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grace and lavenderAuthor(s): Heather Norman Smith
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Recently retired Colleen Hill is always busy, constantly on a quest to make life more interesting.

When the ladies’ group at her church partners with the local children’s home, Colleen jumps in as usual, volunteering to share her passion for cooking with a troubled teenager named Grace. But Colleen must balance the new project with her pursuit of becoming a contestant on a television game show, along with all the other ideas her brain continually spins out.

Colleen’s daughter Melody is quite different. She lives a calm, simple life and is content with who she is. That is, until an unexpected opportunity to work with Grace, too, pushes her to reevaluate life and dare to take on bigger dreams. The path starts with a newly-found interest in soap-making and leads her to responsibilities she didn’t even know she wanted, including helping Grace understand the meaning of her name.

Grace & Lavender is a book for all audiences—a heart-warming story that reminds us to seek God’s purpose for our lives.

pastors and deaconsAuthor(s): Carl Herbster & Ken Howerton
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $1.99       Buy Now!

“Pastor & Deacons is a must-read for all those in church leadership. . . .This book is biblical, practical and helpful. It is chock-full of “how to” ideas that will strengthen relationships and promote spiritual unity in the local church. The principles on church discipline and the chapter on “Dealing with Difficulties” are worth the price of the book. Pastor, get this book and you will refer to it often.”
Dr. Tom Farrell

How should a church be organized?

What functions do the pastors, deacons, and congregation serve?

Who qualifies for the offices of pastor and deacon?

How should a church manage its finances?

How does a congregation biblically address problems?

As fellow servants in the same church, Carl Herbster and Kenneth Howerton have collaborated in the writing of Pastor & Deacons: Servants Working Together to answer these important questions and many more. The “on-the-job,” real-life experiences of the authors make this a particularly practical book.

Pastor & Deacons is a practical exposition and application of biblical principles of church organization and leadership.

Additional Endorsements

“Pastor & Deacons offers insights and practical suggestions for every pastor and deacon who longs to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. The biblical philosophy presented in this book reminds us of the important pastor/deacon relationship.”
Paul Chappell, Senior Pastor
Lancaster Baptist Church
Lancaster, California

“I have found Pastor & Deacons a wonderful tool to teach the practical aspects and proper relationships of the two church offices we Baptists hold so highly. Any pastor, deacon, or ministerial student will benefit greatly as he draws from this well of practical wisdom!”
Rick Arrowood, Senior Pastor
Crosspointe Baptist Church
Indianapolis, Indiana

“I commend Dr. Carl Herbster and Mr. Ken Howerton for providing this excellent ministry resource for pastors and deacons. Thoughtfully, thoroughly, and biblically written, Pastor & Deacons provides highly valuable insight to the men leading today’s local churches.”
David C. Gibbs III
Christian Law Association

“This is a must-read for pastors, pastoral staffs, deacons, and other church leadership. It biblically presents the qualifications and responsibilities of both offices and practically shows how to function together within the church for the glory of God and the edification of the body. . . . I use this book regularly in training conferences for pastors and church leaders.”
Matt Williams
Vice President for Ministry Affairs,
Northland International University

“Dr. Herbster and Mr. Howerton’s book offers insights and practical suggestions for every pastor and deacon who longs to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. The biblical philosophy presented in this book reminds us of the important pastor/deacon relationship. I am confident this material will be a great help to local churches everywhere.”
Paul Chappell
Pastor, Lancaster Baptist Church

“I have found Pastor & Deacons a wonderful tool to teach the practical aspects and proper relationships of the two church offices we Baptists hold so highly. . . . It is leadership books like this that I find most helpful in my ministry. Any good pastor, deacon, or ministerial student will benefit greatly as he draws from this well of practical wisdom!”
Dr. Rick Arrowood
Senior Pastor, Crosspointe Baptist Church
Indianapolis, Indiana

you are the christAuthor(s): David Whitcomb
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

Everyone supposed that Jesus, the man from Nazareth, was the son of Mary and Joseph the carpenter. But who was He really?

The debate over Jesus’ identity has continued for two thousand years.

Was Jesus actually God or was He simply a man with an unusual teaching gift? Did He possess a divine nature that equipped Him to perform miracles, or were His miracles a slight of hand? Could He have actually been the incarnation of Jehovah?

His conversations prove that Jesus of Nazareth knew that He was God in human form.

The four Gospels record over sixty different conversations that Jesus Christ had with many different people in many different settings. His conversations consistently pointed to the truth that He was indeed, God in the flesh.

When Peter looked at this man who was very much like himself and concluded, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” he was exactly right. The plethora of modern theories denying Christ’s divinity must be abandoned when we comprehend what He revealed about Himself through His conversations.

Author(s): Cathy Harris
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

“Created to Live is a deep and engaging perspective on the effect of abortion on women in the Church and in our nation. This book gives encouragement to praying Christians to carry the torch to end the pain of abortion in our time.”
Linda J. Cochrane, R.N., CEO,
Author of Forgiven and Set Free: A Post-Abortion Bible Study for Women

In today’s America, an abortion is performed every 26 seconds. Since 1973, nearly 58 million abortions have been performed in the United States alone, devastating countless women, men, and families.

Cathy Harris knows firsthand the pain and sorrow that follows an abortion, having had one at a young age. Looking for new life for herself after her abortion, Cathy was brave enough to step through the doors of a church. Because of one bold conversation, a genuine community, and a merciful God, life found her. Now she dreams that other women will find the abundant life they search for, both before and after abortion.

In Created to Live: Becoming the Answer for an Abortion-Free Community, Harris seeks to start the conversation that few are brave enough to have. One that she hopes will help end the abortion epidemic and instead create a culture of life.

Using personal insight acquired through her own story, Harris offers advice and encouragement to those who have had an abortion, know someone who has, or desire to make a pro-life impact in their community. Created to Live features resources, hard truths, and practical steps to help end the abortion epidemic.

The days of hanging in the balance are over. The grey area is quickly becoming black or white, and the choice is ours. God will always be merciful: will you be part of the abortion-free community that thousands of women and babies need?


“Cathy Harris challenges us beyond our own personal healing to seeing with “Kingdom eyes” how we can restore the sanctity of human life by overcoming evil with good. The mission of Jesus’ church has never changed—we do justice, we love mercy, and we walk humbly. Cathy has given us a great primer; let’s follow her lead.”
Karen A. Ellison,
President, Deeper Still

“Cathy Harris shares stories of pain, grief, hope, and healing with detail, eloquence, and compassion. Those struggling with the pain and sorrow of abortion can find comfort in her words and courage to move forward.”
Jody Duffy,
Director of PATH (Post-Abortion Treatment and Healing) Atlanta;
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Site Leader;
Atlanta Regional Coordinator for “Silent No More”

“This book is an amazing collection of truth, wisdom, and love about one of the most important issues of the day. I urge you to read it and be blessed.”
Allan Parker,
President, The Justice Foundation & Operation Outcry;
Lead Counsel for Norma McCorvey, “Roe” of Roe v. Wade and Sandra Cano, “Doe” of Doe v. Bolton

“Cathy is a living testimony of God’s grace and redemptive work in the earth. Anyone who has been touched by the horror of abortion will find hope in her story. All who believe that every human child carries the image of God will be inspired by her life’s work.”
Dean Nelson,
National Outreach Director, Human Coalition

look upAuthor(s): Scott Mohr
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $3.49       Buy Now!

Would you like to grow your awareness of the vastness, the majesty and the eternal qualities of our God?

Would you like that awareness to help you live the abundant life that Christ came to give?

Look Up! makes the linkage from the Gospels to the Old Testament clear and will inspire you to see and worship the Savior from a fascinating Old Testament point of view, resulting in a heavenward focus on Him for your daily life.

Author(s): Jim Brissey
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

“These stories inspired, encouraged, challenged, and blessed me . . . ” – Gigi Graham

A Shepherd’s Heart is a unique collection of inspirational moments experienced over more than 30 years of walking with Jesus. You will relive the joy of The Sermon Mount and have your heart touched by a Miracle on Death Row. Be ready to laugh and cry as you share true stories of God’s love and grace from the mission fields to the dinner table.

A Shepherd’s Heart will bless you and challenge you to share Christ with others. You will also receive helpful insights and tools how to effectively share your faith and win people to Jesus!

” . . . you just can’t help but sense the heartbeat of the Good Shepherd.” – Bob D’Andrea

” . . . like taking fresh vitamins for the soul.” – Dr. Kevin McNulty

“This wonderful book is filled with exciting testimonies and miracles of God.” – Bill Glass

Author(s): Dr. Deandre Collier
Publisher: Ambassador International
Price: $0.99       Buy Now!

From Victim to Victor: Walking by Faith and Not by Sight was written for the Christian believer, communities of faith, churched and unchurched populations, and the person who is wrestling and struggling with faith issues that challenge them in their every day spiritual walk of life. This book will introduce the reader to Jesus Christ through Dr. Deandre Collier’s testimony, use of Scripture, and discussion of Christian traditions. Further, Dr. Collier will demonstrate, through his shared experiences, the meaning of the phrase walking by faith, not by sight.

This spiritually-inspired memoir argues that, even during the worst of times, maintaining faith can ensure that our best days lie ahead. Victimization presents opportunity for victory, but with God all things are possible because He is the essence of faith.

From Victim to Victor is designed to reach out and target audiences of all persons in a real, personal, spiritual, and intimate way. Dr. Deandre Collier has written this book for all regardless of education, race, social and economic status, denominational affiliation, and religious and cultural tradition.

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