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Author(s): Henry Morris
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (April 1-2)
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Despite living in a very connected world today, few of us have any real understanding of the history of nations. Secular scholars and scientists from various fields rarely consult the Bible’s rich history on the subject. Yet if we consider what the Bible has to say about the global community’s past—and future—achievements and mistakes, we discover a saga as fascinating as anything produced in Hollywood.

In God & the Nations, Dr. Henry Morris does an unusual thing: he shows clearly that God is even more interested in the fate of each person as He is about the unfolding of national stories.

Additionally, he delves into the mysterious world of Bible prophecy to proclaim the God of the Bible as truly unique. Morris, through this study of civilizations, reveals the origins and purpose for the whole world!

Author(s): Tim Lovett
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99         (Mar 18-19)
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So He destroyed all living things which were on the face of the ground: both man and cattle, creeping thing and bird of the air. They were destroyed from the earth. Only Noah and those who were with him in the ark remained alive. Genesis 7:22-24

Could a ship be constructed that would be able to survive the global flood described in the biblical book of Genesis? Could it be built without the modern techniques of today being available to Noah?
This groundbreaking book answers both of these questions with a resounding “yes”!


Author(s): Dr. Henry Morris
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99        (Mar 4-5)
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The Beginning of the World is an in-depth Bible study of Genesis revealing the scientific proof of Creation. Sadly the unproven theory of evolution is now widely accepted among Christians. Faith in this philosophy subtly, yet assuredly undermines faith in the authority and infallibility of Scripture. In this Bible study resource, Dr. Henry Morris shines a bright light on the synchronicity between the Bible and modern science.

If the first eleven chapters of the Bible are considered allegory or myth, how will new and immature Christians relate to the Ten Commandments? Dr. Morris, the founder of the Institute for Creation Research, recognizes the attack on the foundational message of the Bible as Satan’s long war against God. His professional scientific and biblical research is aimed at defeating the lies of evolution and defending the Bible.

The New Testament directly quotes or alludes to the Book of Genesis no less than 200 times, with half of these referring to the first 11 chapters of Genesis. Jesus Christ quoted or referred to each of the first 7 chapters of Genesis alone. All of these references show that both Christ and the apostles accepted Genesis not only as fully historical but also as divinely inspired.


Author(s): Bryan Osborne
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Feb 26-27)
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The collapse of the Christian worldview in America and the West is happening, to the utter shock of Christians. Why? They’ve been blind to the enemy’s stealth attack on biblical history and authority, which has led multiple generations to abandon God’s Word as their foundation.

When our culture asks the questions dealt with in this book — and our kids parrot these questions and ideas heard from schools, libraries, movies, books, music, YouTube, social media, etc. — it must be remembered they’re not innocent, unintentional questions. They stem fundamentally from a rejection of biblical authority. Quick Answers to Social Issues provides answers for some of the toughest questions of the day regarding:

– Marriage and sexuality from God’s Word
– Response to the LGBTQ+ community
– Animal rights and the green movement
– The biblical response to racism


Author(s): Henry M. Morris
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99        (Feb 19-20)
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The Remarkable Book of Job is a highly recommended Bible study resource offering significant insights not found anywhere else. Dr. Henry Morris, a professional scientist, and prolific author dedicated to defending the Bible as God’s inerrant Word reveals Job’s God-centered message, which has often been bypassed by writers seeking answers to man-centered problems.

Why does God who is omnipotent (able to prevent suffering) and merciful (willing to prevent suffering) allow suffering, particularly in the lives of those who have done nothing to deserve it? According to Morris, this question is actually not answered in the Book of Job. Instead, the Book of Job persuasively communicates the power and sovereignty of the Almighty God and truly confirms his role as Creator.

Bible study leaders are using The Remarkable Record of Job to:

– Teach God’s profound dominion over the world
– Magnify the inerrancy of the Bible, especially the Genesis record of creation


Author(s): David Down
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99        (Feb 12-13)
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Developed with three educational levels in mind, The Archaeology Book takes you on an exciting exploration of history and ancient cultures. You’ll learn both the techniques of the archaeologist and the accounts of some of the richest discoveries of the Middle East that demonstrate the accuracy and historicity of the Bible.

In The Archaeology Book you will unearth:

– How archaeologists know what life was like in the past
– Why broken pottery can tell more than gold or treasure can
– Some of the difficulties in dating ancient artifacts
– How the brilliance of ancient cultures demonstrates God’s creation
– History of ancient cultures, including the Hittites, Babylonians, and Egyptians
– The early development of the alphabet and its impact on discovery


Author(s): John Hartnett & Alex Williams
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99        (Dec 18-19)
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– Why did Ptolemy’s theory cause problems for the church?
– What is the big secret concerning the “Age” of the earth?
– Why do many scientists reject the use of design in explaining origins?

The seemingly absurd idea that all matter, energy, space, and time once exploded from a point of extreme density has captured the imagination of scientists and laypersons for decades. The big bang has provided central teaching for the eons of time of “cosmic evolution,” undermining the history and cosmology of the Bible.

It is a theory that fails, even violating the very physical laws on which it is purportedly based.

In this easy-to-read format, authors Alex Williams and John Hartnett explode this naturalistic explanation for the universe and show that the biblical model provides a far better explanation of our origins. This fully indexed, illustrated analysis of the big bang theory is an invaluable help in understanding and countering a world view that is as chaotic and destructive as its name implies.


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