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Author(s):  David A. Smith
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (July 21-22)
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This book lifts the lid on the human heart, seeking to uncover the hidden agendas that stop us from loving God and others as we should. Our hearts have a selfish list of priorities that we believe are important and need to be given attention. But often these heart agendas are in tension with God’s agenda.

David Smith uses four biblical pictures to help us consider these agendas that are often hidden so deep within our hearts that we are unaware of them. Using examples from the Bible, he uncovers the desire to be significant; the desire to have certainty; the desire to have peace, safety, and security; and the desire for our own fulfilment.

Each of these four chapters begins with a story from the Bible, an explanation of the heart agenda exposed in the story, the underlying heart fear, the heart demand, and the heart problem. It then goes on to show God’s heart agenda in that situation and concludes with a summary and questions for reflection.

The final two chapters show the servant heartedness that is central to the Kingdom of God, and the way we can honestly assess our own hearts. David helpfully finishes the book with guidance on how we can journey towards the heart agendas God wants us to have.


Author(s): Sean DeMars
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (July 14-15)
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Having experienced its damaging effects, Sean DeMars and Mike McKinley set out to reveal the insidious toxicity found in the prosperity gospel. Naming and claiming promises of material blessing for those who believe enough may seem at first glance to be biblical but turn out to be a distortion of God’s truth.

Beginning by countering claims made by the prosperity gospel with what scripture actually teaches, they highlight the places in scripture that stand directly opposed to prosperity teachings. They explore what the Bible teaches about whether people who believe false doctrine are eternally saved, and how to examine our hearts for a prosperity–style understanding of God.

The Heart of the Prosperity Gospel
Excuse Me, but Your Bible is Upside Down
Yeah, but What About Promises of Health and Happiness?
Yeah, but What About Promises of Wealth?
Do TBN Viewers Go to Heaven?
Should We Pray Together?
The Prosperity Gospel Among the Orthodox


Author(s): Joe Barnard
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (July 7-8)
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Christian men today are unprepared for the reality and scope of spiritual warfare they face. Some go about their lives naively ignoring the power that spiritual forces like sin and Satan have in their lives. Joe Barnard has written a book to help men not only wake up to the existence of sin in their lives, but, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to tackle it head on.

This may seem like a daunting task. Although few would admit it publicly, privately many share the deep anxiety that the resources of the gospel are inadequate to deal with – not the guilt of sin – but the power of sin. Sin may look like an insurmountable problem when measured by the stature of a fallen man, but to God, sin is no more than a weed planted in sand.

This book is for men who are willing to fight and it will arm them for the task at hand.

Chapter headings

The Rules of War
The Fight Against Deception
How to Kill Entrenched Passions
Four Sins That Are Killing Modern Men


Author(s): Mark Coppenger
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jun 30-Jul 1)
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It is reasonable to expect that the followers of Jesus Christ would exude the same sort of moral goodness that he did. But what does it mean to be good? What does it mean for the reality of the Christian faith that Christians fail to live up to the standards set by the Bible? Mark Coppenger engages with these questions.

Contents include:


A Few Questions About the Question
I Suppose We Asked For It
Some You Might Have Missed
The Bible Tells Me So
Are You Sure About That? The Problem of False Professors
Are You Sure About That? Doubtful Narratives
Who’s Counting?
Antibodies: Devotional and Congregational
Antibodies: Beyond Home and Congregation
Environmental Protection
The Rest of the Story


Author(s): Joe Barnard
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jun 23-24)
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A lot of Christian men – and small groups of men – feel stuck. They have a sincere desire to grow but feel confused about what to do next. The Way Forward is a road–map for men who want to cut through the noise and distraction of the 21st century and take definite steps toward spiritual maturity. This book follows the simple format of problem, solution, and plan. Men who read it will walk away with both a clear diagnosis for why they feel stuck and a practical action plan for moving forward.

Author(s): Peter Barnes
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jun 16-17)
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Until his death in 373, Athanasius was the most formidable opponent of Arianism in the Roman Empire. Ultimately, for him, this fight was not a struggle for ecclesial power or even for the rightness of his theological position. It was a battle for the souls of men and women. Athanasius rightly knew that upon one’s view of Christ hung one’s eternal destiny. As he wrote to the bishops of Egypt in 356: “as therefore the struggle that is now set before us concerns all that we are, either to reject or to keep the faith, let us be zealous and resolve to guard what we have received, bearing in mind the confession that was written down at Nicaea.” And by God’s grace, his victory in that struggle has been of enormous blessing to the church ever since.

Author(s):  Luke H. Davis
Publisher:  Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Jun 9-10)
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3 BC – 476 AD
The story of the ancient Church is one of a people who were finding their way over many years by the light that God shined forth for them. Today, we are looking back over the centuries with many more years of understanding but we stand on the shoulders of those who braved persecution, death, debate, and mystery on behalf of generations to come.

For the early church persecution was so intense that a number of Christians were martyred. Bishops such as Ignatius, Polycarp, and Cyprian were among them.

The Church produced many great writers, thinkers, bishops, and pastors to offer deep and practical guidance. Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Origen, Athanasius, Ambrose, John Chrysostom, Jerome, and Augustine

From the Apostle Peter at Pentecost in Jerusalem to St. Patrick on the shores of Ireland in the year 432 – the ancient church has much to teach the church of today.


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