestselling author Michael Hyatt reveals to readers nine proven ways to win at work so they are finally free to succeed at the rest of life–their health, relationships, hobbies, and more. He helps readers redefine their goals, evaluate what’s working, cut out the nonessentials, focus on the most important tasks, manage their time and energy, and build momentum for a lifetime of success.


Author(s): Andrew Loke (PhD at King’s College London under Alister McGrath)
Publisher: Routledge
Price: FREE       Buy Now!

This book provides an original and comprehensive assessment of the hypotheses concerning the origin of resurrection Christology. It fills a gap in the literature by addressing these issues using a transdisciplinary approach involving historical-critical study of the New Testament, theology, analytic philosophy, psychology and comparative religion.

Using a novel analytic framework, this book demonstrates that a logically exhaustive list of hypotheses concerning the claims of Jesus’ post-mortem appearances and the outcome of Jesus’ body can be formulated. It addresses these hypotheses in detail, including sophisticated combinations of hallucination hypothesis with cognitive dissonance; memory distortion; and confirmation bias. Addressing writings from both within and outside of Christianity, it also demonstrates how a comparative religion approach might further illuminate the origins of Christianity.

This is a thorough study of arguably the key event in the formation of the Christian faith. As such, it will be of keen interest to theologians, New Testament scholars, philosophers, and scholars of religious studies.


Author(s): James K. Walker
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $2.99       (May 14-15)
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Who Is the Jesus of Islam?
Jesus is revered in the Islamic faith—but is he the same Jesus Christians claim as their Savior?

James K. Walker, president of Watchman Fellowship, takes you through more than a dozen major similarities and differences between the Jesus of the Bible and the Jesus of the Qur’an. You will learn…

how Islam affirms biblical concepts, even though it diverges from Scripture
how the Qur’an promotes deep respect of Jesus, while not identifying Him as a Savior
how to cultivate conversational relationships with Muslims, despite your different beliefs and faith backgrounds
As Islam continues to spread rapidly across the globe and increases opportunities for personal interaction with Muslims, it’s vital that you handle all matters of the Christian faith with wisdom and discernment. The more you know about what the Qur’an teaches, the better equipped you’ll be to understand current events and to reach out with truth and love to your Muslim neighbors.

Author(s): David Down
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (May 13-14)
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Archaeological discoveries continue to prove the Bible is an amazing historical record. Correctly interpreted, the historical records of Egypt and Israel show a remarkable consistency with the Bible records, which we can accept as not only inspiring but also entirely reliable.
Unearth the history of Israel and see the devastating periods of loss and exile through the lens of archaeology. David Down, a field archaeologist who excavates regularly in Israel, shares his research to help you explore the accuracy of Christian history from the Global Flood through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. With 20 fascinating chapters, you can study the real evidence related to the remarkable people and pivotal events you have read about in the Bible. For further study, investigate the four appendices, which include:
Tabernacle Life
Solomon’s Temple
The Dead Sea Scrolls
Patriarchs, Chronological Table, and Tables of Weights and Measures
Unveiling the Kings of Israel is a captivating read for anyone interested in ancient civilizations, Christian history, Israel, Egypt and the Bible. With beautiful illustrations and the author’s personable writing style, this text will delight students, history buffs, and scholars ages 10 to 100.


Author(s): Trevin Wax
Publisher: Holman Bible Publishers
Price: FREE       (Ends Aug 31)
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From generation to generation, many Christians have adopted the habit of praying every month through all 150 psalms—songs that form the bedrock of both corporate worship and individual devotion. Through thousands of years of memorization, recitation, and singing, the people of God have found in this book a God-centered view of reality—words that put into perspective all our emotions, conflicting desires, times of suffering, and experiences of faith and doubt. 

In Psalms in 30 Days, Trevin Wax has adapted a centuries-old approach to reading the psalms by providing a “Morning,” “Midday” and “Evening” pattern—following the Scriptural precedent for praying three times a day. This journey through the psalms, as translated in the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB), also features other songs from the Bible, as well as written prayers from faithful Christians who have gone before us. Here is a guide to praying all the psalms every month by—three times a day—lifting your eyes above your circumstances and reminding yourself that God is the blazing center of all things.

Psalms in 30 Days feature the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of SkepticismAuthor(s): Timothy Keller
Publisher: Penguin
Price: $2.99       (May 12 Only)
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A New York Times bestseller people can believe in—by “a pioneer of the new urban Christians” (Christianity Today) and the “C.S. Lewis for the 21st century” (Newsweek).

Timothy Keller, the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, addresses the frequent doubts that skeptics, and even ardent believers, have about religion. Using literature, philosophy, real-life conversations, and potent reasoning, Keller explains how the belief in a Christian God is, in fact, a sound and rational one. To true believers he offers a solid platform on which to stand their ground against the backlash to religion created by the Age of Skepticism. And to skeptics, atheists, and agnostics, he provides a challenging argument for pursuing the reason for God.

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