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Author(s): Brian A. Russell
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $3.10       Buy Now!

The Servant Songs of Isaiah are a beautiful topic for a devotional. Set in the context of Israel’s failure, few places in the Old Testament speak so clearly about the merciful Messiah. To quote Henri Blocher, ‘In them, our Savior found the blueprint of His mission. From them, Jesus learned that He would have to suffer for us; that He would die for us, as though He were a criminal, under the weight of our sins. How holy the ground we tread when studying the songs!’

Notebook For Eternity: 26 Reflections on the Nature of GodAuthor(s): Wayne Richards
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (June 14-15)
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Notebook for Eternity is theology in easy–to–understand, bite–sized chunks. Using the alphabet as a template, each chapter focuses in on one characteristic of the nature of God. With each day offering verses from all over the Bible and a short devotional piece, this little handbook will help direct your mind and inform your thinking on your heavenly Father.

A Family Worship Guide to Luke (A Family Worship Guide Book 1)Author(s): Geoff Gleason
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (June 7-8)
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This new series of Bible studies for the family is written for the parent in the pew. Each volume serves as an aid to fathers and mothers as they seek to lead their families in daily worship together. The lessons review the main point of the passage under consideration, offer suggested discussion points for children of a variety of ages, suggest songs to broaden the family’s song repertoire, and identify items of prayer.

Author(s): Nick Needham
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 31-June 1)
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The early church fathers have always had a special place in Christian theology. As the first interpreters of the gospel, we often find in their words a sense of the gospel’s sheer freshness and reality. More than this, they were the thinkers who first hammered out the full meaning of what Scripture says about the Trinity and the person of Christ. Their sayings, presented here by Nick Needham, are more than just relevant – they present the opportunity to kindle within us something of that same healthy and godly spirit.

knowing and growingAuthor(s): Joel R. Beeke
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 24-25)
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In his 100th work, Joel Beeke writes on the power and beauty of true, secure assurance of faith: the heartfelt conviction that one belongs to Christ through faith and will enjoy everlasting salvation. This title opens up Dr. Beeke’s expertise and learning for anyone ‘trapped in a background of easy believism or trapped in the opposite fear of assurance being the certain mark of being presumptuous and so crushing the young shoots of hope and assurance as they appear.’

a christians pocket guideAuthor(s): Mark Jones
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 18-19)
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When you consider who we are by nature and who the holiest God is in his nature, it appears at first that talk of “rewards” from God is a little presumptuous on our part. We have already been ransomed by Christ – isn’t it ungrateful to expect more? Mark Jones works through the biblical basis and references to good works and rewards, showing that the grace of God our loving Heavenly Father is stamped all over this doctrine.

heaven on earthAuthor(s): Derek Thomas
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (May 18-19)
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Why a book about heaven?

For all the skepticism that abounds in our time, people still want to know what happens after death. Do you know with any certainty where your conscious, thinking, self–aware, communicative self will be? And does it matter, as long as you are in ‘heaven’? But the importance of ‘heaven’ does not consist only in it being the alternative to ‘hell’. It is not just an abstract future state into which we will slip, it is a physical reality which can give us joy and hope even now as we look toward it.

Derek Thomas examines how the Christian can and should think about heaven:

1. We Die … Then what?

2. Are You Ready?

3. Falling Asleep

4. The Trumpet Shall Sound

5. The New Heaven and New Earth

6. What Will Heaven be Like?

7. Like the Angels

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