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Author(s): Jason R. McNaughten
Publisher: N/A
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Are you frustrated as a parent?

We get frustrated at our children, the society in which we live, and most of all, we get frustrated with OURSELVES! Being a parent is a blessing, but it is not always easy. In Confessions of a Frustrated Parent, Jason shares some of the most common frustrations he experiences in his own family. He is frustrated because:
Parenting can seem like a burden, not a blessing
My house feels out of control
I can get overwhelmed and anxious
Sometimes I’m too tired to care
I struggle with anger
I often don’t know what to do
My priorities can be out of whack
My parental discipline is inconsistent
I feel like a failure at times


Author(s): Sarah Beckman
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

“Alongside provides valuable insight and practical approaches to caring for those who need it most.” —Michael Hyatt, New York Times–bestselling author

Whether it’s cancer, death of a loved one, long-term illness, or another significant challenge, we all know someone facing trial. We wonder, “What can I do to help?” Filled with practical tools, personal experience, and insights from those who’ve faced hardship, Sarah Beckman delicately weaves together action and inspiration to create this comprehensive resource. Alongside will become your trusted guidebook so you’ll know exactly how to bring life-giving help, hope, and encouragement to people you care about in their greatest time of need.

“This readable, practical guide provides concrete actions for talking (or not) and acting to aid another person who is in distress . . . useful to readers of all faiths . . . This book will be of great value to readers who are struggling to help others in difficult times.” —Publishers Weekly

“Alongside is equal parts practicality, encouragement, and challenge—and desperately needed! All I can say is I wish I’d had it earlier, I will refer to it often, and I will share it every chance I get.” —Keith Ferrin, author of The Expert Interviews

“Sometimes all it takes to make a huge impact on someone’s life is simply to be present. Kudos to Sarah Beckman for addressing a very important issue which we will all encounter at some point in our lives.” —Joanne Fairchild Miller, author of Creating a Haven of Peace

Author(s): John Bunyan
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Thirty all-new, full-page, color illustrations and edited text for ease of reading make this the edition of John Bunyan’s classic allegorical tale to own and to give.

For more than three centuries both Christians and non-Christians, young and old, have been fascinated by the characters and story of John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress: From This World to That Which Is to Come-regarded as one of the most significant works of English literature. While keeping the dignity and beauty of Bunyan’s language, editor C. J. Lovik has updated words and phrases for today’s readers.

This deluxe edition of Pilgrim’s Progress brought to life in forty all-new, full-page, color illustrations by award-winning illustrator Mike Wimmer, takes readers on a visually stunning journey with protagonist Christian as he seeks the Celestial City. Along the way, readers encounter Evangelist, Mr. Worldly Wisdom, the Interpreter, Hypocrisy, Watchful, Faithful, Talkative, Hopeful, Ignorance, and others. Through word and picture, readers will better understand the obstacles and encouragements they will face as they live out the Christian life this side of heaven.


Author(s): Anthony Selvaggio
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Price: $2.99        (Mar 28-29)
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A major component of Jesus’ ministry on earth was the performance of signs and wonders. In this book, Anthony T. Selvaggio uses the seven signs given in the first half of the Gospel of John to navigate us toward a glorious destination. This journey begins at a wedding and ends at a funeral. Throughout this trip you will witness the incredible events of water being turned into wine, the temple cleansed, a sick boy restored, a lame man brought to his feet, thousands feed, a blind man gaining sight, and a dead man coming forth from his tomb. While this tour centers in the land of Palestine, it will ultimately take you beyond the finiteness of this created world. For on this majestic journey, you will see more than mere signs and wonders – you will see the glory of Jesus Christ, the Son of God!

NOTE: Contains discussion questions to better facilitate group study.


Author(s): Galynne Matichuk
Publisher: N/A
Price: $3.99       Buy Now!

A girl with an eating disorder, in denial and angry at God. A camp director with a handful of ropes, two cardboard cutouts, and a radical plan to touch the hearts of the campers. An athletic hunk, a stolen hat, and a flaw-filled prank that has the entire camp in an uproar. This summer, lives are about to change forever. The last place Kelly Martin wants to spend her summer vacation is volunteering at a Christian camp. But it’s either that or be forced by her parents into a program for girls with eating disorders. Prepared to be surrounded by boring religious fanatics, Kelly is surprised to meet genuine friends who pull her into the first crazy prank of the summer. Even more unexpected is the handsome fellow counselor who starts noticing her. But it’s the radical campfire talks that touch Kelly’s heart most of all, sparking a longing for change. But that would mean choosing to trust God. And Kelly vowed she’d never do that again.

Author(s):  John Flavel
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Price: $2.99       (Mar 27-28)
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The working of God in all parts of our lives, in small things as well as great, we call ‘providence’. These special workings of his providence are not mere accidents. From the day of our birth to the day of our death, God is working for the good of those who have been called according to his purpose.

In this simplified and abridged form of his 1677 classic work entitled Divine conduct or The Mystery of Providence John Flavel addresses how God works providentially in our lives, as well as why and how we should think deeply about these providences. An encouragement to Christians to taste and see the good God has done in our own lives.


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