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Author(s): Samuel Rutherford
Publisher:  Christian Focus
Price: $2.99       (Apr 14-15)
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Samuel Rutherford was a 17th Century Scottish Presbyterian preacher whose writings have had a profound impact on Christians throughout the generations. He was one of the Scottish Commissioners to the Westminster Assembly, and his best–known work, Lex, Rex, had far reaching influence.

This collection of quotes, collated by editor Malcolm MacLean, give an idea of the power his words had. Although no more than a sentence or two, each of these quotes has a profundity which leaves the reader thinking long after they have closed the book.

The quotations are split into topics:

Jesus and the Gospel
Jesus – His Person and Work
Communion with Jesus
Christian Living
Christian Service
Thinking of Heaven
Eternity and Time
For those who have never read Samuel Rutherford’s works before, this is a delectable introduction, encouraging you to seek out his full works. For those who need no introduction to his writings, these quotes are a quick reminder of the great truths he strived to preach and the great God he strived to proclaim.


Author(s): Nick Needham
Publisher: Christian Focus
Price: $2.99       (Mar 31-Apr 1)
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Every generation has an uncanny tendency to view themselves as more enlightened than those that have gone before. The Church certainly has made mistakes all through history – and yet, no insights which we possess would be possible without the efforts, and even some of the mistakes, of our ancestors. The first volume of 2,000 Years of Christ’s Power covers the period from the 1st Century AD to the start of the Middle Ages. From the works of Saint Augustine of Hippo to the first apologetic ever penned, this time in history established the foundations of what we take for granted today.

Author(s): Sharon James
Publisher:  Christian Focus
Price: $2.99       (Mar 17-18)
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We are surrounded by lies. They are incorporated into the worldview of our culture. We daily absorb them, and these lies can have deadly effects on individuals, societies and whole civilisations.

Sharon James investigates the origins of some of these lies and looks at how we have got to the point where ‘my truth’ is as valid as ‘your truth’, and absolute truth is an outdated way of thinking. In examining the evidence of history, she highlights the consequences of applying dangerous untruths. She also looks at how Christians often respond to the culture’s lies – in silence, acquiescence or celebration of them – and why these responses can be as harmful as the lies themselves.

In the second part she turns to the truth which leads to real liberation and justice. She shows why we don’t need to be ashamed of Christ, or intimidated by the claims of those who are militantly opposed to the Bible.

This book aims to equip Christians to navigate the minefield of current claims. To understand our inherent human significance, to know genuine freedom, and to work for real justice, we need to know the truth.


Author(s): Layton Talbert
Publisher:  Christian Focus
Price: $2.99       (Mar 10-11)
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This is a book about God’s jealousy for his integrity, his passion to be believed, on the basis of his words alone.

Throughout Scripture God expresses his determination to be known as the God who keeps his words. He has resolved that every person and nation will see and confess that all his words are reliable down to every last syllable, jot, and tittle. Learning to trust a God who is sovereign and in control, especially in the ache and throb of life, means hanging on to the conviction that everything he says is utterly dependable

Knowing that God’s words are trustworthy and living it out can be two different things though, so as well as laying out the theological foundations, Layton MacDonald Talbert explores the practical applications. What does trusting God’s words look like in real life and how has it played out in the experience of God’s people? Let Talbert show you how in tracing the reliability of God through history we can learn to trust in with the future.

Author(s):  J. V. Fesko
Publisher:  Christian Focus
Price: $2.99       (Mar 3-4)
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J. V. Fesko seeks to recover and defend the doctrine of the covenant of works in this second book in his three–part series. He argues that it is biblical and a necessary element for a right understanding of God, the world, Christ and our redemption. Understanding the nature of the triune God’s interaction with Adam ultimately sets the stage for the work of the last Adam, Jesus.

The book is split into three sections: history, exegesis and doctrine. The chapter headings are:


Author(s): Karen Soole
Publisher:  Christian Focus
Price: $2.99       (Feb 24-25)
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There are parts of the Bible that I have struggled with, and bits that seemed far removed from my life as a twenty–first–century woman. I have wrestled with them, but as I read, I came to know that God offers more liberation, more freedom, and more fulfilment than I could dare to imagine.

Equality for all people is a foundational principle in our culture and embedded in our law. The consensus is clear: all people are equally valuable. However, religion is seen as a stronghold that promotes inequality. There is a widespread belief that the Bible is sexist. Women fear that God does not want their good and instead, he wants to box them in and clip their wings. Our culture believes that they need to forget religion to achieve equality.

This, however, is not the case. The principle of equality is established in the first pages of the Bible, and its message exalts and dignifies both men and women. Bible teacher, conference speaker and author Karen Soole shares what she has discovered as she has read the Bible and grappled with it over many years.


Author(s): Jeremy Pierre & Greg Wilson
Publisher:  Christian Focus
Price: $2.99       (Nov 4-5)
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A pastoral guide to dealing wisely with domestic abuse in the local church.

This book is intended to equip pastors, church leaders and church members to respond with the heart of God to situations of domestic abuse that occur in their local church. Prioritising the safety of the victim at all times, Jeremy Pierre and Greg Wilson seek to help you be the kind of church leader, church member, friend, parent, sibling, or neighbor who responds wisely. We want the church to be a new normal for those grown accustomed to abuse. A home that doesn’t hurt those inside, but instead welcomes them into the tender care of the Lord.

Split into three sections, When Home Hurts begins with an overview to provide a framework for understanding abuse and the people caught up in it, before moving on to advice on how to help in the short and long terms.


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