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Author(s): Saint John Chrysostom
Publisher: GLH Publishing
Price: $1.50
The sermons of St John Chrysostom are noted as classical commentaries on the Christian life. Knowing well the realities of life in the world, the temptation of rich and poor alike, this great orator – “the golden-mouthed” – addresses the questions of wealth and poverty in the lives of people of his day. And yet, as the modern reader is confronted with his words, it becomes apparent that he too is being addressed; Chrysostom’s words are words proclaiming the truth of the Gospel to all people of all times. The message of the story of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) is brought home to every person in these six sermons of Chrysostom with clarity, insight into the human dilemma, compassion, and judgment.
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Author(s): Elyse Fitzpatrick
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Price: $1.59
Elyse Fitzpatrick, the co-author of Women Helping Women (a GoldMedallion Finalist), offers practical advice for conquering the paralyzing emotions many women encounter as they battle difficult, often overwhelming concerns about rebellious children, problems in the workplace or home, health issues, financial difficulties, and more.
In the Bible, God gives guidance and offers a true solution to our anxieties and fears. overcoming fear, Worry and Anxiety accesses this information to help women—
- Identify the source of fear, worry, and anxiety
- Transform fearful thoughts into peaceful confidence
- Discover specific strategies for overcoming anxiety
Women will find comfort and encouragement through real-life examples of how others, including Elyse, cast their cares upon God and experience His strength and love.
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Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99 (Oct 4-5)
John Pollock vividly portrays George Whitefield and his times – George’s long search for peace with God, his joy at being forgiven and justified through Christ’s atoning death and then his enthusiastic sharing of the Gospel. Often facing misunderstanding and even opposition from the established Church, he started to preach in the open air, beginning among the mining community and those who normally wouldn’t come into Church. The story is told of how God worked in a remarkable way through George in Britain and also in the Colonies of America. Traveling many miles by horseback, crossing the Atlantic on countless occasions, sometimes experiencing illness and fatigue, countless people were drawn to Christ through this man – the “Billy Graham” of his time. Come and catch the drama and also the passion and commitment George Whitefield had for the Gospel.
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Publisher: Intervarsity Press
Price: $2.99 (Oct 3-4)
- Discerning Reader’s Best Book of 2003
We are not created to worship. Nor are we created for worship. We are created worshiping.
Too often Christians have only thought of worship in terms of particular musical styles or liturgical formats. But a proper view of worship is far larger than what takes place in churches on Sunday mornings. Worship is not limited to specific times, places or activities.
God is by his very nature continuously outpouring himself. Because we are created in his image, we too are continually pouring ourselves in various directions, whether toward God or toward false gods. All of us, Christian or not, are always worshiping, whether or not that worship is directed toward God. We are unceasing worshipers.
The fruition of a lifetime of study, reflection, and experience, this volume sets forth Harold M. Best’s understanding of worship and the arts. Widely respected as one of the foremost thinkers and practitioners in his field, Best explores the full scope of worship as continuous outpouring in all settings and contexts. With careful exposition and eloquent analysis, Best casts a holistic vision for worship that transcends narrow discussions of musical style or congregational preference. On this broader canvas, Best addresses popular misunderstandings about the use of music and offers correctives toward a more biblically consistent practice of artistic action.
Incisive, biblical, profound and comprehensive, Best’s landmark volume is one by which all other statements on worship and the arts will be measured.
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Author(s): Frans Bakker
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $3.99 (Sept 30-Oct 12)
With great pleasure, we offer this daily devotional of meditations from the late Rev. Frans Bakker (1919-1965). His devotionals and meditations proved to be comforting and edifying to many of God’s people in the Netherlands. Writing in a simple but penetrating style, Bakker emphasized the fullness of Christ for needy sinners. In ‘The Everlasting Word’, all of Bakker’s published meditations have been translated and compiled with additional selections from his sermons. We trust that the end result is a collection filled with great nuggets of spiritual wisdom that you will enjoy. May this devotional be both an encouragement that edifies God’s people and an admonition for a life with Christ in the present age.
Frans Bakker (1919-1965) was a minister of the Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerken in The Netherlands, serving congregations in Huizen and Driebergen. He is best known among English speakers for his book Praying Always, published by The Banner of Truth Trust.
“These pages are filled with profundities of the Christian life, but they are communicated in simple, seemingly unstudied, language. Frans Bakker obviously had a tremendous gift of communication, but he wrote only in Dutch. Now, English readers can enjoy the riches of his work, and be drawn closer to the Christ whose praise is throughout this daily devotional. Highly recommended!” – Michael Haykin.
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Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99 (Oct 2-3)
In Creation and the Second Coming, Dr. Henry Morris delivers a unique perspective of the Bible’s end-time prophecies by connecting them to Genesis. Morris, a renowned Christian apologist, Bible commentator, and Creation scientist, reveals many of the evidence of the last days is directly related to God’s purposes in creation and our rebellion against these purposes.
This Bible study resource presents a beautiful picture of God’s character and plans revealing a larger, Genesis to Revelation narrative. Using Old and New Testament Scriptures, Morris shares what went wrong in Eden and at Babel and a well-reasoned explanation of what will happen during the Tribulation. Investigate his assessment of the millennial kingdom and New Jerusalem and how it relates to the foundational chapters of the Bible.
Learn how evolution, Darwinism, slavery, apostasy, occultism, and even science and technology correspond to the end-time events. The Bible’s prophetic writers give key signs of the return of Christ, and in this classic work, Dr. Henry M. Morris reveals how each sign is an outgrowth of evolutionary humanism or pantheism.
The earth is groaning for Christ’s arrival. This distress is seen in Middle East conflicts, new age religions and attempts to establish a new world order. This Bible commentary offering scientific, historical and biblical evidence delivers “Aha’s” to aid the Church in preparing for Christ’s coming and prioritizing the Great Commission.
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Author(s): Daniel R. Hyde
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99 (Sept 30-Oct 12)
JESUS. The name means so many things to so many people. This book has as its aim to know Jesus. In order to know Him experientially and personally, we must know what the Bible says about Him. To come to this knowledge we must delve into the holy mysteries of the Word of God and the historic Christian faith. Whether you are a skeptic, an agnostic, an inquirer, or a convinced Christian, this book is meant to cause you to consider the mysteries that Jesus claimed of Himself that you too might join the cloud of witnesses that no man can number, confessing the name of Jesus—“God with us.”
Daniel R. Hyde (M. Div., Westminster Seminary California) is the Pastor of Oceanside United Reformed Church in Oceanside, California. He is the author of Jesus Loves the Little Children (2006), The Good Confession (2006), What to Expect in Reformed Worship (2007), and With Heart and Mouth (2008).
“‘Why the God-Man?’ Athanasius’s question frames the entire complex of Christian faith, piety, worship, and practice. With devotional warmth and doctrinal clarity, Pastor Hyde makes an excellent tour guide through the treasures that lie at the heart of history-indeed, at the heart of God himself. Whatever the stage in the Christian pilgrimage, God with Us will lead readers from meditation to doxology.” – Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California.
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