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Author(s): Martin Luther
Publisher: Gideon House books
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

What do we make of the sufferings of Christ? How can we grow in our faith by studying those last agonizing moments of Christ’s life? Come along with Luther on this journey from Gethsemane to the empty tomb. Be enlightened and inspired in your own faith and be challenged to share this Good News with others.

From Luther’s introduction:
If we know this; if we understand our sinful condition, which would have plunged us without escape into eternal damnation, had not Christ become our Savior, we will duly appreciate the importance and value of the suffering of our Lord, and will be comforted thereby when fear of God’s wrath, on account of our sins, would overcome us. Such a consideration of the passion of Christ will not only move our eyes to tears and our hearts to pity, as is the tendency of the popish sermons on this subject, but will prompt us to feel, deep down in our soul, sorrow at the terrible results of sin, for which no creature, but only the Son of God could make atonement by His sufferings and death; and likewise it will cause us great joy because we will realize that this sacrifice was made for us, that God will now no longer reject nor condemn us, as we have merited by our sins, but that He is now reconciled to us through the precious and vicarious death of His Son, who gave Himself as a victim in our behalf so that our sins are now forgiven and we are made heirs of eternal life.


Author(s): Martin Luther
Publisher: Zondervan
Price: $1.99        (Ends Feb 5)
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Timeless insights from one of the most important people in church history. Some people value good works so much that they overlook faith in Christ. Faith should be first.… It is faith—without good works and prior to good works—that takes us to heaven. We come to God through faith alone. —Martin LutherResounding across the centuries, Martin Luther’s prolific writings as a pastor, theologian, scholar, Bible translator, father, and more, remain powerful and richly relevant. Faith Alone is a treasury of accessible devotionals taken from Luther’s best writings and sermons from the years 1513 through 1546. This carefully updated translation retains the meaning, tone, and imagery of Luther’s works. Through daily readings, Luther’s straightforward approach challenges you to more thoughtful faith. Read one brief section a day or explore themes using the subject index in the back of the book. Faith Alone will deepen your understanding of Scripture and help you more fully appreciate the mystery of faith.

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Kregel: The Limitations of Theological Truth: Why Christians Have the Same Bible but Different Theologies by Nigel Bush  vs. The Doctrines That Divide: A Fresh Look at the Historic Doctrines That Separate Christians by Erwin Lutzer
Intervarsity Press: From Jerusalem to Timbuktu: A World Tour of the Spread of Christianity by Brian C. Stiller  vs. Western Christians in Global Mission: What’s the Role of the North American Church? by Paul Borthwick
New Leaf: The Christ by Carroll Roberson  vs. 365 Fascinating Facts about Jesus by Robert Strand
Good Book Company: Remaking a Broken World: The Heart of the Bible Story by Christopher Ash  vs. Life in the Wild: Fighting For Faith in a Fallen World by Dan DeWitt
Christian Focus: Luther and His Katie: The Influence of Luther’s Wife on his Ministry by Dolina MacCuish vs. Martin Luther: The Man who Started the Reformation by Thomas Lindsay
Moody Publishers: Kids Say the Wisest Things: 26 Lessons You Didn’t Know Children Could Teach You by Jon Gauger vs. 8 Simple Tools for Raising Great Kids by Dr. Todd Cartmell
Reformation Heritage: Seasons of the Heart: A Year of Devotions from One Generation of Women to Another by Donna Kelderman vs. Never Enough: Confronting Lies About Appearance by Sarah Ivill

Author(s): Stephen J. Nichols
Publisher: P&R Publishing
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

Protestants of all stripes have long read at least a few of Martin Luther’s works, but 21st-century readers need guidance and encouragement. Stephen Nichols’s Martin Luther provides both.

After an exciting overview of Luther’s life and theology, Nichols orients the reader to some of the Reformer’s major works: The Bondage of the Will, The Three Treatises, The Small Catechism, and On the Councils and the Church. Luther’s ethical writings, “table talk,” hymns, and sermons also receive due attention. “A Select Guide to Books by and about Luther” concludes this volume, which displays more than 20 illustrations.

“I have chosen the texts and issues that seem to be both pivotal and prominent in Luther’s thought,” writes Nichols. “This encounter is intended to serve as the gateway for further exploration in his life and thought.”

“How do you write a book that’s easy to read and yet is theologically precise? How do you do a book on everything from training of children to hymns to preaching to political conflict—and have it always full and running over with the glorious gospel, which Luther found again for the whole Christian world? Well, Nichols has done it.” —D. Clair Davis

Author(s): Robert Kolb
Publisher: Cascade Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Luther’s oft-recounted life made a profound impact on his contemporaries. Some revered him; some hated him. This volume provides a brief narrative of the unfolding events that took place from his birth to a young entrepreneurial family through his turbulent career as a university professor and public figure to his death while on a mission to reconcile a feuding princely family. Following parts of this narrative come “interviews” with friends and foes of his time, taken from a variety of sixteenth-century sources that present this dominating reformer and the passions that possessed both those who found him to be God’s end-time prophet and those who hated all that he stood for because they believed it was destroying their world.

“Kolb has a gift for weaving details from the most current historical research into an accessible narrative for non-specialist readers. His creative arrangement of primary sources from fourteen contemporaries of Luther into a conversational format is simply charming. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter prompt readers to connect Luther’s life and the events of the Reformation to their own experience. A rich resource for personal reflection or group study.”
–Kathryn A. Kleinhans, Dean of Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio

“Robert Kolb brings a lifetime of research, teaching, and reflection to this portrayal of Luther, and it shows. Kolb makes a complicated figure accessible without sacrificing a millimeter in depth. He paints Luther in vivid detail, highlighting especially the perspectives of Luther’s colleagues in Wittenberg, who worked with him and with each other to build a new religious and social movement.”
–Anna Marie Johnson, Associate Professor of Reformation History at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

“The concept of this book is brilliant. Gathering together comments of supporters and opponents from Luther’s lifetime, Robert Kolb masterfully weaves a picture of the Reformer that invites further study. The ease and accuracy of Kolb’s connective narrative make this work a joy to read.”
–Gordon L Isaac, Berkshire Professor of Church History, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Robert Kolb is a professor of systematic theology emeritus at Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis. He is the coeditor of the translation of the Book of Concord (2000) and of the Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther’s Theology (2014). He has authored Luther’s Wittenberg World (2018), Martin Luther and the Enduring Word of God (2016), Luther and the Stories of God (2012), and Martin Luther: Confessor of the Faith (2009).

Author(s): Herman Selderhuis
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $2.99       (Feb 19-20)
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Famous for setting in motion the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther is often lifted high as a hero or condemned as a rebel. But underneath it all, he was a man of flesh and blood, with a deep longing to live for God.

This biography by respected Reformation scholar Herman Selderhuis captures Luther in his original context and follows him on his spiritual journey, from childhood through the Reformation to his influential later years. Combining Luther’s own words with engaging narrative designed to draw the reader into Luther’s world, this spiritual biography brings to life the complex and dynamic personality that forever changed the history of the church.

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