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unlikely rebelAuthor(s): Kelli Gotthardt
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 13-14)
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No formulas, no pat answers. Just real life. Real questions. Real transformation.
Approach many women in the church and if they’re being honest, they’ll tell you they
• try hard to keep it all together;
• are frustrated that being good doesn’t deliver the perfect life;
• feel trapped in expectations;
• make decisions based on “shoulds”;
• feel selfish when they say no; and
• are uncertain of their place in God’s kingdom.

Between the desire to please God, the need to feel valued, and the compulsion to make everyone around them happy, women often find themselves denying their desires. It’s safer to stay in the life of “shoulds”—even if it means being spiritually and emotionally disconnected.

Kelli Gotthardt knows their pain. Always considered a “good girl,” she threw herself into every ministry, saying yes to every request her church family made. On the outside, her life looked completely together—but she was drowning in self-doubt and shame. Unlikely Rebel is the story of how Kelly slowly shed shoulds and shame, learning to love God and love who He created her to be.

The journey from the comfort of doing everything expected of a perfect pastor’s wife to the uncertainty of living authentically and true to her unique calling is equal parts exhausting and exhilarating. Many Christians condemned her, responding with fear or anger to her greater intimacy with God’s calling when it didn’t match their own vision. For others, though, her journey inspired courage to embrace God’s path for their own lives.

Now Kelli invites other women to discover God’s leading in their lives, learning that if they throw off the despondency of undeserved shame, abundant life awaits.

Author(s): April Cassidy
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 6-7)
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“This book walks each of us through the reality checks we need in order to have the marriage we want!”
—Shaunti Feldhahn, social researcher and best-selling author of For Women Only
In today’s workplace, women are often rewarded for having type A personalities: driven, demanding, ambitious, and strong. Yet when it comes to their marriages, those same traits can backfire. After all, no one goes into marriage hoping for a promotion. What is a wife to do?

April Cassidy knows this struggle firsthand. She thought she was a great Christian wife and begged God to make her passive husband into a more loving, involved, godly leader. Instead, God opened her eyes to changes that she needed to make, such as laying down her desire for control and offering genuine, unconditional respect—-not just love—-to her husband.

Cassidy’s conclusions may be as startling to readers as they were to her, but The Peaceful Wife shares how she and many others have learned to reorient their lives to biblical commands—resulting in healthier, happier marriages. In the end, you’ll find The Peaceful Wife a powerful path to God’s design for women to live in full submission to Christ as Lord.

40 questionsAuthor(s): Kenneth Keathley and Mark F. Rooker
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Apr 29-30)
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Biblically and scientifically informed answers to pressing questions about the creation-evolution debate

This accessible volume evenly addresses the issues of modern science and the scriptural texts. The conservative evangelical authors are well-informed on contemporary scientific views of the universe and also carefully exegete the biblical texts that pertain to creation. They irenically consider the various angles of the debate and make constructive suggestions to reconcile science and the Bible.

Those who are curious about the origins of life and the universe will want to read this book. Seminary students and serious college students will find this information critical, as an understanding of creation is vital to an effective apologetic in sharing the faith.

when there are no easy answersAuthor(s): John S. Feinberg
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Apr 24-25)
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How can a God of love allow terrible things to happen in our lives?
Christians often assume they’re equipped to deal with tragedy if it enters their lives, but like most people, think it never really will. What happens, then, when we follow God’s will to the best of our abilities and heartbreak strikes? Do we mean it when we implore “Have Thine own way, Lord” or does that only apply in times of blessings or small, manageable hurts?

John Feinberg knows that conundrum intimately. In 1987 his beloved wife was diagnosed with an incurable, genetically transmitted disease. They were immediately challenged in their faith and their approach to God’s goodness in the face of the evil of suffering. More, they discovered just how little their Christian community understood about how to support people in crisis.

When There Are No Easy Answers considers the problem of grief from every angle, just as the Feinbergs walked through it in their journey. It confronts the question of justice, examines the nature of God, and argues for the reality of grace. Feinberg explores the biblical reasons against the use of traditional clichés and platitudes, especially by those in ministry, and lays out alternatives that can actually comfort and encourage the person who is struggling or grieving.

refreshAuthor(s): Kimberly M. Drew & Jocelyn Green
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Apr 8-9)
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More than one-fifth of US households with children have at least one child with special needs. Raising a child with special needs is spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically challenging. Parents of these children need encouragement to restore hope and a passion for God in their lives—but the realities of having to be parent, nurse, therapist, and caregiver make it difficult to find the time or initiative to seek encouragement.

Packed with encouragement from parents who understand this complicated balancing act, Refresh is designed to provide just what these parents need. The devotional guides parents to spiritual truths that can be applied to the demands they face every day. It offers perspective and hope through the varying stages and phases families experience, from diagnosis to loss and grief. (more…)

Sensitive Preaching to the Sexually HurtingAuthor(s): Dr. Sam Serio
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Mar 27-28)
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Today’s church has sadly failed to minister to men and women deeply affected by porn, abortion, rape, casual sex, a sexless marriage, same-sex attraction, or childhood sexual abuse. Church leaders know these broken people sit in their pews. What they don’t know is what to say to them. Those who would speak out directly from the pulpit worry that they will be unwise or insensitive, whatever their intent to the contrary. They may even fear being fired and losing their ministry altogether.

The truth is that seminary curriculums rarely prepare preachers to talk about sex in their sermons. Despite the pervasiveness of sexual wounds in the church, preachers tend to either ignore them and say nothing or abhor them without nuance and condemn. Sam Serio posits a powerful and necessary middle ground: preaching that offers forgiveness, transformation, and restoration.

Sensitive Preaching to the Sexually Hurting is a ready-to-use resource written from a preaching perspective. Serio examines the causes and consequences of the seven most difficult sexual issues of today. Moreover, he provides appropriate wording to use in crafting sermons, along with corresponding Scripture texts. He examines how preachers can prepare their churches, their hearts, and their sermons for the topic, and how these can all work together to build a healthier future for their congregations and the wider church body.

Welcome to CollegeAuthor(s): Jonathan Morrow
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: $2.99       (Mar 18-19)
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“The single best volume I have ever read for preparing students for how to follow Jesus and flourish as his disciple in college.”–J. P. Moreland

Is there a more frightening question for a graduating high school senior than “What will you do with your life?” In college, whether they realize it or not, students will answer that question every day with each decision. All of the new friends and new experiences of higher education will shape their future. It’s critical that students know how to handle college before they’re in the thick of it.

Jonathan Morrow tackles the tough questions that arise during these formative years, including:

How do you grow spiritually?
How do you manage your time to both study well and have fun?
Is all truth relative?
Are there good reasons to be a Christian?
As a Christian, how should you view issues like dating and sex?
Each chapter of this new edition has been updated, and the author has included a new chapter on Christianity, homosexuality, and the Bible. Grounded in both his own extensive experience and biblical truth, Morrow’s book is full of quick, easy-to-read chapters and excellent advice.

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