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A Little Bird Told Me: Everyday Expressions from ScriptureAuthor(s): Timothy Cross
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Feb 22-23)
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A drop in the ocean; The writing is on the wall; From strength to strength; Head and shoulders above the rest – just some of our everyday expressions which find their roots in the Bible! people quote biblical expressions without even knowing that they are doing so. Historically, the influence of the Bible has been so great that it has permeated the very fibre of the English language. Timothy Cross in this enlightening and Scripture-rooted book reveals the origins of fifty-two of these sayings whilst considering their meaning and how they apply to us today.Description.

silent shades of sorrowAuthor(s): Charles H Spurgeon
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Feb 15-16)
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Pastor Charles Spurgeon was a friend to those who physically and mentally suffered. He and his own dear wife, Susannah, suffered truly through years of physical and mental pains. In this light, Charles preached transparently about sorrows and their many kinds, including depression in all of its forms. He was no trite preacher. He spoke as one who had been there.

This collection of works from C. H. Spurgeon offers a healing taste of his powerful ministry on our sorrows. Among the many and silent shades of sorrow, the sorrowing have a Savior. There is hope for the broken-hearted.

Author(s): Andrew Thomson
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Feb 8-9)
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John Owen (1616-1683) was one of the defining theologians in the Christian era. His books have been continually in print and are still influential today. Educated at Queen’s College, Oxford, he was a moderate Presbyterian who became a Congregationalist after reading a book by John Cotton. He later helped draw up the Savoy Declaration, the Congregational Basis of Faith.
During the English Civil War Owen was wholly on the side of the Parliamentarians, accompanying Cromwell on expeditions to Scotland and Ireland as Chaplain. Owen was influential in national life and was made Vice-Chancellor of Christ Church Oxford. After the Restoration of the Monarchy he was ejected from this position and devoted his energies to developing ‘godly and learned men’, in writing commentaries and devotional books, and in defending nonconformists from state persecution.
Andrew Thomson uses various sources for this biography including Owen’s adversaries ‘who could not be silent on so great a name or withhold reluctant praise.’

living faithAuthor(s): Helen Roseveare
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Feb 1-2)
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“The quiet, consistent lives of Christian students drew me and began to convince me. The teaching in their Bible study groups and the assurance in their daily prayer meetings brought a sense of sober reality. They talked of faith as an objective reality, not a blind leap-in-the-dark, hoping for the best. Faith to them was something far more wonderful and real than mere believism or frightened escapism. They spoke of faith as a fact, a gift from God himself to his people to enable them to grasp and comprehend truth.”
Thus starts Helen Roseveare’s search for spiritual understanding of the world around her – a world that she was to have a significant impact on once her new faith led her to Africa.
Dr. Helen Roseveare has led an exciting life, dealing with people in the depths of their despair – and at their most joyous. She has also become a prolific author and sought after conference speaker – still writing and speaking at international conferences on faith and mission.
Her ‘Living…’ series have become instant classics and we are pleased to reprint them for a new audience.
Here, Helen tells stories of faith from her experiences that help us to understand its role in our lives and how to strengthen it.

18 wordsAuthor(s): J I Packer
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jan 18-19)
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If the modern world can be characterised by one thing it is probably the enormous increase in the number of words around – but that increase has also been accompanied by a seemingly corresponding decrease in understanding. It is the irony of the information age that instead of bringing clarity it has raised uninformed opinion to the same level as truth.
The church has also not been faultless. Rather than discuss ideas in order to come to some settled agreement, the church has been characterised as trying to make words mean different things in order to accommodate differences.
But the church should be a beacon of light to the world. The church has the words of eternal life.
J. I. Packer is a master wordsmith. He is also gifted with the ability of showing where truth lies in complicated reasoning. These skills combine to make Words from God a fascinating read – and a life-changing one.
The 18 words are Death, Devil, Election, Faith, Fellowship, Grace, Holiness, Justification, Lord, Mediator, Mortification, Reconciliation, Regeneration, Revelation, Sanctification, Scripture, Sin & World.

hearing the spiritAuthor(s): Christopher Ash
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jan 12-13)
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How does the Spirit relate to the Bible? This book is for those who are ‘thirsty for a deeper experience of the Spirit of God’. There is much confusion about how Jesus relates to the Holy Spirit, how Jesus the Eternal Word relates to the Bible. People say, ‘You have too much Bible and not enough of the Spirit’ or it “It all very well talking about the Spirit but where’s the Bible?’ Whatever our background, we tend to fall back on untested prejudices or worry about unexamined doubts. This careful biblical argument, drawing mainly from John’s gospel, helps us to see the answers to these questions in a firmly Trinitarian understanding. Hearing the Spirit is the way we know the father through the Spirit. By asking where the Bible fits in this process, this helps us listen more deeply to the words of God.

Christopher Ash is an ordained minister in the Anglican Church and Director of the Cornhill Training Course, a one-year course designed to provide Bible-handling and practical ministry skills to those exploring their future role in Christian work.

“This book explores how Jesus continues to make the Father known today. More precisely, it explores the relationship between the past, ‘I have made known’ and the present and future, ‘I will continue to make known’. It is a wonderful and vital subject. The answer is going to focus on the work of God the Holy Spirit and the purpose and function of the Bible. In contemporary jargon, you might say this book was about the sometimes controversial topic of ‘Word and Spirit’.”
Christopher Ash ~ Director, Cornhill Training Course, London

stump kingdomAuthor(s): Dale Ralph Davis
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Dec 22-23)
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Isaiah chapters 6-12 are overflowing with prediction, containing some of the most famous references in the Old Testament to the coming Messiah. Covering a time in Judah’s history when it was being attacked and threatened on all sides, each chapter is full of rich biblical truths, revealing the character of Yahweh and His plan for His children. Although the remnant of His people would be reduced to a stump, a shoot would come forth – Immanuel, God with us.

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