
Tag: Christian Focus Publications

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Author(s): Guy Prentiss Waters
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Oct 15-16)
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There is no book better than the Bible. It is God’s own word. He breathed it into existence. He does wonderful things in and by it. But there is hardly a book more assailed, mocked, and assaulted than the Bible. New Testament Professor Guy Prentiss Waters delves into the doctrine of Scripture. Addressing the revelation, inspiration, inerrancy, sufficiency and perspicuity of the Bible, he also engages with what some other prominent theologians had to say on the subject.

Author(s): Kent Evans
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Oct 8-9)
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Biblical fatherhood cannot be outsourced. Fathers are the primary disciple makers in the home. Our children are following our lead, but where are we leading them? Are we leading them towards the perfect Father, encouraging them to grow in their faith and to become the adults that God made them to be? What does a godly dad look like?

Author(s): Bradley G. Green
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Arguably the most significant theologian in Church history, Augustine is nonetheless a figure of dispute in protestant circles, distrusted for his views on ecclesiology, amongst other subjects. Yet his love for the Lord and articulation of the doctrine of grace ensure that his writings remain relevant and inspiring to many Christians today.

For anyone looking to begin to understand this theological giant, Bradley Green’s biography offers a clear insight into Augustine’s life and beliefs. In the words of the patristic himself, ‘Take and Read’.


Author(s): Irene Howat
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.50       (Sept 24-25)
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May Nicholson’s story, told so powerfully in Miracles from Mayhem and More Miracles from Mayhem, tells of how she went from being a drunk no-hoper to establishing Preshal, a Christian trust based in one of the most needy areas of Glasgow. The work of Preshal and its impact continue to challenge and inspire. In Renewing Broken Lives you will find May’s story and the story of Preshal interwoven with the stories that men and women tell of their own lives. The book will be sure to move readers to tears, to laughter and to prayer.

Author(s): Stephen Clark & Matthew Evans
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Sept 17-18)
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Union with Christ is the jewel in the crown of salvation. It has many and varied facets. Indeed, the reality denoted by the words ‘in Christ’ is unfathomable. But the importance of this great truth is such that Christians need to seek to plumb its unsearchable depths. The present volume seeks to show how union with Christ is expounded by two New Testament writers, how it was understood by two great theologians, and how it relates to two key areas of biblical teaching, before a final chapter plots the scriptural development and structure of this great truth and its practical relevance for us today. Contributors include: Stephen Clark, Cornelis Bennema,Tim Ward, Robert Letham, John Fesko, David McKay and Paul Wells.

Author(s):  James Muldoon & Jennie Muldoon
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Sept 10-11)
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Seeing someone you love hurting, and feeling like you can do nothing to help, is hard. We are so nervous about making their suffering worse that we are paralysed into doing nothing. James and Jennie Muldoon are familiar with suffering. They tell their story here, explain how they were supported and comforted by their brothers and sisters in Christ, and give ideas for where to start when we are helping those in pain.

Author(s): Mantle Nance
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $3.50       Buy Now!

The Adorable Trinity investigates the little–known yet fascinating conflict between Trinitarianism and Unitarianism in the nineteenth century American South. It explores the lives, ministries, and theological contributions of three Southern Presbyterian pastor–scholars associated with Columbia Theological Seminary – James Henley Thornwell, Thomas Smyth, and Benjamin Morgan Palmer – and their winsome, fruitful stands for the Trinitarian faith in response to a burgeoning Southern Unitarian movement. In a readable and engaging way, the author provides readers with intriguing history that illumines the mind and warm theology that moves the heart to adore and serve the Triune God of love.

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