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Author(s):  Robert Murray McCheyne
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Dec 9-10)
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Robert Murray McCheyne’s fervent love of the gospel shone clearly through everything he wrote and said, often leading him to tears while he preached. This short book brings together seven such sermons, in which McCheyne expounds the glories of life in Christ. Shorter and more easily digestible than some of his written works, but lacking none of the biblical depth, these sermons make for powerful devotional material.

Author(s): Richard Baxter
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Baxter was one of the most influential of the Puritans. He recognised the value of writing about 170, which have sold in tens of millions since.
The amazing thing is that whilst he was such a prolific auhtor he also exercised an exemplary pastoral ministry, preached to Oliver Cromwell and Chalres II, and was hounded by the authorities.
Baxter was eventually imprisoned by the notorious ‘bloody’ judge Jeffreys whom Baxter obviously exasperated “I see the rogue in your face” said Jeffreys during the trial, “I was not aware my face was so true a mirror” shot back Baxter.
During his pastorate at Kidderminster in England he and one assistant, were catechising 800 hundred families per year by taking them in groups of 14 or 15 families on Mondays and Tuesdays. On Thursdays, Baxter acted as an informal judge, settling forms of conscience. The effect on the community was such that ‘the jails in Kidderminster were empty’ at this time – yet he considered all this as secondary to his writing.
Baxter’s autobiography is fascinating because you can read the thoughts behind his plans, actions and concerns. Not only do you get an insight into the Puritan mind but also a survey of the society.

Author(s): Mark Ashton
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Nov 25-26)
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Christ and His People brings together eight convictions which shaped the ministry of Mark Ashton, a ministry rooted in faithful and humble leadership of Round Church, Cambridge. These eight convictions will encourage others to persevere in ordinary local church, trusting God to keep His Word.

Author(s): Ralph Cunnington
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Nov 18-19)
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The nature of the relationship between the Spirit of God and the Word of God has been debated among believers for centuries. Is the Spirit present wherever and whenever the Word is preached?
Ralph Cunnington explores this and in particular the narrow historical theological question of what the Protestant Reformers, in particular John Calvin, actually taught on this topic. With careful and incisive scholarship, and writing that is both clear and cogent, we travel through this question.

Author(s): Geraldine Taylor
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Nov 11-12)
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Here is an amazing story about a man whose life made such a great impact for God. The Bible is filled with stories of God’s work in the lives of ordinary men and women who did extraordinary things for the Lord. These stories were written not only to give us the truth but also to inspire us to trust the Lord. Pastor Hsi experienced danger, adventure, persecution and great power to heal the sick. But what marked his life the most was not the great things he did for God but his deep and profound awareness of his dependence upon God. This book will challenge you to follow the example of this man. He saw the sovereign in-breaking of God, time and time again yet did not allow it to puff him into pride or arrogance.

His simple childlike faith led him to take the New Testament at face value: he put into practise whatever he read. He fasted, he prayed, he laid hands on the sick and cast out demons.
The reality of these experiences should compel us to search our hearts again and ask if we are availing ourselves of the authority that has been given to us. If you dare to be changed read on!

Author(s):  Jonathan Moorhead
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Oct 28-29)
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A faithful examination of the role of John Calvin in the execution of Michael Servetus.

The execution of Michael Servetus (1511–53) is one of the most debated events in the life of John Calvin (1509–1564). It has left an indelible stain on Calvin’s reputation, and unfortunately, the retelling of the story is often dependent on the historian’s relationship to Calvinism.

Jonathan Moorhead here seeks to give a faithful narrative of the role of John Calvin in the execution of Michael Servetus. He examines the life of Servetus, with emphasis given to his education, publications, and relationship with John Calvin. Moorhead also gives attention to the role of Calvin in Servetus’ arrests, trials, and execution.

Understanding the extent of Calvin’s power in Geneva at the time of the trial is critical to understanding the events, as is the context of executing heretics throughout history, and in particular, in the 16th Century.


Author(s):  Carrie Sandom
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Oct 21-22)
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Created in the image of God, man and woman are designed to reflect God’s own nature and being. At the very heart of the Godhead-Father, Son and Spirit-we see the qualities that form the basis of our design as men and women. In the Godhead, there is perfect equality, diversity, unity and order, and it is these characteristics that shape our differences as well.
Carrie Sandom, along with a rising tide of like-minded Christians, is concerned about the growth of feminism in our society, our families and our churches-and the detriment this poses to all three. She clearly presents the problem and leads readers along the path to restore God’s design to its rightful place.
Just as relationships in the Godhead are equal yet diverse, working together in unity and order, so are these characteristics to be reflected in the way men and women relate to one another. Scripturally grounded, Different by Design presents a biblical context for roles of men and women in marriage, the church and the workplace, with present-day implications for each.

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