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Author(s): Bryce Ashlin-Mayo
Publisher: Incipiosermo Press
Price: $2.99       Buy Now!

Deciding to follow Jesus is the beginning of an amazing adventure that is much like an expedition. Like the beginning of all expeditions and journeys, there is always excitement and numerous questions. This book aims to answer some of those questions, provide some practical first steps, and give a brief orientation of what it means to follow Jesus using the imagery of an expeditionary sailing ship.

Author(s): Gavin Ortlund
Publisher: Crossway
Price: $2.99       (Jan 14-15)
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Restless for rootedness, many Christians are abandoning Protestantism altogether.

Many evangelicals today are aching for theological rootedness often found in other Christian traditions. Modern evangelicalism is not known for drawing from church history to inform views on the Christian life, which can lead to a “me and my Bible” approach to theology. But this book aims to show how Protestantism offers the theological depth so many desire without the need for abandoning a distinctly evangelical identity.

By focusing on particular doctrines and neglected theologians, this book shows how evangelicals can draw from the past to meet the challenges of the present.

Author(s): James Ussher
Publisher: Master Books
Price: $2.99       (Jan 14-15)
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Dive into the fascinating details of ancient world history. James Ussher’s Annals of the World is an epic chronology revealing the synchronization of the biblical record with historic world events. This monumental work of history is so meticulous in detail Bible scholars used it for hundreds of years to date the King James Bible and other Bible study references.

James Ussher, the hero of biblical chronology and one of the most astute church historians, dedicated an entire lifetime of study to the issue of world history and chronology. His Annals of the World is a definitive history of the ancient world consistently holding to the literal, grammatical, and historical approach to Bible interpretation. Pastors, theologians, and serious students of the Bible use this highly acclaimed survey of ancient history, which extends from Creation through the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in A.D. 70, as a ready reference.


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