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Author(s): Sharon Dickens
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Mar 5-6)
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So, you’ve heard the Gospel, you’ve accepted Jesus as your saviour, you’re going to Church regularly – you’re definitely a Christian, but you don’t feel like you’re acting like one. The other Christians you know all seem to have it together but how do you get to that point? Even though none of us will be perfect in this life, we can grow to be more and more like Jesus. This book will tell you how.

Author(s): John Pollock
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Feb 26-27)
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The story of Hudson Taylor is one of adventure and excitement – of improbable answers to prayer, opposition from the establishment and triumphs of faith. Even more interesting is the story of the relationship at the heart of it all – the story of Hudson and Maria Taylor.
There are few love stories as enchanting as that of Hudson Taylor, the pioneering missionary, and Maria Dyer. Their relationship and short marriage flourished in the bitterest of circumstances because their lives were firmly rooted in their devotion to God, as well as to each other.
They were a perfect match, (though not perfect people), a couple who show us how to share our lives at the deepest level.
John Pollock draws his material extensively from original letters and papers. What unfolds is a picture of courage and adventure in Imperial China, a lost world of pigtails, Mandarins and dragon-roofed temples. It also shows how Maria played a crucial role in shaping the ministry of a Yorkshire lad who, against oriental and western opposition, changed the way that missionaries work.

Author(s): Tim Cooper & Kelvin Gardiner
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Feb 19-20)
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Daniel Donford is a new pastor: excited, filled with bright dreams, anticipating a big future for him and his new church, Broadfield Community Church. However opposition and obstacles lie just ahead, and both may end his journey into pastoral ministry before it has really begun. But Dan has an Uncle Eldon, if anyone can see Dan through his trials and disasters, Eldon can. The wisdom he offers, via a series of emails, might just be enough to see Dan transformed into the mature, selfless, loving pastor God wants him to be.

Author(s): Leonardo De Chirico
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Feb 12-13)
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A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Mary offers a biblical account of Mary’s character, contrasting this with the Roman Catholic traditions which have developed throughout history, distorting her nature from an obedient servant and worshipper of God to a worshipped saint herself. De Chirico writes with the authority of thorough research as well as personal experience of the traditions surrounding Mary which have become so integral to Roman Catholic worship.

Author(s): William Hines & Howard Eyrich
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Feb 5-6)
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This book is really a text book for anyone involved or interested in Christian counselling. Both the authors teach the subject at a theological seminary in the States. Their influences include Jay Adams, a leading Christian psychologist, and Francis Schaeffer.
Section 1 helps to make a case for a different style of counselling, based on the Bible and on Christian principles. Only a Biblical framework can explain the “why?” of human behaviour. The approach is therefore holistic as it tackles the heart of the human problem – the problem of the human heart.
Section 2 gives background as well as practical guidelines to those interested in becoming Christian Counsellors.
Section 3 outlines the Counselling Process and give practical worksheets and guidelines for helping someone out of their situation.

This model of psychology is very much more prescriptive than anything in secular counselling, or in many Christian circles, but the authors are consistent in their approach and they have been teaching the material for many years. There are good appendices to aid the reader.


Author(s): Dale Leschert
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jan 29-30)
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Do you want a quick way of finding out about a New Testament book? Or a detailed study on a New Testament book? Now you can have both. Dale Leschert has put together an amazing and unique resource that will help everyone understand the New Testament. Each biblical book is outlined and described and its connections with the rest of the New Testament detailed. Each book has a summary page of background detail and there are many information boxes, charts and maps to illustrate the text.

Author(s): Timothy Paul Jones
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jan 22-23)
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The Bible is a cobbled-together selection of ancient writings that have been changed so many times by so many people over hundreds of years that surely the text can no longer be trusted, right? Certainly, there are plenty of people who take this view. Timothy Paul Jones here addresses the fact that the Bible is a difficult book to believe. It is full of incidents that seem highly improbable, if not impossible. Written for people who are skeptical of its accuracy and of its authority, this book takes a reasonable look at the claims made about the Bible.

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